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Содержание CVSL-112

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Страница 3: ...1 2 Phone preview 1 1...

Страница 4: ...o 8 8 9 t0 10 t1 t1 1Z 12 l3 t3 I3 14 l 4 16 t 6 7 3 Functional of th N7Oplease nake a reference to Pftdu t...

Страница 5: ...4 FMcrional of the MO pl Ef h P od...

Страница 6: ...15 16 17 18 19 20 5 Fmctional of the N 0llease nake a reference to Plodlct...

Страница 7: ...onot u6e your phoneon plane Pleaseturn off Auto Po er before boarding Mobile phonesnay affect the operation of cardiac pacemakers hearing aid and other medi electronic equipments Careshall be t6ken Th...

Страница 8: ...dity Do not clea n your phone vith liquid or cloth soakedvith detergent Pl easeabide by corresponding rules and laws whenyou take a picture or record with your phone Do not drop throv or strike your p...

Страница 9: ...links for third party internet sites Youmaydls accessother third party sites throughyour device Third_party sites are not affiliated ith Noki 6ndNokiadoesnot endorse or assune liability for them If y...

Страница 10: ...etworkservices For instance som netvorks maynot support all languago dopendont characters and services four servicoprovidernayhaverequested that certain featuresbe disabledor not activatedin you devic...

Страница 11: ...Phone preview 3 Introduction Rightfunctionalkoy usBstot Swirching Switching Switching 10 Fuctiomr ol the 70 el E erce ro Product...

Страница 12: ...ittings intendedfor usevith yourphone Suggest placing yourbattery itr protection box vhen it is not used Pleaseassenblebattery as illustrated in pictures belov A nev battory nay achieve its best perfo...

Страница 13: ...turc a It s normalfor the battery that has beenuscd l or long Lime10 take longer time to be charged lull When the talk tirrreor sLandby lime is noticeably shorter it s time to replaceyour bilttery J c...

Страница 14: ...n Nhilo dlkirg lisLenifrgl hcmusic rel rLul incdia Andthis butlonaJ so coILf0l e of ring lone ol arn ar d j enna r e is a int erfal ilrLennain tho phono Don t touch the anterna arc LNhanit tlans it or...

Страница 15: ...hlletheaudioplayerinterface clockrr ise swingrvillshift to last song anticlockwise s ving i11shift to next song Projector Prcss Insi dcDara Pr jcctor Screen Sw_ lchtng cr Outside DataProjector Scrcen...

Страница 16: ...f 3l s dtt 1 5 i r e 0 F e n a d d d r d e n p o o d...

Страница 17: ...r 3 I isr noLe Pl a reler Lo tne rrfi r nore 4 Clock 5 Screen Fist note Bluetooth connectjng note Bluetoolhis powel onandconnected with otherdevicesuchas earphone Graynotei Bluetoothis po er onbut the...

Страница 18: ...local int r a 1 i nai tele hl n t h e l s r f r e o e n L i 1 r e t r t l c to Lrsing 1 1r rontarls rau ard rlrorLfnLrnber l o I t l o t i m e s 1 d r I o u s f L t h c s r L r b 1 v h i r h i l l a...

Страница 19: ...i L r i r d a l e L j check the l is I o f recef L rece ived cal ls Network I by click the the po eron ol 1 could hear you Dec1ine Youcancliok Lhe Al rer the firsl olr would bc kcpt Ca11 records l o...

Страница 20: ...rt cut nethodto quickly soaxch for a contact phonebook By entering the first character of any name vou can see frll list of names starting with that character Youcaneither select or rhe next charactor...

Страница 21: ...hone slpport thc hand vr ttinginput Nu0berinput Press the nulnber sho edon the scrccn to geL the samenumbers Synbolinput When ycru are u ingthe number input youcanpr essthe ki r to get oore synbols 20...

Страница 22: ...mcssace lrite you nrossase in the bLarks Iou can chooscSaveand Send Savc S nd rtacts lor the SendTo ManY Edit and send the MMS 6 Message To Many You ian inpul thc phore nunber or set fron th 21 Fuict...

Страница 23: ...l or thc MMS servi re Readand reply the nessage l ll you yant o rcad thc rcccivcd mcssagc jusLchoorieiL AlLcf Lhat you can go Lo the NliiiLr menu SMS and chooseit 2 ll you wantrOply tho SMS l lo rsc s...

Страница 24: ...Led in youl SIM youcanreceivemessages on a1l r ferent subjectsflomyournetvorkoperatorsuchas theWeather Taxis Hospitals eLc ConLacL your n sorkoperatorfor available subjeots Enterthe Broadcast Message...

Страница 25: ...7 Setting PenCalibration 0 rlibra le th fouch Yindow 24 Functionar of the N70llease nake a refercnc to Pmduct...

Страница 26: ...Byusingthe could send the picture video music and notes 0r connect vith PC fou could usethe Bluetooth technologyto connectwith other conpatible devices Theconpatible connecting o fBluetooth Since the...

Страница 27: ...the porverfastcr and muyreduceihe Life battery yhenthe clevjcc is looked it is unable to using LheBluetooth connecljiog Usage a Lastcall lime Tocheck out last oa11 s time a Rcset all time To resctall...

Страница 28: ...operator name memory pracllce eble capability phone bookcapabilitv software capability menory version soltvarebuild tine Bluetooth nafie r i Bluetoothaddress e andDate To set the ho ne city time date...

Страница 29: ...le ellhephonetothesanesettingsasthoseconfigulc at the fict ry You yil1 needto input thc pass yord Lo resi orelactory settings lhe deLault v81u of llesLore fa Lory SeLl ing isr 1122 i rpuLmethod as Mul...

Страница 30: ...s operations Name Description Diveft All Voicc CalIs To divcrt all incorfingvoice cal1s Diveft If Unrcachab le Todivcrt al1 the ncoming voicc calls to L pre set urrbor whenlrhephonecan t be DivertTfNo...

Страница 31: ...ffect Support NomaL Bass Dance Classical Treble Party poD Rock music cffcctive Photo Cal1Tinc Displayi Presstiheleft soft 0n AutoRedial Pressthe lc t sofl 0D off redi rlIunotion When enabled thcphono...

Страница 32: ...g 03 04 04 It160004AJpg 03 04 ga ll pictures takc by the camerasaved in the Photos o check thc ncxt or th last piclure slide the finser to the lolt or right or touch the screen lishtly d B 3l Function...

Страница 33: ...iption 0ptions Description To To set the picture as the allpaper ToBluetooth Tosendthe picture to the Bluetooth Delete To delete the selectedpicture Cancel Canccl the operation luctional of the N70lle...

Страница 34: ...tules iIlstofeinthcPholos I th ull 1 1 l oLl l u1d takel ctrl1 Sby L 1 lnncf oame N I the r hone Thel ns is aL rhr bark o1 rhL phone arrdroLrld lisplaI lh Iict rres of Lrc screen lhlr pictures are JPG...

Страница 35: ...memory of the phoneis not enoughto store nev picture you could delete someo1d pic or sonedata in the Files to release the sDace To pressthe fl f Phoroslis1 34 FDctiorar of the N 0please dake a rcferm...

Страница 36: ...ffi ru coLlldrecord for the avi vidao files i lect Main nrenu Video Recorder Start lo press LhcI ror it ovideo filcs list ideo option description 35 Fnnctional of th N70Flease oake 6 lefer nce to Pto...

Страница 37: ...Description To send the video to the Bluetooth To delete the selected video Delete Cancelthe operation 36 Fuctioner of the N 0please nake a iefelenc io...

Страница 38: ...dfiles lelect trlaininenu Sound Recorder SLart l selecL the Play Ior the soundfiles list iouDdrccorcler option description 11 SoundRecorder Prcssthe solcct fil tor play 37 Fmctional f the N70ploase na...

Страница 39: ...Lothe B ueLoolh To delete the selectedsoundfile Delete Cancelthe operation oTo aIt select Mainmenu Fi1es Audio for is unable to record while talking or the sound files list GPRS connecting 38 Fucl io0...

Страница 40: ...os Canrcrcnu rs This p onc provid s one game Puzzle rlease eJer to thc llelp for batter udersl rndirg S tt ing e Audio Audio on or ofl e Vibration Vibration on or off 39 Functional of the N oplease na...

Страница 41: ...ailed dNLc info ration here Ld 16 3 ffwilffifrffi ffiml l am 0c SUNIION TIIE IIEO IHII FRI SAI 1 2345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 191 zozt zzl4l zazs za 27 2A 29 30 ffi 40 hnctional of ihe lr...

Страница 42: ...Abuohdbl Il zooo or rz rs rs v lelcct the Clock in the main menu Iorld Clock Beijirs HonsKons Taipci Vanila Tokvo Melbourre Guan Canbora Svdnev Solonon AuckLan Ionsa and other places tine Alarn 41 Fu...

Страница 43: ...lay the current time and date hen the time for alarm Thephonewill slop the ringifpressthestop andifyoupress the snooze the phone w 11stopthe ring for about4 minules If the phoneis powcroff yhcn thc ti...

Страница 44: ...0000 00 00 4 3 r i o r r 7 0o a...

Страница 45: ...CoLrld sclect ihc numbcrand synl ol in Tht r l t 15 Calculator Lre s ireerl as reqLrest simple calcul Ltc 44 Functionar of th N 0please aale a rererence to Product...

Страница 46: femind oLr the r u r r a n A c d s f h r d u l c a n d t s o c a n s t r e o u r otc lrl ut the inlor llation iIr 1 hcLlarlks D a t c f i n c S t t l i s c h e d u L e s d a t a n d l i r r u larn...

Страница 47: Se erl m rinmenu 1 I les Youcan mafasethe icturc NlP3 Vid o E l ookand thN lites f hore Stolfd in Lhephonc A dio S ud Iili s upen lo Bllero rh il 46 Functional of rh 70 please nake a r ieran e to t...

Страница 48: ...Upen To BlLretooth Delete Cancel Photos Phone files open To3luetooth Delete Cancel MyMuaic Music files open 10Bluetooth D lete Cancel l book Ebook fli1es 0pen Delete CanceL 47 Functioml of the N Ople...

Страница 49: Aclivate rhcn Press the Rcpcat to sol cL repeat off onc al L fr L l lisL r n ui L Press the volune buL ton or slide the volumt bar for 18 Music tho icon tlrln to blue AcLivatervhen the icon tuln...

Страница 50: ...audition Don t put the phonebeside voui ear vhen the speakercffective the soundof speakercould be very loud oplesstheHomebutLonforgobackt hestanc byn ode a ndthe rnu sicpLrrycrsri l effccti vei n he b...

Страница 51: ...os Soloct ain nenLr Videos Corld play the r ideos store in rho Jiles Thelhone suppor l3gp mp4 Dcscription for video player avi formar fi Les Name Descript ion To To send the video file to the 5 0 r o...

Страница 52: ...Bluetooth BluetooLh Delete To delete thc selecred video Canccl the operation 51 Fnn tionar of tho N Oplease bake a r ferenc to Product...

Страница 53: ...ttMffij E llLi s ph rLr sulr or 1sth nfr Iorks r ire prorid d tuLread v alply lor th r rr rworhservic L rlo e use AP l ytheSIlt r o id r l Iour nobilc ph n sut tnrrts Ir Pscryi rs 1o accesss r i i e 5...

Страница 54: ...lL r cor cls lhe xcbsitc thaL v r sulf belrir a Lirl or Addossr YorloorL d irLput an 1 A r ldrcss a Scrvicc lnbox l1 sLor c s the r essirg0s scnl bv S a SeLtln8s Sol Llr As l or 1 lio su i ata Accoun...

Страница 55: ...APNaddressof yo r service provider 3 UserName Enter the l ser Name of IPN servor Default is b1ank 4 Password Entor the Pass ordof APNserver Default is blank 5 Auth TyperSet the encryption nethodof aut...

Страница 56: ...57 lmctioial of the M0 please ooke a refetelce to Pmdlc...

Страница 57: ...nition is adjustab e wjth adjustjng knobasfigure Projecting mode it canbe usedasa common projector by enab ing projecting mode at thispointthe function of cetlcannotbe affected 1 2 Projecting of inner...

Страница 58: ...refers to theinstruction manua 2 Enabte the modeselechon vralhe menu setling in maininterface to chose projecting of inner rr asource andexecute projecting operatlon asio owing guidance Corresponding...

Страница 59: ...ion is unavailable 1 3 Projeotingof exterior data source 1 Buitding connection youshoutd connect the peripheral devices DVD PC DY PSandetc with outputfunction via onnecting cabLes according to thefoLl...

Страница 60: ...AVoutputequipmenl VGACabte aolEo l i f 1 nI L OPtions O OE Avcabe rL l YYi at oPnons il optrons ffttt DV DC u J a DVD BD r m PS others 61 functional of the N l please oake a rclerence to trodlct...

Страница 61: interlace 2 Bypressing the shortcutkeyof exteriordaLa source projecting H for a tongtime after the connection is compteted At thispointit is required to chose AVoLrtput for the corresponding periph...

Страница 62: ...rior datasource andexecute projecting operatjon asfotLowing guidance At thjspointit is required to chose AVoutputfor the correspondjng perjpherat device andthe expected jmagecanbe disptayed after maki...

Страница 63: ...keyof connection is completed Al thispotnlit Charge interface tEl exleriordala source projecting ifJ tor a longtime aFterthe is requiredto choseAVoutput for the correspondjng peripherat Video interfa...

Страница 64: ...cuteprojectingoperationasfoLtowing guidance At this pointit is requiredto choseAVoutput for the corresponding peripheraldevice and the expectedimagecan be disPLayed after making a confirm tlonf oh int...

Страница 65: ...malmode via menu setting in main interface 2 lf in the mode projecting of exteriordatasource it is avaitabte to exit the modeby pressin Projecting keyof exterior datasource for a tongtimeor chose norm...

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