Freeze-dryer Epsilon 1-4 LSCplus
Freeze-dryer Epsilon 2-4 LSCplus
3 Safety
38 / 148
Version 04/2014, Rev. 2.13 of 01/12/2021
• sb
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos : 102 /200 Chris t/360 GT-BA Labor-Pil ot ( STAND ARDMO DULE)/030 Sicherheit/ 030- 0020 Si cherheit Epsilon/ 030-0091 Ver hal ten bei G ef ahr en und Unfäll en Epsilon 1-4/2- 4 ++++++++++++++ @ 36\mod_1436336802184_68. docx @ 267237 @ 2 @ 1
Procedures in the event of hazards and accidents
Hazardous electrical incident:
• Switch the mains switch off in order to interrupt the power supply
• A fire in the electrical control system must be extinguished with a CO
fire extinguisher!
• Burning oil must be extinguished with a CO
fire extinguisher or powder
fire extinguisher!
Unconsciousness/paralysis due to nitrogen or refrigerant:
• While ensuring your
own safety
(e.g. self-contained breathing
apparatus) remove the affected persons to fresh air. Keep them warm
and calm.
Get medical attention immediately!
In case of respiratory
arrest, give artificial respiration.
Electric shock:
• While ensuring your
own safety
, interrupt the circuit as quickly as
possible (mains switch at the right side of the freeze-dryer). Keep the
affected persons warm and calm.
Get medical attention immediately!
Check consciousness and breathing continuously. In the case of
unconsciousness of lack of normal breathing, perform cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).
• Cool small-area burns (e.g. finger) immediately with cold water for
approximately 2 minutes.
• Do not cool if larger areas of the body surface are burnt since there is a
risk of hypothermia.
• Cover the burns loosely and in a sterile manner (e.g. with sterile
• Keep the affected persons warm and calm.
Chemical burns:
• Eyes:
Rinse the eyes thoroughly with plenty of water with the lid gap wide
open for at least 15 minutes (eyewash bottle).
Consult an ophthal-
mologist immediately
even if there are no immediate symptoms. If
possible, continue rinsing the eyes during the transport to the ophthal-
• Respiratory tract:
While using a
suitable breathing apparatus
, remove the affected
persons to fresh air. Keep them warm and calm.
Get medical attention
In case of irregular breathing or respiratory arrest, give
artificial respiration.