USB Stand Alone interface
Datasheet / Technical manual
DMX Output plays scenes in memory
and triggers from external DMX
source via the DMX IN signal
External DMX output source is
connected to the interface
DMX-B Must be set to Input
in the software
Standard DMX Controller board
To assign a remote button to a scene: in the software go to Stand Alone Mode and use the Triggers options.
Stand Alone mode offers up to 10 triggers with the Infrared remote.
By selecting a scene in the list, it's possible to choose the remote button number (from 01 to 10) to trigger the scene.
Light Sensor
The light sensor function works only with Time triggers. The external PCB must be connected to the first RJ45 and the
light sensitivity defined in the software.
DMX in
Stand Alone mode offers up to 512 DMX IN channel triggers and up to 255 DMX trigger values per channel.
This enables triggering scenes directly from an external DMX source.
In Stand Alone window, set In / Out Config as DMX 1 Out/DMX 2 In, and select the DMX Out universe
By selecting a scene in the list, it's possible to choose the channel number and the DMX value to trigger the scene. The
scene will play when the DMX channel value is reached or exceeded.