Each time a router receives an IGMP membership report for a particular group or channel, the Cisco
IOS software checks to see if either the limit for the global IGMP state limiter or the limit for the per
interface IGMP state limiter has been reached.
If only a global IGMP state limiter has been configured and the limit has not been reached, IGMP
membership reports are honored. When the configured limit has been reached, subsequent IGMP
membership reports are then ignored (dropped) and a warning message in one of the following formats
is generated:
%IGMP-6-IGMP_GROUP_LIMIT: IGMP limit exceeded for <group (*, group address)> on
<interface type number> by host <ip address>
%IGMP-6-IGMP_CHANNEL_LIMIT: IGMP limit exceeded for <channel (source address, group
address)> on <interface type number> by host <ip address>
If only per interface IGMP state limiters are configured, then each limit is only counted against the
interface on which it was configured.
If both a global IGMP state limiter and per interface IGMP state limiters are configured, the limits
configured for the per interface IGMP state limiters are still enforced but are constrained by the global
How to Configure IGMP State Limit
Configuring IGMP State Limiters
IGMP state limiters impose limits on the number of mroute states resulting from IGMP, IGMP v3lite, and
URD membership reports on a global or per interface basis.
Configuring Global IGMP State Limiters
Perform this optional task to configure one global IGMP state limiter per device.
configure terminal
ip igmp limit number
show ip igmp groups
IP Multicast Routing Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3650 Switches)
IP Multicast Optimization: IGMP State Limit
How to Configure IGMP State Limit