Serial2/0/0 - (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) is down
Encapsulation : HDLC
Cable type: RS-232 DTE
mtu 1500, max_buffer_size 1524, max_pak_size 1656 enc 132
loopback: Off,
crc: 16, invert_data: Off
nrzi: Off, idle char: Flag
tx_invert_clk: Off, ignore_dcd: Off
rx_clockrate: 0, rx_clock_threshold: 0
RTS up, CTS down, DTR up, DCD down, DSR down
Configuration Examples
This section includes the following configuration examples:
Inverting the Clock Signal Configuration Example
The following example configures the interface to invert the clock signal:
Router(config-if)# interface serial3/0/0
Router(config-if)# invert txclock ?
Router(config-if)# invert txclock
Router(config-if)# invert ?
Invert data stream
Invert transmit clock
Router(config-if)# invert data
NRZI Format Configuration Example
The following example configures the interface for NRZI format:
Router(config-if)# nrzi-encoding ?
Cyclic Redundancy Checks Configuration Example
The following example configures the interface for 32-bit CRC error-checking:
Router(config-if)# crc ?
crc word-size
crc word-size
Router(config-if)# crc 32
Encapsulation Configuration Example
The following example configures Point-to-Point Protocol encapsulation method on the Serial SPA:
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers SIP and SPA Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS
XE Everest 16.5
Configuring the 4-Port Serial Interface SPA
Configuration Examples