Freeze-dryer Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
7 Malfunctions and error correction
Version 11/2018, Rev. 1.9 of 01/12/2021
• sb
83 / 117
Translation of the original operating manuel
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Malfunctions and error correction
Malfunctions are displayed in the dialogue box "Process & equipment
messages" (see chapter 7.2 - "Process and error messages"). An acoustic
signal sounds when an error message is generated.
• Eliminate the source of the problem (see the following chapter).
• Acknowledge the error message.
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General malfunctions
Type of error
Possible reason
No indication on the display
No power in the mains supply
(see chapter 7.1.1 - "Power
Power cord is not plugged in.
Fuses have tripped.
The mains power switch is set
to off.
Check the mains power supply
Plug in the power cord correctly.
Check the on-site fuses
Switch mains power switch ON.
The touchpanel does not react at all
or it does not react correctly
The sensitivity of the
touchpanel is misadjusted.
Contact the service department
(see chapter 7.3 - "Service
The password input fails
The password is not correct.
Inform the administrator.
If you have lost the administrator
password: contact the service
department (see chapter 7.3 -
"Service contact")
Insufficient vacuum
Incorrect connection of the
small flange connection(s).
Loosen the connection. Place
the centring ring with the inner
sealing ring in a centred manner
between the flange connections
and connect it with the clamping
ring. Ensure that the centring
ring neither slips out of place nor
gets jammed.
Dirty or damaged lid or door
Clean the lid or door seal and
replace it if necessary.
The ground-in stopper of the
attached drying chamber is not
installed correctly.
Grease the ground-in stopper
evenly and over the entire
sealing surface with vacuum
Leakage in the media drain valve
The media drain valve is soiled
with drying residues or wool
particles from cleaning cloths.
The O-rings are worn
Clean the media drain valve
(see chapter 8.1.3 - "Aeration
valve, media drain valve")and
replace it if necessary.
Replace the O-rings.
Leakage in a rubber valve
The valve is soiled.
Check the valves individually
(see chapter - "Rubber