About This Guide
Wireless-G IP Phone
About Ths Gude
Icon Descriptions
While reading through the User Guide you may encounter
various icons designed to call attention to a specific item .
Below is a description of these icons:
This check mark indicates that there is
a note of interest and is something that you
should pay special attention to while using the
product .
This exclamation point indicates
that there is a caution or warning and it is
something that could damage your property or
product .
This globe icon indicates a noteworthy
website address or e-mail address .
Online Resources
Most web browsers allow you to enter the web address
without adding the http:// in front of the address . This
User Guide will refer to websites without including http://
in front of the address . Some older web browsers may
require you to add it .
www .linksys .com
Linksys International www .linksys .com/international
www .linksys .com/glossary
Network Security
www .linksys .com/security
Copyright and Trademarks
Specifications are subject to change without notice .
Linksys is a registered trademark or trademark of Cisco
Systems, Inc . and/or its affiliates in the U .S . and certain
other countries . Copyright © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc . All
rights reserved . Other brands and product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
holders .
Open Source
This product may contain material licensed to you under
the GNU General Public License or other open-source
software licenses . Upon request, open-source software
source code is available at cost from Linksys for at least
three years from the product purchase date . For detailed
license terms and additional information visit
www .linksys .com/gpl .