VeederRoot® Gateway User Manual
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Figure 4.3-3 - Setup Report
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Tank Setup
The highlighted section read T1: Diesel. The T1 is the Tank Number. When we configure the tank
either using the
, we would specify the
Tank address as 01. Diesel is the name of the tank, so we could configure it to have a name of
Tank01_Diesel in our system. Continue this for each tank listed in the report.
Sensor Setup
There may be multiple Sensor Setup sections in the report if the VeederRoot panel contains multiple
sensor types. The most common is Liquid Sensor. Here is an example of a Liquid Sensor Setup:
Figure 4.3-4 - Setup Report
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Liquid Sensor Setup
Like the Tank Setup, each sensor has a letter and number specification. In the example above, L1:
Tank 1 Interstitial. When configuring the sensor using the
, we would specify the address as 01, the type as Liquid Sensor, and the name
/ suffix as L01_Tank1_Interstitial.