If the condition does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
Clear the LOS-P (AOTS, OMS, OTS) Alarm
Verify that the card has the correct physical behavior by checking the LED on the physical card. A green
ACT/SBY LED indicates an active card, and a red ACT/SBY LED indicates a failed card. If the LED is
red, complete the
Physically Replace a Card, on page 453
procedure and call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
Verify that there truly is a loss of input signal by completing the following steps:
Verify the fiber continuity to the port by following site practices. Refer to the Network Reference chapter
of the Configuration guide for a procedure to detect a fiber cut.
Check the Internal Connections file generated by Cisco Transport Planner for the node where the errored
card is located. If necessary, recable the node cabling in accordance with the MP file connections list. To
cable a DWDM node, refer to the Turn Up a Node chapter in the Configuration guide.
If the cabling is good, use an optical test set to measure the power value on the output port connected to
the alarmed card. For specific procedures to use the test set equipment, consult the manufacturer. If the
power difference reported is greater than 1 dBm (standard fiber jumper insertion loss is 0.3 dBm), clean
the fiber according to site practice. If no site practice exists, complete the fiber-cleaning procedure in the
Maintain the Node chapter of the Configuration guide.
If the port on which the alarm is raised is connected to a remote CRS-1 or ASR 9000 series router, verify
that the wavelength configured on the router interface is the same as that configured for the port. Check
the router configuration by using these steps:
If the alarm does not clear, follow the general troubleshooting rules in the Network Reference chapter in
the Configuration guide for identifying any other upstream alarm in the logical signal flow that could be
the root cause of the outstanding alarm.
Step 1
Verify that the card has the correct physical behavior by checking the LED on the physical card. A green ACT/SBY LED
indicates an active card, and a red ACT/SBY LED indicates a failed card. If the LED is red, complete the
procedure and call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
When you replace a card with an identical type of card, you do not need to make any changes to the database
other than restoring the card port to the IS,AINS administrative state.
Step 2
Verify that there truly is a loss of input signal by completing the following steps:
a) In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), double-click the card to open the card view.
b) Verify the proper input power values by clicking one of the following tabs as appropriate:
c) Display the proper Power Failure Low threshold by clicking one of the following tabs as appropriate:
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting