Cipia Vision Ltd.
Proprietary & Confidential
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Test and Evaluation Kit
You can use the Cipia-FS10 Evaluation Kit (EVK) with a test server provided by Cipia
(Middleware Server and basic cloud), to test the Cipia-FS10 device behavior, features and
functions, without having to professionally install the device or to develop a single line of
The EVK Quick Start Manual guides your technical team, providing instructions for the
short-term installation of the device using the vacuum mounting arm, predefined default
configuration file (only the SIM’s APN data must be provided), special harness adapter
for 12V power connection to cigarette lighter socket, and authenticated access to Cipia's
cloud support pages.
The Cipia Technical Support/Professional Services Team can setup your test environment
within a couple of hours of you receiving the EVK. The EVK comes with default
configuration parameters. It is possible to modify this system configuration remotely
using the server API or using a mobile application communicating with the device through
BLE /Wi-Fi.
Using the EVK, you can test the system’s real
-time driver feedback as well explore the
information uploaded to the Middleware Server. This includes the ability to watch
snapshots and video footage associated with the events generated by the test device.