2009/10 - Indice de révision : C - Code : 0033500
dehumidifiers 850e - 950e
OperatiNg aNd maiNteNaNce iNstructiONs
tO be read carefully aNd kept fOr future refereNce
thaNk-yOu fOr chOOsiNg a climexel dehumidifier. this dOcumeNt describes the device's NumerOus features
aNd its techNical data.
please read this dOcumeNt carefully befOre iNstalliNg Or OperatiNg the dehumidifier.
this maNual shOuld be kept at haNd sO that it may be cONsulted wheN Necessary.
befOre switchiNg the dehumidifier ON fOr the first time, eNsure that it has beeN staNdiNg upright fOr at
least twO hOurs.