CI-202 Instruction Manual rev. 6/21/2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone (360) 833-8835 Fax (360) 833-1914
Delete a File
Pressing START/ENTER when “Delete files” is displayed on the top line indicates the unit is in
delete file
mode. This mode will erase a file completely from memory. In this mode, the top
line of the display reads “Delete” on the top left line and the name of a file on the right. The
bottom line of the display reads “enter” on the left and the up and down direction arrows on the
Delete file00
To delete a file, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select a file. Once a file is selected to be
deleted, press the START/ENTER key. The instrument will confirm the deletion with the line
“<erase> <stop>”. To delete the file, press the SAVE key. To escape without deleting the file,
press the STOP key.
Create a File
When the START/ENTER key is pressed, “Name: Files” is displayed on the top line, indicating
the unit is in
create files
The top line of the screen will read “Name” on the left, and a file
name (e.g. “file00”) on the right. The bottom line will read “enter” at the left, “erase” at the
center, and the four direction arrows at the right.
The Stop key can be pressed at any time to abort the file creation process and to return
to this point.
Name: file00
enter erase
Pressing the arrow keys will allow an alpha or numeric selection for a six-character file name.
The right and left arrow keys select which character in the file name to edit and the up and down
arrow keys are to choose a character. The chart below lists the available characters.
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - x / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ¥ ] ^ _
Pressing the SAVE/ERASE key in the "Create files" mode deletes the character under the
cursor. Also, characters cannot be inserted. After naming the created file, press the
START/ENTER key twice to continue the file creation process by entering Parameter Set-