Zone Set Distribution
You can distribute full zone sets using one of two methods: one-time distribution using the
zoneset distribute
command at the EXEC mode level or full zone set distribution using the
zoneset distribute full vsan
command at the configuration mode level. The following table lists the differences between the methods.
Table 20: Zone Set Distribution Differences
Full Zone Set Distribution
zoneset distribute full vsan Command (Configuration
One-Time Distribution
zoneset distribute vsan Command (EXEC Mode)
Does not distribute the full zone set immediately.
Distributes the full zone set immediately.
Remembers to distribute the full zone set information
along with the active zone set during activation,
deactivation, and merge processes.
Does not distribute the full zone set information along
with the active zone set during activation,
deactivation, or merge process.
Enabling Full Zone Set Distribution
All Cisco SAN switches distribute active zone sets when new E port links come up or when a new zone set
is activated in a VSAN. The zone set distribution takes effect while sending merge requests to the adjacent
switch or while activating a zone set.
You can enable full zone set and active zone set distribution to all switches on a per VSAN basis.
Command or Action
Enters global configuration mode.
configure terminal
switch# configure terminal
Step 1
Enables sending a full zone set along with
an active zone set.
zoneset distribute full vsan vsan-id
switch(config)# zoneset distribute full vsan
Step 2
Enabling a One-Time Distribution
You can perform a one-time distribution of inactive, unmodified zone sets throughout the fabric.
Cisco Nexus 5500 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
Configuring and Managing Zones
Zone Set Distribution