[OK - 1102348/1024 bytes]
1102348 bytes copied in 14.716 secs (63631 bytes/sec)
delete slot0:CMTS01_20030211-155025
squeeze slot0:
The billing application must delete the billing record after it has been successfully transferred, so that the
Cisco CMTS can write the next record. The
command frees up the deleted disk space on Flash
Memory and old-style PCMCIA cards (bootflash, flash, slot0, slot1). It is not needed on the newer
ATA-style PCMCIA cards (disk0, disk1, disk2). However, because the
command takes several
seconds to complete, it should be given only when insufficient disk space exists for a new billing record.
To avoid this problem, Cisco recommends using a 64 MB (or larger) ATA-style PCMCIA memory card,
which automatically reclaims disk space for deleted files.
Using SNMP
To transfer billing record file using SNMP commands, you must set a number of objects in the
CISCO-FLASH-MIB to transfer the file to a TFTP server. After the file has been successfully transferred,
you can then use SNMp commands to delete the billing record file.
Before proceeding with these steps, ensure that the TFTP server is properly configured to receive to receive
the billing records. At the very least, this means creating a directory that is readable and writable by all
users. On some servers, the TFTP server software also requires that you create a file with the same name
as the file that is to be received, and this file should also be readable and writable by all users.
To transfer a billing record file to a TFTP server, using SNMP commands, you must set a number of objects
Table 27: Transferring a File to a TFTP Server Using SNMP Commands
Status of this table entry. Typically, this
object is first set to 5 (create-and-wait).
Then after all other parameters are
specified, it is set to Active (1) to execute
the command.
Type of copy command to be performed.
To copy a billing record file to a TFTP
server, set this object to 3
Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers Troubleshooting and Network Management Configuration Guide
for Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.x
Usage-Based Billing (SAMIS)
Retrieving Records from a Cisco CMTS in File Mode