Using the Cisco IOS Event Tracer to Troubleshoot Problems
This feature is intended for use as a software diagnostic tool and should be configured only under the
direction of a Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) representative.
The Event Tracer feature provides a binary trace facility for troubleshooting Cisco IOS software. This feature
gives Cisco service representatives additional insight into the operation of the Cisco IOS software and can be
useful in helping to diagnose problems in the unlikely event of an operating system malfunction or, in the
case of redundant systems, route processor switchover.
Event tracing works by reading informational messages from specific Cisco IOS software subsystem
components that have been preprogrammed to work with event tracing, and by logging messages from those
components into system memory. Trace messages stored in memory can be displayed on the screen or saved
to a file for later analysis.
The SPAs currently support the
component to trace SPA OIR-related events.
For more information about using the Event Tracer feature, refer to the following URL:
Change in Informational Alarm
This section discusses the change in the informational alarm output, which is displayed when alarms are
displayed for POS or an ATM interface. The change in Informational alarm is implemented in Cisco IOS
Release 12.2(33)XNE. The prerequisite for viewing informational alarms is to enable the logging alarm
informational command as below:
Router(config)# logging alarm informational
Old Behavior
Before implementing this change, the SONET informational logs on the ATM SPA were displayed with POS
appended in the alarm string as below:
*May 7 05:37:37.838: %ASR1000_RP_SONET_ALARM-6-POS: ASSERT CRITICAL ATM1/3/0 Section Loss
of Signal Failure
*May 7 05:37:37.838: %ASR1000_RP_SONET_ALARM-6-POS: ASSERT CRITICAL ATM1/3/0 Threshold Cross
Alarm - B2
*May 7 05:37:37.838: %ASR1000_RP_SONET_ALARM-6-POS: ASSERT CRITICAL ATM1/3/0 Threshold Cross
Alarm - B3
New Behavior
After implementing this change, from Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE, for a POS or ATM SPA, when there
are alarms for an interface, the informational message will appear with a generic string
instead of
containing interface specific (POS) information as below.
*Jun 8 08:07:28.168: %ASR1000_RP_SONET_ALARM-6-SONET: ASSERT CRITICAL ATM0/3/0 Section Loss
of Signal Failure
*Jun 8 08:07:56.164: %ASR1000_RP_SONET_ALARM-6-SONET: ASSERT CRITICAL ATM0/3/0 Threshold
Cross Alarm - B1
*Jun 8 08:07:56.164: %ASR1000_RP_SONET_ALARM-6-SONET: ASSERT CRITICAL ATM0/3/0 Threshold
Cross Alarm - B2
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers SIP and SPA Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS
XE Everest 16.5
Troubleshooting the ATM SPAs
Using the Cisco IOS Event Tracer to Troubleshoot Problems