Directions for the 25' & 35' Jr Batting Cage & Frame
Part Description
Pipe with no swedge (2 per horizontal arch)
Pipe with swedge at both ends and a ring welded in the middle (middle of horizontal arch)
Pipe with swedge at one end (2 for each arch leg)
Bent pipe for arch feet
Arch Corners 6
Upper corners of the arch (with rings)
Pipe Stakes
Stakes, with pipe welded on, to hold the arches in place
Cable assemblies with small U-bolts, turnbuckles, and D-Hooks
End Ropes
Ropes to hold end of frame in place
End Stakes
Stakes to tie the end ropes to
Batting cage hangers
Eyebolts for arches and pipe stakes (additional eyebolts included)
Assembling the Frame
1. Assemble the arch legs by attaching two Part #3's to one Part #4 (Part 3-3-4)
2. Assemble arch horizontal top by attaching Part #1 to Part #2 to Part #1 (Part 1-2-1)
Attach arch corners to the legs (Parts 3-3-4) and to the horizontal top (Part 1-2-1). Make sure that the
rings on the corners and the ring on Part #2 will be facing the ground when the arch is standing upright.
Note: When tightening down the eyebolts for the corners, do not put the eyebolt through the hole
at the end of the pipe when inserting into the arch corners. Make sure the rings are facing the
ground on the middle pipe.
4. Complete the assembly of the remaining arches the same as the first arch.
5. Tie three of the End Ropes to the rings on Part 1-2-1 on the two end arches.
6. Lay out three cable assemblies between each of the arches. Take the D-clips off of the two outside cable
ends and adjust them to be all the same length as the middle cable (25' Cage≈13' & 35' Cage≈18').
7. Hook the D-Clip on one end of the cable to the corner ring on the end arch and attach the other end with
the D-Clip to the second arch's corner ring. Continue the same procedure for the rest of the rings and
leave the arches on the ground with the top of each subsequent arch facing away from the first arch.
8. Have one or two people stand up the first end arch and then insert the three End Rope stakes into the
ground and tie the end ropes to the stakes so that the arch is vertical.
9. Stand up each sequential arch until all four of the arches are standing. Make sure the cables are taunt
and the arch locations are satisfactory to you.
10. Move each arch foot about 6 inches and insert the Pipe Stakes into the ground and then insert the arch
pole into the pipe stake and tighten the pole in place with the provided eyebolts.
Hanging the Batting Cage Net
11. Attach the batting cage hangers around the top ropes of the net and the netting together, about 4 ft
12. Lift up one side of the net and attach all the hangers to the cable on that side of the frame. Then attach
the hangers on the middle rope to the middle cable; and lastly attach the hangers to the other side cable.
13. Tie the top net ropes to the horizontal part of the frame and the bottom net ropes to the arch feet.
NOTE: Due to the nature of the Braided Netting some shrinking may occur. For fastest results, stand on
the bottom rope and pull up where needed to stretch. The net will relax to it's full length over time.