input when it detects the AIS instead of a real signal. In most cases when this condition is raised, an upstream
node is raising an alarm to indicate a signal failure; all nodes downstream from it only raise some type of AIS.
This condition clears when you resolved the problem on the upstream node.
Clear the AUTOSW-AIS Condition
Complete the
Clear the AIS Condition, on page 116
Complete the
Clear the AIS Condition, on page 116
If the condition does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
Default Severity: Not Reported (NR), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
Logical Object: VCMON-HP, VCMON-LP
The Automatic UPSR Switch Caused by an AIS condition indicates that automatic UPSR protection switching
occurred because of the TU-AIS condition. If the UPSR ring is configured for revertive switching, it switches
back to the working path after the fault clears. The AUTOSW-AIS-UPSR clears when you clear the primary
alarm on the upstream node.
This condition is only reported if the SNCP is set up for revertive switching.
Generally, any AIS is a special SONET signal that communicates to the receiving node when the transmit
node does not send a valid signal. AIS is not considered an error. It is raised by the receiving node on each
input when it detects the AIS instead of a real signal. In most cases when this condition is raised, an upstream
node is raising an alarm to indicate a signal failure; all nodes downstream from it only raise some type of AIS.
This condition clears when you resolved the problem on the upstream node.
Clear the AUTOSW-AIS-UPSR Condition
Complete the
Clear the AIS Condition, on page 116
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting
Clear the AUTOSW-AIS Condition