Model 136-AU Battery-Operated Programmable
Control Valve is ideal for automating distribution
system flushing applications. The valve is
installed in distribution system locations that
require a regular flushing schedule to maintain
system water quality within disinfection and
health standard limits. The valve vents a small
quantity of water for a short time on a regular
schedule to create desired water turnover.
Other Model 136-AU applications requiring
remote, stand alone valve opening and closing
on a predetermined schedule include night-time
tank filling, service line limiting time of use, auto-
matic line strainer flushing, etc.
Low usage
distribution line
Discharge to
storm drain or
Cla-Val 136-AU
Flush Valve
Backflow Preventor
Programmable Control Valve
Self-Contained, Battery-Powered
Easily Programmed
Waterproof Rugged Components
Reliable Drip-Tight Shut-Off
Easy Installation and Maintenance
The Cla-Val Model 136-AU Battery-Operated Programmable Control Valve
provides on-off control of water flow according to a program sequence
without any outside power or remote control device required. The completely
self-contained 136-AU consists of a Hytrol main valve and 97VC-4
Programmable Solenoid Controller Unit that alternately applies pressure to
or relieves pressure from the diaphragm chamber of the main valve to
close or open it. An adjustable speed control is supplied for closing rate
adjustment and surge control.
The 97VC-4 Programmable Solenoid Controller Unit contains controller with
display, solenoid, actuator, and battery. The 97VC-4 uses the latest technolo-
gy for easy and flexible programming of desired opening and closing sched-
ule according to time of day, day of week, and month. The controller clock
includes leap year. With normal use, the factory installed lithium battery will
operate the 136-AU for up to 10 years. Manual override of program is eas-
ily accomplished. It has a LCD display to show clock and programming set-
tings. The 97VC-4 has a waterproof design that is submersible to NEMA 6P
Schematic Diagram
Item Description
Hytrol (Main Valve)
97VC-4 Controller and Solenoid
Closing Speed Control
Optional Features
Item Description
X46A Flow Clean Strainer
CK2 (Isolation Valve)
X43 "Y" Strainer
Typical Applications
(Full Internal Port)