CLA-VAL 50-20 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Seawater Service Pressure Relief Valve


The Cla-Val 50-20/650-20 is an automatic control valve designed 

to maintain constant upstream pressure to close limits. It is a 

hydraulically operated, pilot controlled, modulating type valve. 

The valve is actuated by inlet line pressure, opening to maintain 

a steady line pressure and closing gradually to prevent surges. 

When inlet pressure is below the pressure setting CRL pilot control, 

the main valve and pilot are closed drip tight.  Pressure setting 

adjustment is made with single adjusting screw that has a protective 

cap to discourage tampering.


1. Allow sufficient room around the valve assembly to make 

adjustments and for servicing.

2. lt is recommended that gate or block valves be installed to 

facilitate isolating valve for preventative maintenance. When used 

as a surge control or pressure relief valve where valve outlet dis-

charge is to atmosphere, then a gate or block valve is needed at 

valve inlet.



3. Place valve in line with flow through valve in direction indicated 

on inlet plate or flow arrows. Check all fittings and hardware for 

proper makeup and verify that no apparent damage is evident.

4. Cla-Val Valves operate with maximum efficiency when mounted 

in horizontal piping with the cover UP; however, other positions 

are acceptable. Due to size and weight of cover and internal com-

ponents on six inch and larger valves, installation with the cover 

up is advisable. This makes periodic inspection of internal parts 

readily accessible.



Caution must be taken in the installation of this valve to insure that 

galvanic and/or electrolytic action does not take place. The proper 

use of dielectric fittings and gaskets are required in all systems using 

dissimilar metals.


1. Prior to pressurizing the valve assembly make sure the nec-

essary gauges to measure pressure in the system, are installed 

as required by the system engineer. CAUTION: During start-up 

and test a large volume of water may be discharged down-

stream. Check that the downstream venting is adequate to pre-

vent damage to personnel and equipment. All pilot adjustments 

should be made slowly in small increments. If the main valve 

closes too rapidly it may cause  surging in upstream piping.

2. If isolation valves (B) are installed in pilot system open these 

valves (see schematic).

3.  Remove cap on the CRL Pressure Relief Control, loosen jam 

nut and turn adjusting screw clockwise until spring is fully com-

pressed. This puts the control in full closed mode and will cause 

the main valve to close when system is pressurized.

4.  If a downstream block valve is installed, slowly open this valve.

5. Partially open upstream block valve. The main valve should 


6.  Carefully loosen the plug at top of indicator assembly.

Bleed air from cover and tighten plug or bleed valve.Carefully 

loosen tubing fittings at highest points and bleed air from system. 

Retighten fittings.

7. Open fully the upstream block valve and turn the CRL adjust-

ing screw slowly counterclockwise until you begin to hear a flow 

through the control. The main valve should start to open. If the 

pressure is below the required relief setting, refer to the spring 

chart and turn the adjusting screw clockwise the number of turns 

required for the proper setting. Lock the jam nut and replace 

cover. An observation of the pressure relief setting should be made 

during usage. The controls can be readjusted as required.


1. Cla-Val Valves and Controls require no lubrication or packing 

and a minimum of maintenance. However, a periodic inspection 

schedule should be established to determine how the fluid is 

affecting the efficiency of the valve assembly. Minimum of once 

per year.

2. Repair and maintenance procedures of the Hytrol Main Valve 

and control components are included in a more detailed IOM 

manual. It can be downloaded from our web site ( 

or obtained by contacting a Cla-Val Regional Sales Office.

3.  When ordering parts always refer to the catalog number 

and stock number on the valve nameplate.






Main valve  Inlet pressure below setting of  

Reset pilot valve. If change

won’t open  pilot valve 

in setting is from tampering,



seal cap with wire and  



lead seal


Pilot valve stuck closed Mineral 

Disassemble control and clean


deposit or foreign material between


disc retainer and power unit body


Pilot valve diaphragm ruptured or  Disassemble and replace


diaphragm nut loose. Water coming diaphragm  Tighten nut


out of the vent hole in cover 


Main valve stuck closed 

Disassemble main valve, 



Mineral buildup on stem 

parts and/or replace damaged


Stem damaged 

part. Check downstream



cover CK2 isolation


valves are open

Main valve  Inlet pressure above setting of  

Reset pilot valve

won’t close  pilot valve

Clogged needle valve or strainer 

Disassemble and clean


Pilot valve stuck open. Mineral 

Disassemble and clean


deposit or foreign material under   


disc retainer or under diaphragm


Main valve stuck open. Mineral   

Disassemble and clean


buildup on stem. Foreign material 


between seat and disc assembly


Main valve diaphragm worn 

Disassemble and replace

Valve leaks  Pilot valve disc worn out 

Disassemble and replace

Continuously  Main valve disc worn or small 

Disassemble and replace


pin hole in main valve diaphragm


Set point too close to inlet pressure  Reset CRL Pilot
