PA-8T-232 Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
This document is organized into the following chapters:
Related Documentation
Your router or switch and the Cisco IOS software running on it contain extensive features and
functionality, which are documented in the following resources:
Cisco IOS software:
For configuration information and support, refer to the modular configuration and modular
command reference publications in the Cisco IOS software configuration documentation set that
corresponds to the software release installed on your Cisco hardware.
You can access Cisco IOS software configuration and hardware installation and
maintenance documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.cisco.com,
http://www-china.cisco.com, or http://www-europe.cisco.com.
Catalyst RSM/VIP2:
For hardware installation and maintenance information, refer to the following publications:
Route Switch Module Catalyst VIP2-15 and VIP2-40 Installation and Configuration Note
Catalyst 5000 Series Route Switch Module Installation and Configuration Note
The installation and configuration guide that shipped with your Catalyst 5000 family switch
Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module:
For hardware installation and maintenance information, refer to the following publications:
Catalyst 6000 Family FlexWAN Module Installation and Configuration Note
The installation and configuration guide that shipped with your Catalyst 6000 family switch
Chapter 1
Describes the PA-8T-232 and describes its LED
displays, cables, and receptacles.
Chapter 2
Describes safety considerations, tools required,
and procedures you should perform before the
actual installation.
Chapter 3
Removing and Installing Port
Describes the procedures for installing and
removing PA-8T-232 port adapters in the
supported platforms.
Chapter 4
Attaching a Compact
Serial Cable
Provides instructions for installing port adapter
cables on the supported platforms.
Chapter 5
Configuring the PA-8T-232
Provides instructions for configuring your port
adapter on the supported platforms. The
instructions given in this chapter apply to all
supported platforms described in this document.