To provision a PPM, see the "DLP-G726 Preprovisioning a Multirate PPM" task in the
SFP+, and XFP Optical Modules in Cisco ONS PlatformsInstalling the GBIC, SFP, SFP+, QSFP, XFP, CXP, CFP
and CPAK Optical Modules in Cisco NCS Platforms
If the alarm does not get cleared, you need to report a Service-Affecting (SA) problem. Log into the Technical Support
Website at
for more information or log into
to obtain a directory of toll-free Technical Support numbers for
your country.
Default Severity: Critical (CR), Service-Affecting (SA)
Logical Object: OCH
The APC Port Failure alarm occurs when amplifier margins and VOA are saturated for a port, so APC cannot
apply any control. For example, it is raised if APC attempts to set an OPT-BST, OPT-AMP-C, or
OPT-AMP-17-C port gain higher than 20 dBm (the maximum setpoint) or its attenuation on Express VOA
lower than 0 dBm (the minimum setpoint).
Clear the PORT-FAIL Alarm
If a maintenance operation such as fiber repair, adding a card, or replacing a card has just been performed
on the optical network (whether at the node raising the PORT-FAIL alarm or at any other node), determine
whether this operation has added extra loss. This can happen if the repair is imperfect or if a patchcord is
dirty. To test for signal loss, refer to procedures in the Network Reference chapter of the Configuration
If there is loss added and fiber has been repaired or removed, first try cleaning the fiber by completing
the procedures in the Maintain the Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
If the alarm does not clear and fiber has been repaired, perform the repair again with new fiber if necessary.
For fibering procedures, refer to the Turn Up a Node chapter in the Configuration guide. If the alarm does
not clear, go to
If a maintenance operation has not been recently executed on the network, the alarm indicates that the
network has consumed all of its allocated aging margins.
Step 1
If a maintenance operation such as fiber repair, adding a card, or replacing a card has just been performed on the optical
network (whether at the node raising the PORT-FAIL alarm or at any other node), determine whether this operation has
added extra loss. This can happen if the repair is imperfect or if a patchcord is dirty. To test for signal loss, refer to
procedures in the Network Reference chapter of the Configuration guide.
Step 2
If there is loss added and fiber has been repaired or removed, first try cleaning the fiber by completing the procedures in
the Maintain the Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting