xConfiguration Switch LogicalInput [1..5] Mode: <On/Off>
xConfiguration Switch LogicalInput [1..5] Map: <1..6>
Default is LogicalInput [1..5] Mode: Off.
1. Main cam
2. Aux
3. Doc cam
4. VCR
5. PC
Remaps the source buttons on top of the extended remote control. Will also remap inputs
selected from the menu, and change FECC accordingly. If mode for a key is on, the table entry
will be used to specify which input on the switch to activate.
Command Interface – xCommands
All camera commands will get new ranges, Camera [1..13] instead of Camera [1..4] .
These will behave as follows if a switch is connected:
1 will be the switch.
2..7 will be cameras connected to secondary chain (chain originating from Data port 2 of the
8..13 will be cameras connected to the primary chain (chain originating from Data port 1 of
the switch).
The commands below are also useful if there is no switch connected.
xcommand CameraReconfigure
Re-configures all cameras connected to the switch or codec. This may be useful if you connect
new cameras without turning the power off, since the switch does not auto detect such
xcommand CameraUpgrade <1..13> <filename>
Upgrade camera or switch with new software. The software must be put on either /tmp or /user.
Camera software files are named s01692.pkg. Switch software files are named s51200.pkg.
Currently only upgrading of the first camera/switch is supported.
Command Interface – xStatus
Information about software version and ID will be given by xstatus camera 1. xstatus switch will
give information about sync status for the active input, the format, and sync status for all DVI-D
xstatus switch
*s Switch (connected=True):
Input: 1
Format: 1280X720p60
Sync: True
Sync 1: True
Sync 2: True
Sync 3: False
Sync 4: False
Active input may differ from what is given in the xconfiguration Switch Source setting. This is because
an external control system may also change the input.
Configuring the Video Switch,
Video Switch
User guide
D14794.02 Video Switch User Guide, October 2012
© 2011-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.