Command or Action
Displays the SNMP context mapping table.
show snmp context-mapping
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show snmp context-mapping
Step 1
Monitoring Packet Loss
It is possible to monitor packet loss by configuring the generation of SNMP traps when packet loss exceeds
a specified threshold. The configuration described in this task enables the creation of entries in the MIB tables
of the EVENT-MIB. This can then be monitored for packet loss using SNMP GET operations.
Before You Begin
Entries created in the EVENT-MIB MIB tables using the configuration described in this task cannot be
altered using an SNMP SET.
Entries to the EVENT-MIB MIB tables created using an SNMP SET cannot be altered using the
configuration described in this task.
snmp-server mibs eventmib packet-loss type interface-path-id falling lower-threshold interval
sampling-interval rising upper-threshold
Command or Action
Generates SNMP EVENT-MIB traps for the interface when the packet loss exceeds
the specified thresholds. Up to 100 interfaces can be monitored.
snmp-server mibs eventmib packet-loss
type interface-path-id falling
Step 1
lower-threshold interval
sampling-interval rising upper-threshold
falling lower-threshold
Specifies the lower threshold. When packet loss between
two intervals falls below this threshold and an mteTriggerRising trap was generated
snmp-server mibs eventmib
previously, a SNMP mteTriggerFalling trap is generated. This trap is not generated
until the packet loss exceeds the upper threshold and then falls back below the
lower threshold.
packet-loss falling 1 interval 5
rising 2
interval sampling-interval
Specifies how often packet loss statistics are polled.
This is a value between 5 and 1440 minutes, in multiples of 5.
rising upper-threshold
Specifies the upper threshold. When packet loss between
two intervals increases above this threshold, an SNMP mteTriggreRising trap is
System Management Configuration Guide for Cisco NCS 5000 Series Routers, IOS XR Release 6.2.x
Implementing SNMP
Monitoring Packet Loss