Server IP Address Type
— The IP version that the RADIUS server uses. You can toggle between the
address types to configure the IPv4 and IPv6 global RADIUS address settings, but the WAP device
contacts only the RADIUS server or servers for the address type that you select in this field.
Server IP Address-1 or Server IPv6 Address-1
— The address for the primary RADIUS server for
this VAP.
Server IP Address-2 or Server IPv6 Address-2
— Up to three IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses to use as
the backup RADIUS servers for this VAP. If authentication fails with the primary server, each configured
backup server is tried in sequence.
— The shared secret key for the global RADIUS server. You can use up to 63 standard
alphanumeric and special characters. The key is case sensitive, and you must configure the same key on
the WAP device and on your RADIUS server. The text that you enter is shown as asterisks to prevent
others from seeing the RADIUS key as you type.
— The RADIUS key associated with the configured backup RADIUS servers. The server at Server
IP (IPv6) Address 2 uses Key 2.
Enable RADIUS Accounting
— Tracks and measures the resources a particular user has consumed
such as system time, amount of data transmitted and received, and so on. If you enable RADIUS
accounting, it is enabled for the primary RADIUS server and all backup servers.
Active Server
— Enables the administrative selection of the active RADIUS server, rather than having
the WAP device attempt to contact each configured server in sequence and choose the first server that
is up.
Broadcast Key Refresh Rate
— The interval at which the broadcast (group) key is refreshed for clients
associated with this VAP. The default is 86400 seconds. The valid range is from 0 to 86400 seconds. A
value of 0 indicates that the broadcast key is not refreshed.
Session Key Refresh Rate
— The interval at which the WAP device refreshes session (unicast) keys
for each client associated with the VAP. The valid range is from 30 to 86400 seconds. A value of 0
indicates that the session key is not refreshed. The default value is
Client Filter
Client filter can be used to permit or deny listed client stations to authenticate with the WAP device. MAC
authentication is configured on the
page. Based on the VAP configuration, the WAP
device may refer to a Client filter list stored on an external RADlUS server, or may refer a Client filter list
stored locally on the WAP device.
Configuring a Client Filter List Locally on the WAP device
The WAP device supports one local Client filter list only. The filter can be configured to grant access only
to the MAC addresses on the list, or to deny access only to addresses on the list.
Up to 512 Client addresses can be added to the filter list.
To configure the Client filter follow these steps:
Step 1
Wireless > Client Filter
Cisco WAP581 Wireless-AC/N Dual Radio Access Point with 2.5GbE LAN Administration Guide
Client Filter