Instruction Manual
A contract is modified when a parameter that was previously defined in a contract is defined, changed
or deleted.
The modification may affect an active contract or a latent contract (if any). Although the parameters
of a contract comprise a unique set, the modifications may be made partially and independently, by
groups of parameters. These groups are determined by the consistency that must exist between them.
If the group of power is modified, it may also be necessary to modify the group of seasons and types
of days beforehand, in order to maintain consistency. The groups are:
Holidays (up to 15).
Automatic billing closing date.
Seasons (4) and types of days (6).
The modification is done for complete groups, such that the existing parameters are deleted and re-
placed by those defined in the modification.
Modifying the Powers, Periods and Types of Days groups results in the billing cycle being closed before
the modification is implemented. If the two groups are modified in a single operation, only one billing
close occurs. The rest of the groups are immediately implemented and do not generate any closings.
If the modification involves a reduction in billing periods, when it is activated and the billing cycle is
closed, the behaviour of the meter – analyser will be as follows:
Store in memory and make available for display the records of the closings made until that time.
Store the values of the global totalizer and those whose period number is still active. From then
on, the global totalizer and the totalizers for the periods whose number is maintained with the new
definition will be displayed and continue to increase, whilst those that were deleted will stop being
recorded and displayed.
If contract modifications are made that involve expanding the billing periods, when they are activated,
the billing will be closed out and the information recorded until that moment and the values of all the
totalizers will be stored. The totalizers for the new periods start from an initial value of zero, and the
existing totalizers increase from their previous value.
The modification of an active contract may affect one or more groups of parameters. Its activation
will be immediate. Depending on the parameters and before they can change, the billing cycle of the
affected contract will be automatically closed.
The modification of a latent contract may affect one or more groups of parameters and does not gen-
erate any automatic closing.
If the activation date is prior to the current date, it will behave as a modification of an active contract
and will not take into account said activation date.