Chevrolet 10 Series 1970 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 123


F ig .  107— Ho Id -D o w n   and  S a fe ty  Hook  Assy.


Each  section  o f  windshield  glass  is  r e ­

tained  in  place  with  in s e rt-ty p e   rubber  seal  as 
shown  in  F igu re  109.


1.  P r y   end  of  in sert  out  o f  v e r tic a l  center  seal  with  a 

pointed  tool; 

pull  in sert  com p letely  out  of  seal.

2.  In  sam e  manner,  rem o ve  in sert  fro m   sea l  around 

that  section  of  glass  which  is   to  be  rem oved.

3.  W ith  aid  of  an  assistant  to  hold  glass,  push  glass  f o r ­

w ard  fro m   inside  cab.

Checking  W indshield  O pening

I f  it  is  suspected  that  the  windshield  opening  has  been 

d istorted   through  c o llis io n   damage,  o r  i f   the  veh icle  has 

a  h istory  o f  windshield  " s t r a in   b r e a k s ",  the  w indshield 
opening  should  be  checked  as  follow s:

1.  R em ove  windshield,  rubber  seal  and  a ll fo re ig n   m a­

t e r ia l  fro m   w indshield fra m e.

2.  P la c e   a  new  windshield  glass  in  opening  without 

rubber  seal.

3.  In stall  checking  blocks,  Special  T o o l  J-9316,  equally 

spaced  around  p e rim e te r  of  opening.  Blocks  may  be 
in stalled  by  in sertin g  them  between  glass  and  m etal 

fro m   outside  o f  cab  with  the  two  notches  toward  in­

side  o f  cab.  B locks  are  then  rotated  1/2  turn  so  that 

wide  notch  engages  glass  and  n arrow   notch  engages 


1.  If  n ecessary,  pull  rubber  seal  fro m   glass  opening, 

then  exam ine  opening  flanges  fo r   ir r e g u la r   su rface 

which  could  cause  glass  breakage.  Straighten  flanges 

i f  n ecessary.

2.  Reposition  rubber  sea l  on  flange.  R aise  new  glass 

to  outside  of  seal,  then  with  hook  end  of  in s ta lle r 

T o o l  (J-2189)  in  glass  groove  o f  seal  as  shown  in 
Figu re  109  m ove  tool  around  glass  to  fo r c e   outer  lip 

of  seal  o v e r  edge  of  glass.

3.  Thread  end  of  rubber  in sert  through  handle  and  loop 

of  in s ta lle r  to o l  (fig .  109).  P u ll  tool  loop  and  end  of 
in sert  into  g ro o ve  of  seal.  Feed  in  rubber  in sert, 
while  p roceedin g  around  window.  U se  a  hitching 
m ovem ent  of  tool  to  avoid  elongating  in sert.  If  new 
in sert  is   being  used,  cut  off  in sert  allow ing  su fficien t 

overlap  to  tight  joint,  then  butt  into  groove.

4.  In stall  in s e rt  in  center  v e r tic a l  seal  in  sam e  manner 

p revio u sly  d escrib ed   in  Step  3.


F igu re  110  shows  installation  of  re a r   view   m ir r o r   on 

le ft  door  assem bly.  Note  that  m ir r o r   head  should be  in­
s talled   so  that  drain  holes  are  at  the  bottom.


Outside  a ir  enters  cab  through  a vent  (fig .  I l l )   d ire c tly


Содержание 10 Series 1970

Страница 1: ......

Страница 2: ...h each m ajor subject begins An Index is placed at the be ginning of each m ajor subject within the section Summaries of Special Tools when required are found at the end of m ajor sections while speci...

Страница 3: ...onal Cab Panel Suburban K Four W heel Drive M Tandem Conventional Cab P Forward Control S School Bus T Conventional Tilt C ab Second Letter Engine A A ll D L 4 Diesel E V 8 Gasoline G V 6 D iesel GMC...

Страница 4: ...Reports or re porting product failures in any way the location of the various unit numbers have been indicated These unit numbers and their prefix or suffix are necessary on these papers for various r...

Страница 5: ...However the rear wheels must be raised off the ground or the drive shaft disconnected when the transmission is not operating properly or when a speed of 35 MPH or dis tance of 50 m iles w ill be exce...

Страница 6: ...CCS TCS 310 4800 400 3200 CE20 30 CCS 159 L 3 D iesel 3 53N Std PT30 N40 Inject 21 00 1 82 2500 193 1500 250 L 6 Gas Std CS PS SS40 1 Bbl Carb 8 50 1 CCS 155 4200 235 1600 292 L 6 Gas Std CS SS TS50...

Страница 7: ...l base G V W and G C W columns denote other m ini mum equipment requirements for certain GVW GCW ratings Careful attention should be given to these codes to ensure that vehicles are properly equipped...

Страница 8: ...PO H22 RPO H22 4000 RPO H22 RPO H22 9080 14000 8 19 5 8 8 19 5 10 Dual RPO H22 RPO H22 4000 RPO H22 RPO H22 11000 GS GE10 90 108 3900 6 95 14 4 6 95 14 4 B E B E 2200 B E B E 1900 4500 7 35 14 8 7 35...

Страница 9: ...0 20 8 7 50 20 8 B E B E 6280 B E B E 11000 18000 8 25 20 10 8 25 20 10 B E B E 7000 B E RPOG55 14200 19500 8 25 20 10 9 00 20 10 B E B E 7000 B E RPO G55 15000 22000 8 25 20 10 9 00 20 10 B E B E 700...

Страница 10: ...H82 RPO H74 ur H82 22000 32500 f 60000 d 10 00 20 12 11 00 22 12 RPO F54 RPO F54 10500 RPOH74 or H82 RPO H74 or H82 22000 ME60 149 167 185 36000 45000 8 25 20 10 9 00 20 10 B E B E 7000 B E B E 30000...

Страница 11: ...pension 0 20 Rear Suspension 0 20 Tandem Rear Suspension 0 20 Speedometer A d a p te r 0 20 Tachometer M echanical 0 20 Body Lubrication 0 20 Cleaning Tru ck s 0 20 Extended Vehicle S to ra g e 0 21 L...

Страница 12: ...i cally not recommended and w ill increase operating costs However in cases of specific problems which may arise under certain conditions additive supplements are avail able that can effectively and e...

Страница 13: ...hese operations be perform ed more often Paper Element Type F irst 12 000 m iles inspect element for dust leaks holes or other damage replace if necessary If satis factory rotate element 180 from orig...

Страница 14: ...mani fold vacuum to the distributor during operation in the low gears or ranges the solenoid valve reduces vacuum supply to the distributor for a retarded spark condition during high gear the solenoi...

Страница 15: ...ame make and heat range Starting Motor Check the solenoid mounting and starting motor mount ing attaching bolts periodically Headlight Aiming Proper aiming of the headlights is most important to assur...

Страница 16: ...unted fuel strainer assembly located between the fuel pump and fuel tank standard equipment on 60 Series and optional equipment on all other models should be replaced seasonally Fuel Pump The fuel pum...

Страница 17: ...e besides draining engine crankcase drain oil filter and oil cooler An oil cooler rear drain cock is for oil drain Solvents should not be used as flushing oils in running engines Dilution of the fresh...

Страница 18: ...ed as described below DO NOT O VE R FILL A good grade of 10W engine oil may be used tempo ra rily in em ergencies but must be replaced with DEX RON or equivalent Automatic Transm ission Fluid as soon...

Страница 19: ...l linkage every 6 000 m iles BRAKES PARKING BRAKE Every 6 000 m iles clean and lubricate all parking brake pivot points with water resistant EP chassis grease which m eets General Motors Specification...

Страница 20: ...iles The check valve should be dismantled and thoroughly cleaned Low Pressure Indicator Every Month or 10 000 M iles Check the electrical connections and the air pressure at which the contacts close...

Страница 21: ...e table See Section 10 Six wheel trucks with unmatched tires may be rotated by crossing front tires and by exchanging inner and outer tire positions on the dual wheels Tire Radii and Tire Life The out...

Страница 22: ...d nuts should be retorqued to 275 300 ft lbs The spring saddle cap stud nuts should be retorqued to 275 300 ft lbs The tandem axle spring hangers must be lubricated on four cam surfaces and two spring...

Страница 23: ...rachloride e n a m e l reducers n a i l polish rem overs or laundry soaps bleaches and re ducing agents NEVER USE GASOLINE OR NAPHTHA FOR A N Y CLEANING PURPOSE EXTENDED VEHICLE STORAGE If you plan to...

Страница 24: ...ngine Oil SAE 20 Below Freezing As required Check Clean and refill if necessary Paper Element 12 000 M iles Check If satisfactory reuse but recheck every 6 000 m iles 9 Distributor L 6 12 000 M iles l...

Страница 25: ...00 M iles Engine Oil SAE 50 Above Freezing Engine Oil SAE 20 Below Freezing As required Check Clean and refill if necessary Check If satisfactory reuse but recheck every 6 000 m iles 10 Throttle Bell...

Страница 26: ...M iles 1 2 turn of Lubricator 10 Distributor V 8 Cam Lubricator 12 000 M iles Rotate Cam Lubricator 11 M aster Cylinder 6 000 M iles Delco Supreme No 11 or equivalent As required Check add fluid when...

Страница 27: ...ine Oil As required F ill to Top of O iler Rotate Lubricator Replace A ir Cleaner 8 M aster Cylinder 6 000 M iles Delco Supreme No 11 or equivalent As required Check add fluid when necessary 9 Transm...

Страница 28: ...ulti Purpose Dexron or equivalent See chart in Lubrication Section Dexron or equivalent As required As required 9 Quarts approx Keep even with fille r See Lubrication Section Checking For off high wa...

Страница 29: ...e No 11 or equivalent As required Check add fluid when necessary 11 Transm ission Synchromesh 6 000 M iles M ulti Purpose As required Keep even w filler plug See Lubrication Section 12 Carburetor Link...

Страница 30: ...f engine oil every 6 000 m iles An additional lube fitting is provided on the hold down catch pivot This should be lubricated every 6 000 m iles with chassis lubricant 2 T ilt Cab Body Hinges Each hin...

Страница 31: ...Core A s s e m b ly 1A 4 Resistor U n it A ir Distributor D u c t 1A 5 Thermostatic V alve Defroster D u c t 1A 6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION DELUXE AIR HEATER sem bly mount on the engine side of the firew al...

Страница 32: ...rly to the Deluxe A ir Heater The T ilt Cab Heater temperature control however regulates coolant flow through the heater core via a thermostatic valve which is mounted on the core CONTROLS DELUXE AIR...

Страница 33: ...10 30 Series Support the right front of the hood in the fully raised position 3 10 30 Series Carefully scribe the hood and fender locations of the right hood hinge and remove the hinge 4 Unclip the bl...

Страница 34: ...ove the screws attaching the core retainers to the case and rem ove the core Installation 1 Replace the core in the case using non hardening sealer Attach the core with the core retainers and screws...

Страница 35: ...ket 4 Assem ble the core retaining plate and core to the core housing Shoehorn the plate under the lip of the housing if necessary 5 Attach the top cover of the core case 6 Connect the temperature doo...

Страница 36: ...Removal Fig 13 1 Remove the screws at the upper edge of the control unit Remove the screws which attach the control unit brace to the lower edge of the dash and low er the assembly Rem ove the blower...

Страница 37: ...ive in attaching screws Connect harness connector to unit 2 Install glove box assembly BLOWER SWITCH All Heaters B low er switch replacement is covered as a part of C O NTRO L ASSEMBLY R efer to that...


Страница 39: ...22 and or Blower Motor R e s is t o r 1A 38 Evacuating and Charging Procedures 1A 22 Blower Motor A ssem b lies 1A 38 A ir Conditioning System C a p a c ity 1A 22 Expansion V a lv e 1A 39 Purging the...

Страница 40: off CONTROLS Full control of the Four Season System is obtained through the use of a single control panel fig 16 The control levers make use of bowden cables to activate the various doors and switc...

Страница 41: the heater core Defroster As the A ir control knob is moved to the right from the O UTSID E position toward the word DEFROSTER the diverter door within the distributor duct moves to send a portion...

Страница 42: ...other three positions LO MED or HI the com pressor and the blower motors are inoperative NOTE When operating the air conditioning system the heater controls should be in the OFF position to obtain ma...

Страница 43: ...ttached to the instrument panel and to the right hand shroud side panel at five locations CONTROLS Fig 22 System controls are the AIR knob controlling the three speed blower motor switch and the TEM P...

Страница 44: ...d Remember high pressure means that great forces are being exerted against the walls of the container A bucket of warm water not over 125 F or warm wet rags around the container is all the heat that i...

Страница 45: ...ant and tim e can be obtained by using this unit Since the refrigerant is m etered into the system by volume the correct amount may be added to the system This coupled with the fact that the unit rem...

Страница 46: ...ust be closed Both valves w ill be open at the same time during purging evacuating and charging operations The charging station provides two flexible lines for connecting the gauge set to the system c...

Страница 47: ...ermine if there is sufficient refrigerant in the system fo r leak testing 2 Open control valve only until a low hiss of gas is heard then light gas at opening in chimney 3 Adjust flam e until desired...

Страница 48: ...nections as in Step 5 of P re D elivery Inspection PERIODIC SERVICE Inspect condenser regularly to be sure that the fins refrigerant a low refrigerant level w ill cause a danger ous lack of lubricatio...

Страница 49: ...ed in front of the vehicle and blowing into the condenser w ill provide the extra circulation of air needed to bring the pressures to within the lim its specified NOTE Higher temperatures and pressure...

Страница 50: ...ig 5000 ft 32 5 psig 6000 ft 33 0 psig 7000 ft 33 5 psig 8000 ft 34 0 psig 9000 ft 34 5 psig 10000 ft THERMOSTATIC SWITCH Roof Mounted and G M Chevrolet Systems These systems make use of a thermostati...

Страница 51: ...mperature approximately 4 degrees 7 Reinstall switch end plate and install switch Rein stall ducts rem oved in Step 3 above Be sure that the air sensing capillary has been replaced properly if removed...

Страница 52: ...mpt to bend the bimetal strip or attempt any valve adjustment EVACUATING AND CHARGING PROCEDURES AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM CAPACITY Refrigerant Charge Oil Charge Four Season System 3 lbs 4 oz 10 oz 525...


Страница 54: ...OTE If 28 29 inches cannot be obtained close Vacuum Control Valve 3 and shut off vacuum pump Open Refrigerant Control Valve 4 and allow 1 2 pound of R 12 to enter system Locate and repair all leaks Pu...

Страница 55: ...your work area clean In removing and replacing any part which requires unsealing the refrigerant circuit the following operations which are described in this section must be perform ed in the sequence...

Страница 56: ...fitting and replace if damaged in any way Coat the O ring with clean refrigeration oil and install carefully 4 Retorque the fitting using a backing wrench 5 Evacuate and charge the system Leaks at Hos...

Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 58: ...g information is located in the Chassis Overhaul Manual Installation 1 If oil previously drained from the com pressor upon rem oval shows no evidence of contamination replace a like amount of fresh re...

Страница 59: ...m before recharging Check system performance and leak test RECEIVER DEHYDRATOR The receiver dehydrator should be replaced if it has been damaged through an accident or if it leaks or be com es restric...

Страница 60: ...lamp 5 Detach the expansion valve capillary bulb from the evaporator outlet pipe 6 Disconnect the vacuum lines at the vacuum reservoir 7 Remove the screws attaching the inboard case half to the outboa...

Страница 61: ...e 8 10 30 Series In order to gain access to the lower outboard case attachments the right front fender skirt should be loosened and moved Remove enough skirt mounting screws and bolts from the rear fo...

Страница 62: ...against the firew all and push it into place Check that nothing is pinched between the case and firew all Install the heater case to firew all retaining screws 3 Position the dash outlets distributor...

Страница 63: pressor inlet hose at the POA valve Cap or tape the open connections at once Discard the 0 ring seals 3 Remove the connector block to com pressor bolt and rem ove the muffler hoses and connector bl...

Страница 64: ...d the front of the vehicle and low er it 4 Disconnect the blower harness connector and illum i nating lamp sockets Remove the blower switch and mounting bracket Remove the vacuum control switch 5 Remo...

Страница 65: ...attaching the distributor to the heater case slide the distributor downward out of rear slide and let it rest on the floor panel 3 Unplug the resistor unit connector 4 Rem ove the resistor unit retain...

Страница 66: ...le and lower the valve into position with the rear pivot pin retracted When the rear pin is aligned with its bearing allow it to extend into position 2 Attach valve return spring and nylon bushing 3 A...

Страница 67: ...e the dome lamp lens and bulb 3 Remove the sealing strips at each end of the duct 4 Squeeze the sides of the duct together and remove the duct from its retaining flanges 5 Remove the dome lamp screws...

Страница 68: ...2 BLOWER MOTOR ASSEMBLIES Removal 1 Disconnect the battery ground cable 2 Remove the rear duct as outlined previously 3 Remove the blower motor ground straps at the center connector between the motors...

Страница 69: ...rant 3 Remove the rear duct as outlined previously 4 Disconnect the blower motor ground straps and leads relay and thermostatic switch wiring harness 5 Disconnect the refrigerant lines at the rear of...

Страница 70: assem blies 5 Install the blower evaporator to the roof panel first connecting the resistor w ires 6 Connect the refrigerant lines to the blower evaporator unit using new O rings coated with clean...

Страница 71: ...A 41 BLOWER RESISTOR Replacement 1 Disconnect the battery ground cable 2 Remove the glove box and door assem blies 3 Disconnect the resistor wiring harness 4 Remove the two resistor mounting screws an...

Страница 72: ...unit to the floor being careful not to damage the wiring harness 8 Remove the duct rear cover screws and then with a sm all screw driver carefully unclip the cover 9 Disconnect the blower motor lead...

Страница 73: ...ct with the core outlet line Install the core outlet line cover making sure that the foam rubber strip is correctly installed Evaporator C ore Add 3 oz of clean refrigeration oil to the new core and c...


Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 76: ...CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL Fig 66 G M C h e vro le t System W irin g Diagram HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1 A 4 6...

Страница 77: ...21 J 9481 Pulley and Bearing Installer 7 J 9395 Puller P ilot 22 J 8092 Handle 8 J 6271 F itz a ll V alve Single Can 23 J 2 1352 Internal Assembly Support Block 9 J 5421 Pocket Thermometers 2 24 J 513...

Страница 78: ......

Страница 79: ...showing components in position on the cab Figure 1 is not intended to ac curately reflect the availability of service repair parts It w ill be apparent upon reviewing the parts catalog which of the p...

Страница 80: ...ndshield is a one piece type and is retained in the windshield opening by a moulded rubber weather strip This weatherstrip is sealed in the windshield opening and sealed to the windshield glass When r...

Страница 81: and at the sides by applying pressure with palm of the hand to the edge of the glass At the same time assist the lip Fig 5 Cab Sealing Areas T ypical 1 Hinge P illa r to Cowl Side Cowl Top to Plen...

Страница 82: ...the event of a strain break that the wind shield opening be thoroughly checked before installing a replacement windshield The replacement glass is used as a template 1 Check for the following conditio...

Страница 83: ...tralize weatherstrip around edge of glass to avoid cocking of square corners during assembly 2 Install a cord around periphery of weatherstrip leaving a loop at the top and the loose ends at the botto...

Страница 84: ...nel A lso shown in Figure 17 is the lock Engagement of lock in striker may be adjusted by loosening striker retaining screws and moving the striker to desired position The lock cylinder may be service...

Страница 85: ...Cover Cowl Ventilator Grille Replacement The plenum chamber located below the air inlet grille can be flushed out without having to rem ove the air inlet grille from the cowl However if necessary air...

Страница 86: ...rom glass which w ill trip lock spring at base of arm and release spring from undercut of pivot shaft While holding arm in this position pull outward on cap section at base of arm to rem ove arm Arm c...

Страница 87: ...o coincide with hole in endgate to perm it using a tool to hold trunnion while tightening nut view A fig 23 LIFTGATE ASSEMBLY Fig 24 Removal and Installation Fig 25 1 Remove one 1 of the two screws se...

Страница 88: ...lock in position NOTE R H support has sm all finger latch to latch the gate in the open position To close door raise door slightly m ore than open position and lower Removal and Installation 1 Suppor...

Страница 89: ...ition or endgate latch as shown in Figure 29 Fig 31 Endgate Remote and Push Button C ontrol Assembly Remote and Push Button Control Assembly Removal and Installation See Fig 30 1 Remove remote and pus...

Страница 90: ...3 Remove escutcheon and gasket 4 Reverse procedure to install Endgate Centerlock 1 Remove four 4 screws from endgate end 2 Remove centerlock assembly 3 R everse above procedure to install Endgate Side...

Страница 91: ...sill The door should be adjusted in the opening so the edge of the door across the top and also at the lock side is parallel with the body opening as nearly as possible Tighten bolts to 20 25 ft lbs a...

Страница 92: clear the striker plate as the lock enters the striker 3 As an aid to striker adjustment outline the striker in pencil or crayon for use as a base for adjustment Horizontal slots are provided in th...

Страница 93: ...ssembly with 10 inch clearance to the lock rotor cover Use special burred shims as required NOTE Under usual conditions shims are not required 5 As an aid to striker adjustment outline the striker in...

Страница 94: ...A fter the glass is firm ly in place the oil softens the fille r causing it to swell thereby making a perfect watertight seal Trim off the ex cess fille r m aterial around the channel and at the ends...

Страница 95: ...good quality cement which is made specially fo r weatherstrip installation following the manufacturer s directions Proceed as follows 1 Open door and block open 2 Remove sill plate retaining screws a...

Страница 96: ...nd Installation 1 Raise door window and rem ove door trim pad 2 Remove bolts securing remote to door inner panel 3 Pivot remote inboard slightly to disengage connect ing rod and rem ove remote from do...

Страница 97: ...nstall BODY SIDE W IN D O W ASSEMBLY ROADSIDE AND FRONT STATIONARY W IN D O W SUBURBAN Figs 54 55 Stationary Glass Replacement 1 Wind window to full down position 2 Remove hand controls and trim panel...

Страница 98: ...through the rear of the opening NOTE The weatherstrip may remain in the window opening during rem oval of glass To rem ove weatherstrip m erely pull it off the edges of the door panels On installation...

Страница 99: ...hield glass for typical re placement procedures SEATS CLEANING SOFT TR IM A LL MODELS Care of the upholstery is a relatively simple but im portant matter Accummulation of dirt on the surface eventuall...

Страница 100: ...ssy K it 17 Shock Lever Assy 18 Hinge Shaft Shock 19 Hinge Shaft Shock Rear 20 Roll Pin 21 Shock Absorber Assy K it 22 Shock Absorber A ssy w Bearings 23 Bearing K it Shock Absorber 24 Bearing Flanged...

Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 102: with forward edge of upright If seat is too stiff the indicator w ill be in position 1 if too soft in position 2 Adjust for position 3 by moving lever C Figure 57 Direction of ratcheting action may...

Страница 103: ...ssem blies Nos 28 and 29 across front of seat to retain their position 19 3 4 from outer surface to outer surface 5 Remove 2 snap rings No 10 from ends of hinge shaft No 18 at front of shock absorber...

Страница 104: ...e m o va l IB 30 L iftg a te IB 30 Liftgate H in g e 1B 31 Lock and H a n d le IB 31 Doors IB 32 S e a ts IB 33 Drivers Seat IB 33 Rear Seat IB 33 Body and Pick Up Box Mounting IB 33 GENERAL INFORMATI...

Страница 105: ...from around damage area Inspect area again for signs of other damage 3 Grind or file the damaged area to form a V at the broken or cracked portion Side of V should have a shallow pitch for maximum bo...

Страница 106: ...nished surface Im perfec tions should be repaired using the Plastic Solder Repair Kit Fig 71 Repair Area Finish Landed SPECIFIC REPAIRS Scratched Panels Spot Refinishing In many instances a scratched...

Страница 107: ...attaching edges of the panels at approximately a 30 angle with a file or grinder and scuff plastic surfaces along edges of break NOTE Mask surrounding panels using a non staining masking tape 5 Use C...

Страница 108: ...plastic solder as n e c e s s a r y to fill an y imperfections 17 Allow fill to harden then sand finish preparatory to paint operation TOP Removal 1 Remove the lower bolt from each of thetop to header...

Страница 109: ...moval and Installation 1 Remove the control assembly access hole cover 2 Disconnect the latch rod from the control assembly 3 Remove the screws which retain the latch to the liftgate and pull the latc...

Страница 110: ...installed as shown in Figure 79 On those Blazers which do incorporate door windows and ventipanes the Service procedures outlined in the section on Conventional Models are applicable On either the ope...

Страница 111: ...r nuts to seal the openings from dirt and foreign matter When reinstalling the seat torque all hold down bolts to 50 ft lbs The rear seat option also includes two seat belts and a rubber rear compartm...

Страница 112: ...SCRIPTION The following information deals with servicing pro lined in this section under Conventional Body Write ups cedures on P10 20 and 30 Step Van trucks figs 87 and may be used on all Step Vans u...

Страница 113: ...under the hood The air cleaner distributor controls etc are serviceable from inside the vehicle under the engine cover WINDSHIELD AND FRONT QUARTER GLASS Both windshield and front quarter glass are r...

Страница 114: windshield 2 Pivot assemblies service through openings on each side of wiper motor 3 W iper switch is mounted in front end header ac cessible through left side opening 4 Circuit breaker fo r wiper...

Страница 115: ...s firm ly into weatherstrip 7 From the outside of the door work the run channel ends into weatherstrip rubber with the paint scraper and m allet handle to tap them back Channel ends are shown in Figur...

Страница 116: ...ING GLASS Replacement 1 Using a pointed tool raise one end of the weather strip fille r until it is far enough out to take hold of by hand Then pull fille r out of its channel all around the window 2...

Страница 117: ...perations 1B 40 Body S h e ll IB 40 Cab M o u n tin g IB 40 Cab Assembly 1B 40 Removal 1B 40 Installation IB 41 Tilting M echanism 1B 42 O p eration 1B 42 Adjustment 1B 43 Torsion Bar 1B 43 Cab Rear H...

Страница 118: ...either the oper ating or full tilted position Right end of bar is anchored to cab bracket and left end is anchored to fram e bracket as shown Bar is free when cab is tilted part way therefore tor sio...

Страница 119: ...necessary Installation 1 Install lifting sling and chain fall to cab when doors slightly open fig 100 2 Raise cab and install if previously rem oved left cab to sill support bracket rear attaching bol...

Страница 120: ...per fille r panel NOTE Check tilting and locking action Ad just if necessary following procedure outlined in this section Fig 102 Bracket Bolt Locations TILTING MECHANISM Operation To Raise Cab Refer...

Страница 121: ...1 Remove nut from adjusting lever clamping bolt and pull lever off end of torsion bar 2 Remove two bolts retaining cap to left body bracket 3 Remove clamp bolt from right hand body bracket 4 Remove t...

Страница 122: ...ood operating condition and installed in the fram e hole exactly as shown in Figure 108 CAB INSULATION Undercoating applied to cab understructure directly over engine is highly resistant to abrasion a...

Страница 123: ...of cab Blocks are then rotated 1 2 turn so that wide notch engages glass and narrow notch engages pinchweld Installation 1 If necessary pull rubber seal from glass opening then examine opening flange...


Страница 125: ...terminal 2 Remove nut retaining wiper onto shaft 3 Pull arm knurled driver and rain shield from shaft 4 Remove nut retaining shaft ferru le to body outer panel rem ove washers 5 From inside vehicle r...

Страница 126: equal clearance around its perim eter fig 116 Fig 112 Fresh A ir Vent Assy Fig 113 W indshield W iper Assy 1 Crown N ut 7 O uter Washer 2 Lock Washer 8 Inner Washer 3 W iper Arm Assembly 9 Shaft Fe...

Страница 127: ...hinge cap screw access plug in door inner paneling after making final adjustment 4 Install striker bolt and adjust as directed under S trik er Bold Adjustm ent Reposition Door Fore or A ft Fig 117 NOT...

Страница 128: ...l bolt and washer assembly which is threaded into a tapped floating cage plate located behind the cab lock pillar as shown in Fig ure 118 The door is secured in closed position when the lock cam in do...

Страница 129: ...t Adjustment NOTE Striker bolt on cab p illar is adjustable vertically and transversely after loosening the bolt with a 5 16 inch hex wrench The bolt fore and aft adjustment is obtained by use of shim...

Страница 130: ...bolt base washer or spacer 2 Loosen striker bolt slightly then tap against bolt base washer to move bolt in or out as neces sary to locate door surface flush with cab surface when door is closed Befo...

Страница 131: ...escutcheon plate on handle spindle 3 If installing door lock release handle make sure handle is in position previously marked on door inner panel To install either handle force handle with installed l...

Страница 132: ...bly Door Lock Mechanism Run Channel Retainer Screw Run Channel Retainer 19 Door W indow Stop Bumper 20 W indow Regulator Assy 21 D ivision Channel Center A ttach in g Screw Removal procedures Before i...

Страница 133: ...s approximately 1 24 inch from edge fig 129 Fig 127 Removing Door Glass Fig 128 Cross Section o f W indow Assembly IMPORTANT Before installing new glass in regulator channel make sure that the outer e...

Страница 134: ...lamp screw increases operating tension 3 A fter obtaining proper tension install access trim panel DOOR VENT GLASS REPLACEMENT Removal 1 Remove sm all access panel from inner side of door below vent w...

Страница 135: ...r channel pivot shaft NOTE Make sure that tab on special flat washer is positioned properly to act as a stop of vent when it is in full open position Attach friction clamp to vent lower fram e with sc...

Страница 136: ...d stretching seal dur ing installation Cut seal to allow sufficient overlap for a tight joint then butt ends into position 4 Position glass to seal and insert lock end of in staller Tool J 2189 fig 13...


Страница 138: ...Fig 138 Special Tools 1 J 2189 W eatherstrip Tool Set 2 J 5742 01 and J 2 2577 W indshield Checking Block T ypical 3 J 2 2585 Front Door Hinge Bolt W rench 4 J 9316 W indshield C hecking Blocks CHEVRO...

Страница 139: ...on of these points is arbitrary depending on ac cessibility and convenience An important point to re member is that for each point selected on one side of the fram e a corresponding point on the oppos...

Страница 140: ...s on the frame figs 4 8 For ex ample if the tram bar is set at point B with a vertical pointer length of 8 1 4 inches and at point E with a vertical pointer length of 5 1 4 inches a height d iffer enc...

Страница 141: ...0 E L f a r f i i S r T y t c t L _ f t t X r f i 1 1o 1 L J t j i _ p w _ T _L_ o il o ol I T A 8 c t f E I i i i 1 o n 1 1 O f l L J P I p u i f c i n i K L 1 1 M M N Fig 4 KA105 Frame CHEVROLET TR...

Страница 142: ...CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL Fig 5 10 30 Series Truck Frame FRAME 2 4...




Страница 146: ...3 4 14 5 8 16 3 4 16 3 4 125 3 8 CA4 5 612 15 7 8 13 1 2 20 15 3 4 15 3 4 17 20 36 94 1 4 144 159 3 4 14 5 8 16 3 4 16 3 4 137 3 8 CA4 5 614 15 7 8 13 1 2 20 15 3 4 15 3 4 17 20 36 106 1 4 156 185 1 4...

Страница 147: ...17 20 15 3 8 98 1 2 148 1 4 177 1 2 33 1 2 26 3 8 16 3 4 16 3 4 133 T A 620 14 1 2 11 3 4 13 1 8 14 1 8 16 7 8 15 3 4 20 15 3 4 17 20 15 3 8 110 1 2 160 1 4 201 1 2 33 1 2 26 3 8 16 3 4 16 3 4 145 T...

Страница 148: ......

Страница 149: ...3 6 3 15 3 6 3 15 Shock Absorbers 3 7 3 15 Removal 3 7 Bushing 3 15 Installation 3 7 Spring L e a f 3 16 Coil Spring Suspension A ssem bly 3 7 Installation 3 16 Stabilizer P 10 20 and 3 0 3 7 Steerin...

Страница 150: ...everse Elliott type with spring and steering stop screw seats forged integral with the I B eam Constant diameter solid kingpins are used with the full floating glass filled polycarbonate steering knuc...

Страница 151: If spindle hole does not line up tighten nut until align ment is obtained This adjustment should result in bearing end play of 001 to 010 4 Spin hub to make sure it turns freely Lock cotter pin by...

Страница 152: ...ry for steering stability and safe vehicle handling Coil Spring Models On 10 30 Series coil spring models caster and camber adjustments are made by means of shims located between the upper control arm...

Страница 153: ...oser together in front than at rear Check steering gear high point adjustment and place wheels in straight ahead position before checking toe in Adjustments are made by loosening clamp bolts at each e...

Страница 154: ...drum and a new gasket over hub bolts when installing hub to wheel spindle C P 2 0 3 0 Figure 10 1 Remove two flat head screws securing drum to wheel hub and rem ove drum and gasket Discard gasket 2 If...

Страница 155: ...ock absorber and inspect rubber eye bushings If defective replace shock absorber assembly Hubs and Bearings Installation Place shock absorber into position over mounting bolts or into mounting bracket...

Страница 156: for excessive wear or aging replace where necessary Use rubber lubricant when installing bushings over stabilizer bar Installation 1 Place stabilizer in position on fram e and install frame bracket...

Страница 157: ...tion NOTE A ll spring attachments including center FRONT SUSPENSION 3 9 Fig 17 Tool M ounted to Cross Shaft bolts are important attaching parts in that they could affect the perform ance of vital comp...

Страница 158: ...wheel hub and drum 2 Measure distance between tip of ball stud and tip of grease fitting below ball joint fig 18 3 Move support to control arm to allow wheel hub and drum to hang free Measure distance...

Страница 159: ...of vital components and systems and or could result in m ajor re pair expense They must be replaced with parts of the same part numbers or with equivalent parts if replacement becomes necessary Do not...

Страница 160: ...icle and check front end alignment and adjust where necessary 5 Low er vehicle on hoist Steering Knuckle Steering Arm NOTE It is recommended that vehicle be raised and supported on a twin post hoist s...

Страница 161: ...oval 2 Support engine and rem ove front engine mount center bolt 3 Separate main brake feeder line from crossm em ber tee 4 Remove bolts retaining crossm em ber hangers to fram e side rails 5 Remove b...

Страница 162: ...rear shackle components may be serviced with the spring installed in the vehicle or when the spring is removed Inspect shackle components and replace parts as required Spring Leaf Replacement 1 Place...

Страница 163: ...e parts 1 Position spring assembly under vehicle so that head of center bolt is indexed in axle spring seat 2 Loosely install spring to axle U bolts 3 Position spring to front and rear hangers install...

Страница 164: ...triction on the installed position of the val 7000 axles bushing as in the case of the offset type 5000 axles bushing fig 38 9 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Axles Remove and replace front eye bushing using bushing re...

Страница 165: ...ring arm service operations 4 0 6 0 Series fExcept Heavy Duty 9 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 a Remove upper and low er dust caps b Remove kingpin lockpin nut and pull out lockpin c Tap kingpin out from bottom an...

Страница 166: ...ignment NOTE Press k i n g p i n upper sleeve over kingpin before installing Install kingpin from bottom of steering knuckle 9000 11 000 only 2 Place a jack under steering knuckle and raise knuckle en...

Страница 167: ...le retaining bolts and nuts NOTE This backing plate to steering knuckle fastener is an important attaching part in that it could affect the perform ance of vital components and systems and or could re...

Страница 168: ...axle cen ter for minute fractures Axle centers should always be straightened cold Under no circumstances should heat be applied Installation NOTE A ll spring attachments including center bolts are imp...

Страница 169: ...ts of an adapter and a two speed transfer case with a steering and driving front axle A single control lever is used to shift the transfer case from direct drive to low four wheel drive at a ratio of...

Страница 170: ...xle failure may result MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS Fig 44 Steering Knuckle and W heel Hub 1 Hub Cap 2 Snap Ring 3 D rive Flange 4 Lock N ut 5 Lock Ring 6 A djusting N ut 7 W heel B e a rin g O uter 8...

Страница 171: ...rning are not adequate replace required parts or make necessary adjustments e Lower vehicle on hoist COMPONENT PARTS REPLACEMENT FREE WHEELING HUB The free wheeling hub assem blies used on the front w...

Страница 172: ...lts securing the retainer cap assembly to the wheel hub 4 Pull off the hub cap assembly and gasket also re move exterior sleeve extension housing and gasket Disassembly of Locking Hub Cap Assembly a T...

Страница 173: replaced with parts of the same part numbers or with equivalent parts if replacement becomes necessary Do not use replacement parts of lesser quality or sub stitute design Torque values must be us...

Страница 174: ...justing sleeves whenever new ball studs are installed 1 Install bottom ball socket into knuckle Place knuckle onto h o l d e r Tool J 9519 10 in the v i s e with J 23454 2 socket adapter Be sure botto...

Страница 175: ...of vital components and system s and or could result in m ajor repair expense It must be replaced with one of the same part number or with an equivalent part if replacement becomes necessary Do not u...

Страница 176: Knuckle Remover Use w ith 9519 10 9 J 8092 D river H andle Hub Inner and O uter Race 3 J 6368 In sta lle r Hub O uter Bearing Cup 10 J 23454 1 A dap ter Top and Bottom Socket Remover 4 J 23447 Span...

Страница 177: ...h the air fitting pointed rearward 5 Align opposite end of shock absorber with anchor bracket at axle install bolt washer and nut 6 Tighten nuts to specifications 7 If equipped with a irlift shock abs...

Страница 178: ...e bracket retaining nuts to specifications Control Arm Series C P10 and C20 Removal 1 Raise vehicle on hoist Allow axle to hang free 2 Support axle so that load is rem oved from springs Place adjustab...

Страница 179: ...aise control arm to the spring then pass bolt with flat washer installed up through control arm and clamp Install lock washer and nut Torque to specifications 3 Place arm adjacent to axle Pass bolt ov...

Страница 180: ...bracket torque nut to specifications 5 Torque spring lower clamp bolt to specifications Remove jack 6 Lower vehicle and rem ove from hoist Auxiliary Spring NOTE A ll spring attachments including cent...

Страница 181: ...20 1 through bush ing and eye of spring Center Tool J 21058 6 and J 21058 7 and screw Tool J 21058 8 on threaded end of Tool J 21058 15 Pull bushing into spring eye fig 11 NOTE Outer shell of bushing...

Страница 182: ...kle to spring hanger 4 Remove nut and bolt securing spring to front hanger 5 Remove U bolt retaining nuts withdraw U bolts and spring plate from spring to axle housing attachment 6 Withdraw spring fro...

Страница 183: ...ely and evenly to specifications 5 Low er frame so that ends of spring enters hanger and that top of spring touches cam surface of hanger Compress radius leaf with a C clamp until pivot bushing and ha...

Страница 184: bolt The rear end of the spring rides free in a spring hanger Each spring is mounted at its center on a saddle sup ported on the end of a cross tube which passes through the two equalizing beams be...

Страница 185: ...pring Saddle M ounting 1 C enter Bushing 2 Spring Saddle 3 Spring Assembly 4 Spring Saddle Top Pad 5 Top Pad to Spring Saddle Bolts 6 Locknut 7 Set Screw 8 E qualizing Beam 9 Cross Tube 10 Spring Sad...

Страница 186: and install J 8459 2 bearing washer and nut J 8459 6 in that order Tighten nut to start bushing straight in spring eye then use impact wrench to draw bushing into spring until bushing stops against...

Страница 187: ...ages are open Replace pin if excessive wear is evident 4 Inspect spring eye bushing for wear If excessive wear is evident replace bushing using Tool J 8459 See Figure 21 5 Replace rebound clip bolts o...

Страница 188: ...securing spring saddle caps to bottom of spring saddle two caps at each beam Remove caps from studs CAUTION Keep cross tube level so beams do not slide off tube ADAPTER Fig 23 Adapter and Retaining B...

Страница 189: ...rive Pinion TORQUE ROD AND BRACKET Removal 1 Support the axle housing so that it w ill not pivot when torque rod is loosened 2 Remove nuts and bolts that secure the torque rod bracket to frame crossm...

Страница 190: ...ion Oil Seal 4 31 R eplacem ent 4 31 N o S p in Differential U n it 4 31 On the Vehicle C h e c k 4 32 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2400 2900 3300 3500 AND 3600 LB CAPACITY SALISBURY TYPE AXLES The 2400 2900 3...

Страница 191: ...ring G ear 17 D iffe re n tia l Bearing A djusting D iffe re n tia l Side G ear N u t D iffe re n tia l Case Left 18 Adjusting N u t Lock H alf 19 D iffe re n tia l Case Right A xle Shaft H alf Basica...

Страница 192: ...ia l Case Right H alf and 28 respectively have a straddle mounted drive pinion which is supported at the rear by a straight ro ller bear ing The pinion front bearing consists of a double row ball on t...

Страница 193: ...0 lb C apacity A x le Cross Section 6 D rive Pinion 7 Rear Pinion Bearing 8 Ring G ear Thrust Pad 9 Ring G ear 10 D iffe re n tia l Spider 11 D iffe re n tia l Pinion Spider G ear 12 D iffe re n tia l...

Страница 194: ...noise transm ission noise propeller shaft vibration and uni versal joint noise Isolation of the noise as in any one unit requires skill and experience An attempt to elim i nate a slight noise may baff...

Страница 195: ...tes 9 Low er axle assembly and rem ove from vehicle installation 1 Position axle assembly under vehicle and align with springs or control arm s as applicable 2 Install spacer clamp plate and U bolts t...

Страница 196: ...housing bore fig 32 To install bearing use Tool J 21491 for the 2400 and 2900 lb axles Tool J 21051 for the 3300 lb 3500 lb and 3600 lb axles 4 Pack cavity between the seal lips with a high melting po...

Страница 197: axle to hang freely 2 Remove wheel and tire and brake drum 3 Using Tool J 5504 or J 6627 press out stud Installation 1 Place new stud in axle flange hole Slightly start stud serrations in hole by...

Страница 198: ...1 Tool J 9 4 5 8 1 is threaded onto pinion shaft and nut tightened against J 9 4 5 8 2 to pull flange on shaft fig 3 9 Remove J 9 4 5 8 after flange is seated F ig 3 7 D rive Pinion F lang e O il Seal...

Страница 199: ...acement is required NOTE A ll axle attachments are important at taching parts in that they could affect the p er formance of vital components and systems and or could result in m ajor repair expense F...

Страница 200: ...aft flange bolts 4 Place a new gasket over the axle shaft and position the axle shaft in the housing so that the shaft splines enter the differential side gear Position gasket so that holes are in ali...

Страница 201: ...if necessary HUB AND DRUM R efer to Figures 44 and 45 F ig 4 4 Hub and Drum D e ta ils N o n d em o u n tab le Type Drum 1 A x le Shaft 2 A x le S h a ft to W h e e l Bolt 3 A d ju sting N u t Locknut...

Страница 202: ...870 ll 000 and 13 500 lb axles c J 22343 15 000 lb axle M50 Trailing 15 000 lb Axle Two Speed M50 Trailing Axle Two Speed 17 000 lb Axle Two Speed d J 7341 17 000 lb axle 3 Disengage tank of nut lock...

Страница 203: ...ided notches and press out cup with an arbor press NOTE Hub outer bearing all axles except 17 000 lb axle cannot be replaced with inner bearings in position therefore replace outer bearings if require...

Страница 204: ...13 500 and 15 000 with 15 x 4 inch brakes place axle shaft spacer in hub first Place inner race and roller assembly in hub larger O D of ro l ler assembly towards outer end of hub then position beari...

Страница 205: ...g 5 4 W h eel Bolt R eplacem ent Press bolts out of hub flange as illustrated in Figure 54 and press new bolts into place making sure they are a tight fit If all bolts were removed be sure that hub oi...

Страница 206: ...hand fig 56 6 On 5200 through 15 000 lb with 4 inch brake axles install thrust washer so that tang on I D of washer is in keyway on axle housing 7 Install adjusting nut and complete the installation a...

Страница 207: ...r 6 Pack the cavity between the seal lips with a high melting point bearing lubricant position seal on installer Tool J 2 2 2 8 1 so that seal shoulders against installer drive surface 7 P ress seal i...

Страница 208: ...e a r Axle Chevrolet Single Speed ELECTRIC SHIFT SYSTEM An electric shift control is used in conjunction with the Chevrolet 2 speed axles The information necessary to understand the construction opera...

Страница 209: ...le Housing 15 D iffe re n tia l Bearing A djusting N u t R ight 16 O il B affle 17 A djusting N u t Lock R ight 18 Thrust W ashers 19 D iffe re n tia l and P lanet Support Case C o ver 2 0 A x le Hous...

Страница 210: ...hort c ir cuit in the electric shift system during vehicle operation Should a short circuit occur the breaker w ill interm it tently de energize the circuit until the trouble has been corrected Three...

Страница 211: ...inding lever this tension is increased to 115 pounds This additional pressure is used to shift the axle When Fig 63 E lectric S h ift U n it M ounted Fig 64 S h ift U n it in High Range Position the s...

Страница 212: ...e screw run nut from top or bottom to the center of the screw fig 67 NOTE Perform ing Step 3 is essential to p re vent damage to drive nut contact bumper 24 4 Remove shift fork actuating lever 16 tors...

Страница 213: ...inal the motor w ill run in one direction With the other motor wire connected to the battery motor w ill run in the opposite direction Connected to a 12 volt test circuit the shift motor free running...

Страница 214: ...the opposite range of that indicated on the control switch 6 Connect w ire at plug VACUUM CYLINDER DIAPHRAGM Replacement 1 Remove clamps on hose connections at the vacuum cylinder and slip hoses off t...

Страница 215: ...ontrols the axle vacuum shift unit and the associated speedometer adapter 1 Disconnect switch electrical leads at the dash panel mounted fuse block and speedometer adapter 2 Remove the two screws secu...

Страница 216: ...5 of Vacuum Shift Unit Control Switch Replacement 7 Seat shoulder on control cable knob against housing then tighten set screw to retain cable at the axle shift control valve and install valve to brac...

Страница 217: ...nventional four pinion type with ring gear bolted to flanged half of differential case D if ferential case is a two piece type machined as a matched assembly and must be replaced as such Thrust washer...

Страница 218: ...and remove the wheels Installation 1 Install the wheels then roll the axle assembly into position under the truck 2 Attach axle to the rear springs with the U bolts Tighten the U bolt nuts to 215 ft l...

Страница 219: ...inside the hub wipe dry Make sure all particles of gasket are removed from outer end of hub axle shaft and hub cap Fig 79 Removing Hub Inner Bearing Cup 3 Scrape old sealing compound out of oil seal b...

Страница 220: ...l it bottoms against shoulder 7 Carefully position seal retainer over pinion to p re vent damage to seal and torque retaining bolts to specifications 8 Reinstall pinion flange and propeller shaft NOTE...

Страница 221: ...e Right 18 D iffe re n tia l Thrust Washers 19 D iffe re n tia l Pinion Spider 20 Ring G ear 21 Ring G ear and Case Bolts 22 Planet Pinion 4 23 Support Case Left 24 A djuster Lock 25 S liding C lutch...

Страница 222: to proper level with lubricant 8 Check brake operation Inspect for air or hydraulic fluid leaks at brake line fittings Axle Vent Replacement See Axle Vent Replacement Eaton Single Speed Axle Axle S...

Страница 223: ...proper ground is present before check ing adapter Disconnect lead w ire at B and connect test lamp to lead B and vehicle ground Turn ignition switch on and observe test lamp The test lamp should ligh...

Страница 224: ...on spring through top of cylinder fig 86 7 Remove actuating lever from housing Inspection 1 Inspect shift fork seal for good condition and tight fit on shift fork Check shift fork seal spring for dis...

Страница 225: ...Drive Pinion Oil Seal Fig 80 Replacement NOTE The pinion oil seal may be replaced with the ca rrier assembly installed in the vehicle F ig 86 Removing or Installin g Piston Push Rod and Compression Sp...

Страница 226: ...transmitted from the transmission through a conventional propeller shaft to the power divider input shaft fig 88 The input shaft supports the inter axle differential which transmits equal driving forc...

Страница 227: ...itioned at the fram e left side rail by the vacuum pipe clips and may be removed by dis connecting the three fittings at the valve Locking Cylinder When leakage tests indicate the locking cylinder as...

Страница 228: ...REAR SUSPENSION AND DRIVE LINE 4 52 I Fig 88 Forward Rear A xle Assembly Exploded V iew CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 229: ...ide G ear 77 Side G ear Bushings 78 Side G ear Thrust Washer 79 Side G ear D Washer 80 Input Shaft 81 Input Shaft S liding C lutch 82 D iffe re n tia l C arrier Cover Gasket 83 D iffe re n tia l C arr...

Страница 230: ...ocknut 14 Plate Washer 6 Push Rod 15 Plate Large 7 Snap Ring 16 Plate Sm all 8 Dowel 17 L o ck O u t S hift 9 C ylin d e r Inner H alf Lever 1 Install new plunger O ring 9 on plunger 14 and new cap nu...

Страница 231: ...u m Operated Lockout or A ir Operated Lockout Fig 93 Sectional V ie w o f C ontrol V alve 1 M ounting Bracket 8 V a lve Spring 2 M ounting Screw 9 0 Ring 3 Fulcrum Pin 10 Cap N ut 4 C ontrol Lever 11...

Страница 232: ...Retainer Inner D eflector Dust Shield MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS An extended life universal joint which does not require periodic inspection and lubrication has been incorporated in several applicati...

Страница 233: ...and slingers if used from bearing d Remove inner deflector from shaft if replacement is necessary Assembly 1 Assemble bearing support as follows a Install inner deflector on propeller shaft if r e mo...

Страница 234: ...que values must be used as specified during reassem bly to assure proper retention of this part CONSTANT VELOCITY UNIVERSAL JOINT Disassembly 1 Remove front propeller shaft from vehicle 2 Remove rear...

Страница 235: ...rear trunnion bearing cap in center yoke and press into yoke until snap ring can be installed In stall remaining cap and snap ring 5 Before assembly is reinstalled in vehicle grease universal as outl...

Страница 236: ...uty A xle U sed w ith J 21468 6 J 21051 Rear W heel Bearing and O il Seal Insta lle r Heavy Duty Used w ith J 7 0 7 9 2 7 J 21491 Rear W heel Bearing and O il Seal In s ta lle r L ig h t Duty Axle U s...

Страница 237: ...l Seal Installer 14 J 22357 W heel Bearing Installer 23 J 22360 Wheel Bearing Remover 5 J 22354 Wheel O il Seal Installer 15 J 22349 W heel Bearing Installer 24 J 7341 Wheel Bearing N u t W rench 6 J...

Страница 238: ......

Страница 239: ...cle the operator can still bring the vehicle to a controlled stop The system is designed with separate hydraulic system s fo r the front and rear brake using a dual main cylinder fig 1 The main cylind...

Страница 240: ...cylinder is mounted between the toe of one shoe and the heel of the other The two wheel cylinder pistons apply an equal amount of force to the toe of each shoe Each cylinder casting is shaped to prov...

Страница 241: ...ught to bear on the adjusting cam D causing the shoe to remain in its adjusted position The Wagner F R 3 A rear brake shoes are adjusted by link crank adjusters E On a reverse brake application the he...

Страница 242: ...6 Housing 7 Spring 1 2 TYPE FR 3 Fig 8 W heel C ylinders Used w ith Types F F A FR 3 and FR 3A Brakes Fig 6 Wagner Type F R 3A Rear and F A Front S elf A djusting Brake 1 Boot 2 Brake Shoe G uide 3 Pi...

Страница 243: ...l lead from switch assembly 3 Place dry rags below the switch to absorb any fluid spilled during rem oval of switch 4 Disconnect four hydraulic lines from connections at switch If necessary loosen lin...

Страница 244: or with equivalent parts if re placement becomes necessary Do not use re placement parts of lesser quality or substitute design Torque values must be used as specified during reassem bly to assure...

Страница 245: ...akes have two cylinders per wheel and each has a bleeder valve Type F R 3 rear brakes have two cylinders per wheel with a bleeder valve at the top cylinder only See Figure 13 for bleeding sequence NOT...

Страница 246: ...m the main cylinder until all cylinders have been purged of air 7 If the vehicle is equipped with a fram e mounted booster the booster should be bled after the main cylinder NOTE On vehicles with uppe...

Страница 247: brakes if cables feels sticky See Section 0 for lubrication When lubricating the brake cables the rear brake drums must be rem oved on 1 2 and 3 4 ton vehicles in order to make sure that lubricant...

Страница 248: ...parking brake and rotate the rear wheels No drag should be present Fig 19 Propeller Shaft Band Type Parking Brake 1 Anchor Screw 5 A djusting Bolt 2 Locating Bolt 6 Lock N u t 3 Lock N u t 7 A djustin...

Страница 249: ...ert clevis pin and cotter pin then tighten clevis locknut b Install new hole cover in drum to prevent con tamination of brake c Low er rear wheels Remove jack and wheel blocks HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINES Hy...

Страница 250: ...the opposite side and fit over brake shoes by turning the star wheel until the gauge just slides over the linings F ig 25 c Rotate the gauge around the brake shoe lining surface to insure proper clea...

Страница 251: ponent pistons of these assem blies There are three sources for dual main cylinders Delco Moraine Bendix and Wagner E lectric The Bendix unit can be readily identified by a Secondary Piston Stop...

Страница 252: ...linder 4 Remove the main cylinder mounting gasket and boot 5 Remove the main cylinder cover and dump out the fluid Pump the remaining fluid from the cylinder by depressing the push rod Disassembly Fig...

Страница 253: ...seal from the prim ary piston Cleaning and Inspection 1 Remove main cylinder casting from vise and inspect the bore for corrosion pits and foreign matter Be sure that the outlet ports are clean and fr...

Страница 254: ...seated against the seal protector and the protector against the flange on the piston which contains the compensating holes 7 Assemble the spring retainer in one end of the p ri mary piston spring and...

Страница 255: ...e use of im proper brake fluid or washing parts in gasoline or kerosene NOTE The prim ary cup has a brass support ring vulcanized in its base to prevent it from imbedding in the bleeder holes during b...

Страница 256: ...ston Seal Cup 2 Primary Piston 3 Cover Seal 4 Reservoir Cover 5 Gasket 6 Cover Bolt 7 Intake Port 8 By Pass Port 9 Reservoir Housing 10 Tube Seat 11 Secondary Piston Return Spring 12 Secondary Piston...

Страница 257: end of cylinder bore 5 Remove stop plate 6 A ll internal parts should slide easily out of cylinder bore If they do not apply compressed air carefully at front outlet port If parts do not rem ove e...

Страница 258: cylinders it is not necessary to install wheel cylinder clamps when brake shoes are removed however brake pedal must not be depressed while drums are removed 4 Unhook brake shoe pull back springs f...

Страница 259: shoes together with adjusting screw spring then place adjusting screw socket and nut in position CAUTION Make sure the proper adjusting screw is used left hand or right hand The star wheel should o...

Страница 260: ...sing D rum to Brake C learance Gauge 16 Follow the above procedure for all brakes 17 Adjust the service brakes as outlined below then adjust the parking brake Adjustment Although the brakes are self a...

Страница 261: ...l metal has been removed Fig 45 Removing Pull Back Spring Using J 22348 from brake compartment Install new hole cover in drum to prevent contamination of the brakes NOTE 2 Make certain when installing...

Страница 262: ...n spring and pin NOTE The actuating lever override lever and spring are an assem bly It is recommended that they be disassembled for service purposes unless they are broken It is much easier to as sem...

Страница 263: ...rrect A ctuator Lever Adjustm ent Front and Rear Brakes 10 Locate the adjusting lever 020 to 039 above the outside diam eter of the adjusting screw thread by loosening the cap screw and turning the ad...

Страница 264: ...Shoes In all cases of brake complaints denoting actual brake lining or shoe failure the brake drums should be re moved and before disassembly of the shoes from the flange plate all linings should be i...

Страница 265: ...for wear Linings should be replaced if worn down close to rivet heads Refer to Brake Shoe Relining in this section Installation Figs 53 and 54 1 Install adjusting screws and wheels in anchor sup port...

Страница 266: up axle and remove hub and brake drum assem blies as directed in Section 3 2 Using Tool J 8049 rem ove brake shoe return springs 3 Remove hold down C clips and lift off shoes 4 Clean all dirt out o...

Страница 267: ...tall automatic adjuster contact plug flush with lining surface Replace wedge guide on shoe web on side away from mounting plate serrations facing away from shoe table Lay wedge on web with s erra tion...

Страница 268: ...h shoe before installing drum by sliding shoe up or down in its anchor slot until the leading and trailing edges of the linings are equal distance from the inner curl of the brake mounting plate c Ins...

Страница 269: ...ecifications 2 Insert starwheels in anchor support slots and thread in adjuster screws from the shoe side friction ring end toward the shoe For new linings back off ad justers taking care not to jam t...


Страница 271: ...Replace cylinder if clearance exceeds 0 004 Assembly Before assembling wheel cylinder be sure each part has been cleaned in denatured alcohol Fig 60 Brake Pedal C K P M S and T Models CAUTION Do_ not...

Страница 272: ...p screw and lock washers Refer to torque specifications at rear of manual for correct torque values 2 When brake line connector is used install connector with new copper gasket Install bleeder valve i...

Страница 273: ...nder fitting 3 Install brake shoes as directed under B rake Shoe Installation Bleed brake system as previously directed under Bleeding Brakes n BRAKE DRUMS A ll front brake drums except those used on...

Страница 274: ...ecessary Do not use re placement parts of lesser quality or substitute design Torque values must be used as specified during reassem bly to assure proper retention of these parts The brake pedal is an...

Страница 275: and adjusted properly before oper ating the vehicle See Maintenance and Adjustments for brake pedal adjustment BRAKE PEDAL TILT CAB Fig 60 The complete brake pedal consists of two separate assem bl...

Страница 276: ...ovement is obtained at pedal pad 7 Lubricate pivot shaft at fitting PARKING BRAKE R efer to hand brake levers and cable routing as shown by Figures 60 through 65 Fig 67 Propeller Shaft Parking Brake B...

Страница 277: ...facing forward 4 Insert threaded end of adjusting bolt down between operating cams Position hook toward rear As bolt is lowered into place it must pass through band upper bracket upper release spring...

Страница 278: ...e the shoes toward each other until the adjusting bolt and connecting spring drop off 9 Remove the clip holding the brake lever to the p ri mary shoe shoe with short lining 10 Compress the spring on t...

Страница 279: ...haft Continue adjustment until shoes are tight against drum and drum cannot be rotated by hand Back off adjustment four 4 notches and check drum for free rotation 5 Place parking brake lever in fully...

Страница 280: ...spring from hose fit ting and withdraw hose from support bracket 3 Turn hose fitting out of wheel cylinder inlet or junction block Installation Fig 70 1 If hose is to be installed in wheel cylinder a...

Страница 281: ...ngle lap flare splits the tubing while the double lap flare shown in B is a heavy w ell form ed joint The following procedure should be followed in making up hydraulic brake pipes 1 Cut the tubing to...

Страница 282: ...leaner element and wash thoroughly in cleaning solvent allow element to dry before reinstalling VACUUM POWER BRAKE UNITS 4 0 5 0 6 0 SERIES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Vacuum power cylinders are used as stand...

Страница 283: ...o match those on the ex terio r surface of the actuator A spring gasket and bolt are used to hold the guide in contact with the actuator Figure 85 is an illustration of an automatic adjuster assem bly...

Страница 284: ...BRAKES 5 46 Fig 7 8 Frame M ounted Single Diaphragm Power Brake System Dual System Fig 79 Frame Mounted Dual Diaphragm Power Brake System Single System CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 285: ...from housing 3 Remove spring and plunger guide 4 Unscrew adjusting bolt from actuator 5 Using a screw driver pry plunger seal out of spider housing 6 Remove actuator and adjusting plunger Installatio...

Страница 286: ...lunger seal end of the housing otherwise the automatic ad 1 Brake A ir Chamber Assembly 2 Non Pressure H alf 3 Brake Shoe Assembly 4 A djusting Bolt Assembly 5 Id e n tific a tio n Ring 6 Spanner N u...

Страница 287: ...Using a punch drive lock washer protrusions from notches in spanner nut and spider housing 3 Using a spanner wrench or a punch and hammer loosen spanner nut which secures air chamber to brake spider h...

Страница 288: ...t 10 Hollow Cap Screw 11 Bolt 12 Brake Shoe Hold Down Clip 13 Guide Screw 14 Anchor Plunger Solid 15 Brake Shoe Return Spring 16 Dust Shield 17 Lock Washer 18 Bolt 19 Dust Cover Wedge Shaft Roller Rol...

Страница 289: on each shoe are identical and can be installed at either end New linings must be securely riveted to shoe with correct size rivets and rivets must be properly upset Maximum braking ef ficiency can...

Страница 290: ...g 94 Installing Wedge Assembly W edge Assembly Disassembly Figs 89 and 90 1 Remove cotter pin and wedge return spring washer from wedge assembly 2 Remove wedge seal 3 Slide wedge spring off wedge 4 Re...

Страница 291: ...ther for service brakes or parking 11 A fter brakes are in operating condition adjust brakes and repeat operating and leakage tests as previously described STANDARD AIR BRAKES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The...

Страница 292: ...sure the engine fan b l a s t is flowing by the com pressor unrestricted Check unloader mechanism fo r operation Tests Air Leakage Leakage past the discharge valves can be detected by rem oving the di...

Страница 293: ...gun inject grease into the hole in side cover while turning the worm shaft ap proxim ately 50 revolutions in one direction 3 Install side plate plug securely 4 Rotate wormshaft about 3 revolutions in...

Страница 294: ...e y or gear if worn or damaged 6 Install pulley or gear on com pressor crankshaft making sure it properly contacts the shaft and does not ride the key Tighten crankshaft nut securely and install cott...

Страница 295: ...emove brake chamber Installation 1 Mount brake chamber to mounting bracket 2 If possible push rod should point down to obtain maximum drainage 3 Install yoke and its nut on push rod and connect to sla...

Страница 296: ...dal push rod clevis pin 4 Remove mounting bolts and remove valve Disassembly Fig 101 1 Remove boot 18 from plunger 17 and bracket 16 2 Remove plunger 17 3 Remove mounting bracket 16 from valve body 10...

Страница 297: ...ston and the brake valve exhaust port PEDAL ADJUSTMENT The pedal is adjusted by means of a pedal stop screw The pedal stop screw adjustment controls the exhaust opening between the hollow end of the a...

Страница 298: ...ims or 2 service shims and cushion 5 in piston Place spring 6 and spring guide 3 in piston Install snap ring 2 5 Apply a light lubricant to inside bores of body Place spring 10 in body Install piston...

Страница 299: ...yoke to slack adjuster 2 Remove lock ring and spacer securing slack adjuster on camshaft Slide slack adjuster off end of shaft Disassembly 1 Remove dirt and grease from outside of unit by washing in a...

Страница 300: ...d be set at the same angle With brakes applied make sure the angle form ed by the slack adjuster arm and brake chamber push rod is still approximately 90 degrees and that all are at the same angle BRA...

Страница 301: ...ent The brake shoe to drum freeplay adjustment of air brakes is accomplished by means of the slack adjuster which is incorporated in the camshaft lever With brakes released the angle form ed by the pu...

Страница 302: ...Position the spring seat over the ball valve and screw the spring cage to the body Installation Screw safety valve in place in proper reservoir line Tests and Adjustments of Rebuilt Unit Both operati...

Страница 303: ...itch is found defective in test ing or leakage is evident no repairs are rec commended j u s t replacement of the switch assembly 1 Block and hold vehicle by means other than air brakes 2 Drain the ai...

Страница 304: ...rison can be made Installation 1 Attach gauge to instrument panel backing plate using original screws or equivalent 2 Mount backing plate gauge assembly in instrument panel 3 Replace lamp socket and g...

Страница 305: ...FT TO MAKE ADJUSTMENT BP__ 1 1 Oft is Hi f r r w p s i PH tr as f PB m m pa Pp ISP Fig 109 Slack A d ju ste r N u t Lock Sleeve Fig I l l Low Pressure Switch Fig 112 Single Check V alve Fig 110 Safety...

Страница 306: pressure is re moved the power spring w ill push the piston against the diaphragm plate The wedge head w ill be pushed deeper between the rollers spreading the plungers apart and applying the brake...

Страница 307: ...ring 3 Release foot set screw 4 Unscrew foot from piston 5 Remove piston seal 6 Remove sealing compound located at joint between cap and housing 7 Remove lock ring from housing 8 Separate cap spring...

Страница 308: ...clearance maximum Hold off air pressure not releasing fu lly Power spring failure Brake Dragging Low Fail Safe hold off pressure requires 65 psi Leaking Fail Safe Leaking at head of the release bolt...

Страница 309: ...ed ex haust valve seal or by leaking piston seals DOUBLE CHECK VALVE Operating Tests 1 Apply truck brakes and note that the brakes apply promptly on both the truck and the trailer Release truck brakes...

Страница 310: ...ler brake service line applying the trailer brakes Removal 1 Exhaust air pressure from system 2 Disconnect air lines from valve 3 Remove bolts and washers securing valve bracket 4 If valve is to be re...

Страница 311: ...freely back and forth in valve guide Assembly Apply a thin coating of Lubriplate or equivalent to in side of valve guide Place valve guide and shuttle valve in body Position cover on body using new g...

Страница 312: ...Clamp mounting bracket in vise having protected jaws 2 Remove end cap and gasket 3 Remove piston assembly from body 4 Hold exhaust valve rem ove nut inlet valve and spring from piston 5 Remove O rings...

Страница 313: ...Application Valve DRY ROAD POSITION Limiting Quick Release Valve Exhaust Port Plunger Two Way Valve Inlet Valve Valve Carrier Valve Disc Front Brake Chambers Exhaust Valve Exhaust Port Application Val...

Страница 314: ...the piston grom m ets and body bores with a Barium Base grease 1 Install piston grom m ets on piston 2 Install piston with grom m ets in valve body 3 Position piston springs cover plate and retainer...

Страница 315: ...valve body and two screws together Installation 1 Connect all air lines to valve Install mounting nut under dash to T ra ile r Emergency Valve TRACTOR PROTECTION VALVE Fig 129 The tractor protection v...

Страница 316: ...y Remove nut and release stud from its storage place on chamber body Remove spring housing rubber cap and insert stud in hole Secure stud in place 1 4 turn and c a g e spring by tightening nut with wr...

Страница 317: ...ed end of brass plunger and rem ove lock nut from end of plunger and remove plunger brass piston and spring 4 Remove inner and outer seal from end cap note direction of inner seal Grooved side toward...

Страница 318: ...nd replace in storage pocket on cham ber housing Install rubber cap over release stud hole 7 Check operation of brakes 8 Check for leaks Disassembly Fig 135 NOTE Scribe a m a r k on all p i e c e s fo...

Страница 319: ...ce parking brake diaphragm in position on adapter and install parking spring housing 6 Install rear clamp ring 7 Check for leaks AIR COMPRESSOR AND GOVERNOR BENDIX WESTINGHOUSE TU FLO TYPE The Tu Flo...

Страница 320: ...loader Piston 17 G overnor 18 Cap Screw 19 Lock Washer 20 G overnor Gasket 21 Thrust Washer 22 Rear End Cover Grommet 23 Crankcase Assembly 24 Flange Gasket 25 Connecting Rod and Cap Assembly 26 Bolt...

Страница 321: does not maintain the vacuum values given above inspect the pump for belt slippage or lack of lubrication Also inspect the vacuum lines and fittings fo r leaks If vehicle is not equipped with vacuu...

Страница 322: ...9 2 J 4707 Brake A djusting Tool 12 J 22489 4 J 2185 Brake Tube Flaring Tool Set 13 J 22733 5 J 8049 Brake Spring Tool 14 J 22805 6 J 23449 J 2 3 4 4 9 2 Pedal Travel Gauge 15 J 7723 01 7 J 7647 J 214...

Страница 323: ...tempt a tune up by correction of one or two items only Tim e w ill normally be saved and more lasting results assured if the technician w ill follow a definite and thorough procedure of analysis and c...

Страница 324: ...If a weak cylinder cannot be located with the compression check see Cylinder Bal ance T est under Additional Checks and Ad justments in this section Service Install Spark Plugs Fig 2 1 Inspect each pl...

Страница 325: ...r and the distributor shaft and bushings h a v e permanent type lubrication therefore no periodic main tenance is required for the magnetic pulse ignition system R efer to Section 6Y for an analysis o...

Страница 326: ...arm rubbing block must be on high point of lobe during adjustment NOTE If contact points have been in service they should be cleaned with a point file before adjusting with a feeler gauge Check distri...

Страница 327: ...lling clamps apply a thin coating of petrolatum to the posts and cable clamps to help retard corrosion If the battery has remained undercharged check for loose or defective fan belt defective Delcotro...

Страница 328: ...s in this section may be perform ed to detect internal or external leaks within the cooling system Check and Adjust Accelerator Linkage 1 Disconnect accelerator rod at carburetor throttle lever 2 Hold...

Страница 329: that affect fuel air ratio such as the crankcase ventilation system the carburetor and the carburetor air cleaner Carburetors and distributors for engines with the A I R System and Controlled Com b...

Страница 330: ...pecification section 3 Aim timing light at timing tab NOTE The markings on the tabs are in 2 increments the greatest number of markings on the A side of the O The O marking is TDC and all BTDC setting...

Страница 331: ...ect solenoid electrically set carburetor idle speed screw to obtain 450 rpm and connect solenoid Reconnect distributor vacuum line 20 and 30 Series 307 cu in Manual Transmission Set mixture screws for...

Страница 332: ...r ap pear one over the other L8 Firing Order 1 5 3 6 2 4 1 5 3 1 6 5 2 3 4 6 2 4 V8 Firing Order 1 8 4 3 6 5 7 2 1 8 4 3 1 6 8 5 4 7 3 2 6 5 7 2 4 Operate engine on each pair of cylinders in turn and...

Страница 333: higher than normal at two or more plugs adjacent in firing order cross firing is occur ring in distributor cap or between spark plug cables concerned If m eter reads off scale to left the coil pola...

Страница 334: ...sheared by bumping end of rocker arm cover rearward with palm of hand or a rubber mallet 2 With the engine running at idle back off valve rocker arm nut until the valve rocker arm starts to clatter 3...

Страница 335: ...of some sub assemblies refer to Section 6 of the Chassis O ver haul Manual Because of the interchangeability and sim ilarity of many engine sub assemblies and parts regardless of which truck vehicle t...

Страница 336: ...forward until disconnected from transmission Continue to raise engine until high enough to come out either side 10 If engine is to be mounted in an engine stand perform the following ON CS 10 20 30 R...

Страница 337: at em ergency brake and retaining brackets Connect choke cable at carburetor and adjust Connect shift linkage at control island Install the radiator radiator support and shroud as outlined in Sec...

Страница 338: ...and Intake Number two cylinder Intake Number three cylinder Exhaust Number four cylinder Intake Number five cylinder Exhaust c Back out adjusting nut until lash is felt at the push rod then turn in a...

Страница 339: ...valve lifters NOTE Place valve lifters in a rack so they may be reinstalled in the same location Installation 1 Install valve lifters NOTE Whenever new valve lifters are being installed polish lifter...

Страница 340: ...2 Carefully guide cylinder head into place over dowel pins and gasket 3 Coat threads of cylinder head bolts with sealing compound and install finger tight 4 Tighten cylinder head bolts a little at a t...

Страница 341: ...angs at parting line do not cut bead on back of seal 4 To rem ove the upper half of the seal use a small hammer to tap a brass pin punch on one end of seal until it protrudes far enough to be rem oved...

Страница 342: ...d check for leaks Crankcase Front Cover Removal 1 Remove oil pan as outlined 2 Remove crankshaft pulley and hub or torsional damper as outlined 3 Remove crankshaft front cover attaching screws rem ove...

Страница 343: ...ift 1 Remove valve mechanism as outlined 2 Position indicator with ball socket adapter Tool J 8520 on push rod fig 13L 3 Rotate the crankshaft slowly in the direction of rotation until the lifte r is...

Страница 344: ...t the valve tim ing marks on the gear teeth w ill line up fig 14L Push camshaft into position Install camshaft thrust plate to block screws and torque to specifications 3 Check camshaft and crankshaft...

Страница 345: ...TIC Fig 19L Flyw heel Installation T ypical Fig 20L Reaming Flywheel Dowel Pin Holes pin holes with Tool J 22808 2 When installing a new flywheel firs t ream the dowel pin holes with Tool J 22808 2 an...

Страница 346: ...lower engine to within 1 4 inch of mount 5 Align mount so that guide dowel enters hole in mount install bolt through french lock lower mount and spacer then install bolt up through fram e upper mount...

Страница 347: are identified as Small V S s The 366 396 and 427 cu in engines are identified as Mark IV V 8 s This section covers the rem oval and installation of engine assemblies the rem oval installation and...

Страница 348: ...mesh transmission and clutch if so equipped a Remove clutch housing rear cover bolts b Remove bolts attaching the clutch housing to engine block then rem ove transmission and clutch housing as a unit...

Страница 349: ...ection 13 ON A L L EXCEPT TE 50 and 60 SERIES Install the radiator and shroud as outlined in Section 13 Install the hood as outlined in Section 11 9 Install the air cleaner connect battery cables fill...

Страница 350: head and rocker arm cover with degreaser then using a new gasket install rocker arm cover and torque to specifications 2 Install carburetor heater if rem oved 3 Connect temperature w ire at clips o...

Страница 351: and lifter body 2 Moderate Rapping N oise Probable causes are a Excessively high leakdown rate b Leaky check valve seat c Improper adjustment 3 General Noise Throughout the Valve Train Th is w ill...

Страница 352: ...ust valve mechanism as outlined Cylinder Head Assembly Removal 1 Remove intake manifold as outlined 2 Remove exhaust manifolds as outlined 3 Remove valve mechanism as outlined 4 Drain cylinder block o...

Страница 353: ...bolts b Torque bolts to specifications 6 Install converter housing under pan if removed 7 Install exhaust crossover pipe if removed 8 Install oil dip stick tube and dip stick 9 F ill with oil start en...

Страница 354: ...V NOTE Tool J 6978 has holes form ing two pat terns A two bolt and a three bolt pattern The holes for the two bolt pattern must be elongated for use on the Mark IV V8 engines Installation CAUTION The...

Страница 355: seal so that open end of the seal is toward the inside of cover and drive it into position with Tool J 23042 on Small V8 engines or Tool J 22102 on Mark IV V8 engines fig 11V CAUTION Support cover...

Страница 356: ...can be dislodged 7 Draw camshaft sprocket onto camshaft using the three mounting bolts Torque to specifications Fig 15V Installin g Crankshaft Sprocket 8 Lubricate timing chain with engine oil 9 Inst...

Страница 357: ...5 Compare the total lift recorded from the dial indi cator with specifications 6 Continue to rotate the engine until the indicator reads zero This w ill be a check on the accuracy of the original indi...

Страница 358: ...ain there are no burrs 2 Install flywheel on crankshaft and position to align dowel hole of crankshaft flange an d flywheel fig 20V NOTE On Automatic Transm ission equipped engines the flywheel must b...


Страница 360: ...21 3 7 8 22 J 8369 O il P ick up Screen Installer JJ 8032 4 23 J 6098 Cam Bearing Tool J 22249 3 1 5 1 6 24 J 0971 Camshaft G ear Support J 22147 4 3 3 2 25 J 6 987 Torsional Damper Puller J 22250 4 1...

Страница 361: ...l and installation of the water pump is covered in this section Overhaul procedures of the water pump assemblies are covered in Section 6K of the Chassis Overhaul Manual For radiator service refer to...

Страница 362: ...n water are not recommended for your cooling system at any tim e Two common causes of corrosion are 1 air suction A ir may be drawn into the system due to low liquid level in the radiator leaky water...

Страница 363: ...edeterm ined temperatures and if not operating properly should be rem oved and tested as follows Replacement 1 Remove radiator to water outlet hose 2 Remove thermostat housing bolts and rem ove water...

Страница 364: ...1 bolt with the head removed installed in one hole of the fan w ill aid in aligning hub pulley and fan Remove stud after starting the remaining three bolts 3 Connect hoses and fill cooling system 4 I...

Страница 365: ...m oval installation and adjust ment on engine of carburetors Also covered in this section are maintenance procedures for throttle linkages and fuel filters For carburetor overhaul procedures and addit...

Страница 366: ...ent Rochester M and M V Fig 4c Fast Idle Adjustm ent H o lle y Model 4150G 4 Connect electrical lead to TCS solenoid Float Adjustment Holley 4150G 1 Remove air cleaner then rem ove the fuel level sigh...

Страница 367: such a manner as to react on the lever in a direction to close the cb ke blade 4 Slowly open accelerator until choke closes choke w ill not fully close due to the vacuum break link s reaction on it...

Страница 368: motor and battery and reduces the possi bility of backfiring while attempting to start the engine A fuel pump clamped to the bench a sm all supply of fuel and the necessary fittings enable the car...

Страница 369: prying with a screw d river in the cut out provided and then re move the choke rod Remove bracket and choke coil assembly W ITH ROCHESTER 4MV AND H O LLEY CARBURETORS Remove the choke coil shield...

Страница 370: ...lerator control lever Models TE TS 5 0 6 0 1 Depress accelerator pedal to floor 2 Hold carburetor throttle lever in wide open throttle position 3 Install accelerator control c a b l e assembly with sl...

Страница 371: ...E OPERATIONS CONTROL VALVE Whenever the distributor is removed for overhaul the governor control valve mechanism should be disassem bled and cleaned See Engine Distributors in Section 6Y GOVERNOR HOUS...

Страница 372: ...on and install the housing to throttle body screws loosely 4 Check the throttle shaft for free rotation in the seal then tighten the housing screws The throttle valves must be held in a closed positio...

Страница 373: ...When the spinner parts are reassembled they should be wiped with a rag saturated with light oil to provide slight but not excessive lubrication 3 If actuator or tubing trouble is indicated a Remove th...

Страница 374: ...nt 7 Install air cleaner cover Inspecting Paper Element 1 Remove air cleaner element as previously outlined 2 Inspect top and bottom seals for deformation or cracking These surfaces must be smooth and...

Страница 375: ...bly 2 Remove cover and filter element assembly 3 Empty oil out of cleaner and clean out all oil and accumulated dirt 4 Wash body with cleaning solvent and wipe dry 5 Wash filter element by sloshing up...

Страница 376: ...w the ele ment in further until the cover air valve just begins to open Tighten jam nut Raise water temperature Valve should be fully open at 120 F 5 Replace the cover and wing nut and the sheet metal...

Страница 377: ...mper door begins to open snorkel passage remove air cleaner cover and observe therm om eter reading It should be between 85 F and 115 F F ig 11a Vacuum Diaphragm R eplacem ent 4 If damper door does no...

Страница 378: ...AND TEST The fuel pump should be checked to make sure the mounting bolts and inlet and outlet connections are tight Always test pump while it is mounted on the engine and be sure there is gasoline in...

Страница 379: ...nlet port port con nected to wiper motor with outlet pipe disconnected CAUTION Always make this test of vacuum pump with outlet open 4 With engine operating at 750 rpm the gauge should show 10 to 12 i...

Страница 380: ...n washer 10 D rive out rocker arm pin using a long tapered drift 11 Remove rocker arm rocker arm spring spacer washers fuel and vacuum links link spacer and rocker arm bushing from pump 12 Remove fuel...

Страница 381: ...ll rod 16 Pick up pump body with vacuum flange up in one hand and the fuel diaphragm assembly in the other Position end of diaphragm spring into w ell of fuel side of pump body 17 With vacuum side of...

Страница 382: ...lange while the vacuum cover is installed This can be done by inserting a 3 32 inch piece of metal between rocker arm stop and body This tool can be made from a piece of steel 3 16 x 3 32 x 6 Bend one...

Страница 383: ...ENGINE FUEL 6M 19 F ig I t Engine Fuel S p ecial Tools CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 384: ......

Страница 385: ...grounding a switch at the trans mission When the solenoid is energized the vacuum source to the distributor is shut off and the vacuum advance unit is vented to the atmosphere by means of a clean air...


Страница 387: ...he various components fig 3 Carburetors and distributors for engines with A I R System are designed particularly for these engines therefore they should not be interchanged with or re placed by a carb...

Страница 388: ...h as the crankcase ventilation system the ca r buretor and the carburetor air cleaner Because of the sim ilarity of many parts typical illus trations and procedures are used except where specific illu...

Страница 389: ...from entering the air intake hole Install the new filter by drawing it on with the pulley and pulley bolts fig 9 Do not attempt to install a filter by hammering it on or pressing it on Draw the filter...

Страница 390: ...Removing Check V alve CHECK VALVE Inspection The check valve should be inspected whenever the hose is disconnected from the check valve or when ever check valve failure is suspected A pump that had b...

Страница 391: ...manifold in a vise re move carbon from tubes and using penetrating oil work tubes out of manifold Install new tubes in manifold AIR INJECTION PUMP Inspection Accelerate engine to approximately 1500 R...

Страница 392: ......

Страница 393: Boost Charging 6Y 5 Test Procedures 6Y 5 Visual In sp ectio n 6Y 5 Instrum ent 6Y 5 Full Charge Hydrometer T e s t 6Y 5 Specific Gravity Readings 6Y 6 Cell Comparison Test 6Y 6 Installing B attery...

Страница 394: ...each case at the base of the Energizer This value is determined by multiplying the max current by the max voltage The PW R should not be confused with the ampere hour rating since two batteries with...

Страница 395: ...Battery should be checked periodically for damage or for the presence of dirt and corrosion Battery should be kept clean An accumula tion of acid film and dirt may perm it current to flow be tween the...

Страница 396: ...attery may be charged at any rate in amperes for as long as spewing of electrolyte due to violent gas sing does not occur and for as long as electrolyte temperature does not exceed 125 F If spewing of...

Страница 397: ...Battery for a broken or cracked case or a broken or cracked cover If any damage is evident the Battery should be replaced Note the electrolyte level Levels that are too low or too high may cause poor...

Страница 398: ...ot give a true indication of the concentration of acid in the electrolyte A fully charged Battery w ill have a specific gravity reading of approximately 1 270 at an electrolyte tem perature of 80 F If...

Страница 399: ...moval and Installation 6Y 18 Other Harness C h e c k s 6Y 14 Mechanical A dju stm en ts 6Y 18 Field Relay Adjustm ents 6Y 18 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The charging system includes the battery generator regu...

Страница 400: ...oltage regulating unit in combination with a conventional vibrating type field relay The transistor is an electrical device which lim its the generator voltage to a preset value by controlling the gen...

Страница 401: ...wear Because of the higher inertia and load capacity of the rotor used in A C generators PROPER B E LT TENSION is m ore critical than on D C generators Since the Delcotron and its companion regulator...

Страница 402: ...ransmission into neutral Fig 5 c Adjust 2 Connect a voltm eter from junction block on horn relay to ground at regulator base CAUTION Be_ sure m eter clip does not touch a resistor or terminal extensio...

Страница 403: ...lator voltage control by disconnecting and re connecting regula tor connector and read voltage If voltage is 13 5 to 15 2 the regulator is okay a Disconnect four term inal connector and remove regulat...

Страница 404: ...rd models the indicator lamp circuit provides initial field excitation causing lamp to glow The light is cancelled by closing the field relay which applies battery voltage to both side of bulb bulb go...

Страница 405: ...est lamp does not glow the resistor is open circuited note also that dash lamp does not glow during this test because series resistance of the 2 bulbs causes amperage to be too low Field Relay Checks...

Страница 406: ...heck voltage setting test and circuit re sistance test In order to easily make these tests it is necessary to use an adapter at the regulator harness connector Notice that the adapter shown in the ill...

Страница 407: ...shown in Figure 14c Part 2 2 Turn the switch on and read the voltm eter a If voltm eter reads 1 2 volts less than battery voltage field is O K check generator output b If voltm eter reads zero an open...

Страница 408: ...factory the field relay contacts may have excessive resistance In this case replace the relay Voltage Setting Adjustment A voltage setting not tailored to meet vehicle require ments can result in an u...

Страница 409: ...spacer pulley and washer on shaft and start the nut 4 Use the socket and adapter with a torque wrench and tighten nut to 50 ft lbs torque Removal and Installation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Disconnect battery ground...

Страница 410: ...tor at the regulator then remove the screws securing the regulator to the vehicle E lectrical settings must be checked and adjusted after making mechanical adjustments Before installing regu lator cov...

Страница 411: ...n for adjustment is provided No periodic adjustments or maintenance of any kind are required on the entire generator assembly The generator rotor bearings contain a supply of lubri cant sufficiently a...

Страница 412: ...pacitor C l smooths out the voltage across R3 re sistor R4 prevents excessive current through TR1 at high temperatures and diode D3 prevents high induced voltages in the field windings when TR1 turns...

Страница 413: ...derate speed approximately 1500 2000 rpm and turn on electrical loads high beam headlights windshield wiper heater or A C blower radio etc NOTE Without sufficient electrical load to de mand maximum De...

Страница 414: ...f satisfactory replace regulator as covered in Section 6Y of the chassis overhaul manual GENERATOR OUTPUT TEST To check the generator in a test stand proceed as follows 1 Make connections as shown in...

Страница 415: ...ubrication is accomplished by a reservo ir of lube around the mainshaft in the distributor body or through a hinge cap oiler on governor type units Spark Plugs Should be removed inspected cleaned and...

Страница 416: ...nt Four and Six Cylinder Engine Distributor 1 Release distributor cap hold down screws rem ove cap and place it out of work area 2 Remove rotor 3 Pull prim ary and condenser lead w ires from contact p...

Страница 417: ...R everse Steps 2 3 and 4 to install new contact set CAUTION Install the prim ary and condenser leads as shown in Figure 4i Improper installa tion w ill cause lead interference between the cap weight...

Страница 418: points and a 016 opening for used points 5 Tighten the contact support lock screw and recheck the point opening 6 A fter checking and adjusting the contact point opening to specifications the cam...

Страница 419: ...ondenser from bracket 4 To replace condenser reverse the above procedure NOTE Make sure that new condenser lead is installed in proper position fig 6i DISTRIBUTOR Removal 1 Release the distributor cap...

Страница 420: ...echanism retaining screws remove the vacuum advance assembly 7o Remove the spring retainer rem ove the breaker plate assembly from the distributor housing Remove the contact point and condenser from t...

Страница 421: ...inder Engine R efer to Figure lOi for Exploded View of Distributor 1 Replace cam assembly to mainshaft NOTE Lubricate top end of shaft with Delco cam and ball bearing grease or equivalent prior to rep...

Страница 422: ...ert mainshaft into housing indexing it with drive gear and washers 5 Slide distributor drive gear shims and gear over shaft and install new pin Tap new pin through gear and mainshaft Check shaft for f...

Страница 423: ...tall spark plug and high tension w ires if removed NOTE It is important that the spark plug wires be installed in their proper location in the supports fig 21i 4 Tim e ignition as previously described...

Страница 424: ...o see that rotor lines up with terminal for No 1 spark plug 7 Install cap check all high tension w ire connections and connect spark plug w ires if they have been removed It is important that the w ir...

Страница 425: ...adjustment by b e n d i n g the ground or side electrode Installation Install the spark plugs in the engine with new gaskets and torque to specifications If torque wrench is not available tighten plu...

Страница 426: ...rmined governed speed Thus the driver has a quick check of the condition of the warning light bulb BATTERY DISTRIBUTOR CARBURETOR ACTUATOR LAMP BURN OUT CHECKING CIRCUIT IGNITION SWITCH S OIL PRESSURE...

Страница 427: ...every 5000 m iles or every 300 hours of operation RESISTANCE CHECKS Although the starting motor cannot be checked against specifications on the car a check can be made for ex cessive resistance in the...


Страница 429: ...r linkage 2 If the solenoid ch a tters but does not hold in check the solenoid for an open h o ld in winding When ever it is necessary to replace a starting mo tor solenoid always check starting motor...


Страница 431: ...The Step Van uses mechanical linkage activated by a floor pedal mounted through a pivot shaft on a frame bracket fig 2 A pull rod connects the pedal to the cross shaft to activate the clutch as befor...

Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...

Страница 433: ...CLUTCHES AND TRANSMISSIONS 7 3 Fig 2 C lutch Linkage Step Van P 20 40 Series CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 434: ...til there is at least 3 8 l 2 clearance between clutch intermediate lever and oil filter fig 15 2 Loosen nut A fig 6 and back off from sw ivel ap proxim ately 1 2 inch 3 Hold clutch fork push rod agai...

Страница 435: ...uncover the port in the master cylinder reservoir CLUTCH PEDAL EXCEPT TILT CAB Refer to Fig 8 Removal 1 Pull parking brake lever to applied position Fig 6 A djusting Slave C ylinde r Push Rod Fig 7 C...

Страница 436: ...e rem oval procedure to install upper and low er pedal arms are serrated for alignment during assembly 2 Adjust pedal free travel as outlined under Mainte nance and Adjustments SLAVE CYLINDER Removal...

Страница 437: ...ust be clean and free of all oil Do not wash hands in gasoline or oil before cleaning parts Use soap and water to clean hands Inspection 1 Inspect slave cylinder bore making sure that it is smooth A s...

Страница 438: ...MANUAL C A K A 100 200 CA 300 MODELS CD 500 600 MODELS CG 500 MODELS CE ME SE 500 600 MODELS CE ME 600 MODELS W R P O L43 CE CS SS 400 CS SS 500 MODELS Fig 14 C lu tch Linkage Exploded V iew CLUTCHES...

Страница 439: ...Assembly 7 10 Clutch Retracting Spring Replacem ent 7 9 Removal from V eh icle 7 10 Diaphragm Clutch A dju stm ent 7 9 Installation to V e h ic le 7 10 MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS PRELIMINARY INSPECTI...

Страница 440: ...rect the trouble check driven disc with clutch pedal depressed it should spin freely with transmission in neutral If it does not trouble may be 1 Misalignment between pilot bushing in crankshaft and c...

Страница 441: ...7 11 Removal from V e h ic le 7 11 Service O perations 7 11 Installation to Vehicle 7 12 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The coil spring single plate clutch is a dry disc type and no adjustment for wear is provid...

Страница 442: ...for wear is provided in the clutch itself An individual adjustment is provided for locating each lever In manufacturing this lever adjusting nut is locked in place and should never be disturbed unless...

Страница 443: ...and M echanism 7 21 Rem ote Control Assembly at Transmission 7 22 Transmission Replacement 7 26 Rear Oil Seal Replacement 7 28 Auxiliary Transm issions 7 28 10 30 SERIES MODELS TRANSMISSION LINKAGE AD...

Страница 444: ...termine if other equipment lines or brackets must be rem oved to perm it re moval of the transmission 10 Remove flywheel housing underpan and transmission to flywheel housing mounting bolts IMPORTANT...

Страница 445: ...ant recommended in LUBRICATION Section 0 of this manual 13 If necessary adjust clutch or transmission control linkage to achieve proper transmission operation Removal K Series Blazer Models 3 or 4 Spe...

Страница 446: two 2 adapter mount bolts 11 Remove the 2 top transmission to clutch housing cap screws and insert 2 transmission guide pins Tool J 1126 in these holes 12 Remove flywheel under pan Remove the 2 low...

Страница 447: ...d gear Inspect the second and third speed clutch internal clutching teeth If the teeth are worn or tapered even slightly the gears should be replaced Reassemble the transmission 8 Install the transmis...

Страница 448: ...outer shifter levers 4 Remove both shift forks from shifter shaft assem blies Remove both shifter shaft assem blies from cover O ring seals around shifter shaft may now be pried out if replacement is...

Страница 449: cover attaching bolts cover and shift plate from adapter 2 Remove shift inhibitor plug spring and bumper as sembly If necessary to disassemble this unit com press spring and rem ove roll pin 3 Usin...

Страница 450: to frame rail Bend tabs after assembly 3 Install clevis pins to connecting links between trans fer case and control adapter shifter shafts On new process model install connecting rod to shift rail...

Страница 451: ...smission if shift controls at control island panel become worn or damaged make repairs as de scribed in the following text 1 At the control island panel disconnect shift rod 6 from shift finger 10 Als...

Страница 452: ...n the following text Removal 1 Position transmission gearshift lever in N E U T R A L and disconnect control rods from shift levers at transmission NOTE On models with New Process trans mission rem ov...

Страница 453: ...With snap ring pliers rem ove snap ring 19 from shift rail 2 4 Loosen locknut 6 and rem ove shift yoke guide 7 from cover 5 Remove locknut 6 from guide 7 5 Using hammer and punch rem ove split pin 24...

Страница 454: ...inger 23 on shift rail 2 with off center hole to front Push shift rail the remaining distance into cover 3 Install roll pin 24 retaining shift finger 23 on shift rail 2 4 With locknut 6 installed on s...

Страница 455: ...g screw 28 Tighten screw firm ly 2 Position selector arm and shaft assembly 22 and bushing 21 in control housing 13 then install washer 14 and snap ring 15 3 Position selector finger 23 in control hou...

Страница 456: ...14 30 Tighten clamp nut firm ly TRANSMISSION REPLACEMENT The procedure required to rem ove the transmission from trucks covered in this manual are dependent gen erally upon the type of cabs i e conve...

Страница 457: ...erature Grease to the main drive gear bearing retainer and splined portion of transmission main drive gear shaft to as sure free movement of clutch and transmission com ponents during assembly 2 Shift...

Страница 458: ...2 Clean all gasket surfaces then install rear bearing cap and oil seal assembly with a new gasket to trans mission case Tighten cap screws firm ly NOTE Oil return passage in rear bearing cap must lin...

Страница 459: ...e t e r cable at r e a r of transmission 5 Using a suitable jack and some means to secure the transmission rem ove the two nuts and lock washers securing the U bolt at the front to the second crossm...

Страница 460: ...12D Cover and S hifting Mechanism 1 D ire ct and O verdrive S h ift Rod5 1st and 2nd S hift Fork 2 S hifter Housing Cover 6 1st and 2nd S hift Rod 3 Lock W ire 7 D ire ct and O verdrive 4 S hift Fork...

Страница 461: ...and is ac cessible for service by rem oving the oil pan assembly The valve body consists of an upper and low er body lo cated on either side of a transfer plate The vacuum modulator is located on the...

Страница 462: ...per shift linkage adjustment lift the transmission selector lever towards the steering wheel Allow the selector lever to be positioned in drive D by the transmission detent NOTE Do not use the indicat...

Страница 463: ...en carburetor to side open throttle position Carbure tor must reach wide open throttle position at the same time the ball stud contacts end of slot in upper T V rod 5 Adjust sw ivel on end of upper T...

Страница 464: ...converter holding Tool J 9549 im mediately or a sim ilar tool constructed as shown in Figure 4PG or in an emergency a length of strong w ire may be used after rem oval from the engine Installation 1 M...

Страница 465: ...ven at least 15 m iles the fluid level should be between the F U L L mark and 1 4 inch below FU LL The vehicle should be level with the engine idling and the trans mission in PARK Transmission at Room...

Страница 466: ...It is not recommended that stall tests be conducted which would result in engine vacuum falling below 10 Hg Pressure gauge hose connections should be made at the low servo apply main line test point f...

Страница 467: ...xle 8 75 16 5 T ire Closed Throttle 12 16 13 10 Detent Touch 31 40 29 18 Wide Open Throttle 38 45 40 33 Engine Throttle Position MPH in Drive Upshift Downshift Min Max Max Min CE 200 V 8 307 Base 350...

Страница 468: ...desired operating range Engine Vacuum To operate the vacuum modulator Detent Cable To operate Detent System The Turbo Hydra M atic 350 transmission features three forward driving ranges which can be...

Страница 469: ...ghly into a pan or can 4 Replace drain plug and re fill with approximately two and one half quarts of oil specified in Section 0 NOTE To re fill the transmission rem ove dip stick from oil fille r tub...

Страница 470: ...cable fitting at the transmission Tie lines out of the way 3 Disconnect manual control lever rod and detent cable from transmission 4 Disconnect prop shaft from transmission 5 Install suitable transm...

Страница 471: 8 Remove the transmission support rear crossm em ber 9 Remove converter under pan scribe flywheel to converter rslationship fo r assembly then rem ove flywheel to converter attaching bolts 10 Suppo...

Страница 472: ...tion and for leakage Check and if necessary adjust linkage OPERATIONS without rem oving the Turbo Hydra M atic 350 their service procedure is covered in the Overhaul Manual and is not repeated here R...

Страница 473: ...d h Vent pipe refer to Item 5 i Porous case 4 FRONT END LEAK a Front seal damaged check converter neck for nicks etc also for pump bushing moved forward b Pump attaching bolts and seals damaged m iss...

Страница 474: ...e by blowing into the tube and observe for leak bubbles If bubbles appear replace the modulator NOTE Do not use any method other than human lung power fo r applying air pressure as pres sures over 6 p...

Страница 475: ...39 33 17 51 62 59 48 30 47 40 21 61 75 72 58 Model CE 105 V8 350 LS9 KS 105 Engine 3 07 Axle E78 15 T ire 3 73 Axle E78 15 T ire Throttle Position 1 2 up 2 1 dn 2 3 up 3 2 dn 1 2 up 2 1 dn 2 3 up 3 2...

Страница 476: ...4 57 Axle 8 75 16 5 T ire Throttle Position 1 2 up 2 1 dn 2 3 up 3 2 dn 1 2 up 2 1 dn 2 3 up 3 2 dn Closed Throttle 8 14 11 8 17 20 20 16 6 9 8 4 12 15 14 11 Detent Tho Touch 32 45 10 8 58 69 63 50 21...

Страница 477: assists the converter pump to deliver power or multiply engine torque As turbine speed increases the direction of the oil leaving the turbine changes and flows against the rear side of the stator...

Страница 478: ...e C A 10 20 C A 30 M odels proxim ately 40 MPH depending on axle ratio L I Range position prevents the transmission from shifting out of first gear It is very important that any communication concerni...

Страница 479: in the mast jacket See Section 9 for alignment of steering column assembly if necessary Linkage PS PE 20 30 M odels 2 To check for proper shift linkage adjustment lift the transmission selector lev...

Страница 480: ...ivel and recheck the adjustment See Steps 2 and 6 10 Readjust indicator needle if necessary to agree with the transmission detent positions See Section 9 11 Readjust neutral safety switch if necessary...

Страница 481: ...sure switch assembly 3 Remove control valve body attaching screws and de tent ro ller spring assembly NOTE D o n o t rem ove solenoid attaching screws 4 Remove control valve body assembly and governor...

Страница 482: ...wering transmission or keep rear of transmission lower than front so as not to lose converter The installation of the transmission is the reverse of the rem oval with the following additional steps Be...

Страница 483: ...rectly torqued b Im properly installed or damaged pan gasket c O il pan gasket mounting face not flat 2 REAR EXTENSION LEAK a Attaching bolts not correctly torqued b Rear seal assembly damaged or im p...

Страница 484: connected for normal modulator operation and with sufficient engine speed to stabilize pump pressure approx 1000 rpm NOTE Pressures are not significantly affected by altitude or barom etric pres...

Страница 485: ...m ission may be easily checked with a continuity tester which uses either the vehicle s battery or a separate source to power the test lamp or m eter CAUTION To prevent damaging the pressure resistanc...

Страница 486: 4 10 Axle 8 75 16 5 T ire w Dual Wheels R05 4 57 Axle 8 75 16 5 T ire Throttle Position 1 2 up 2 1 dn 2 3 up 3 2 dn 1 2 up 2 1 dn 2 3 up 3 2 dn Closed 6 9 8 5 13 17 15 11 5 8 7 5 12 15 13 10 Thru D...

Страница 487: ...Plate 7 J 9225 3 J 1522 P ilo t Bearing D river 8 J 2 1 169 4 J 5824 C lutch P ilo t Tool 9 J 7126 5 J 1448 P ilo t Bearing P uller 10 J 7816 Ball Type P ilot Bearing Remover Ball Type P ilo t Bearing...

Страница 488: ...21629 Countergear Loading Tool 10 J 2228 Rear Bearing Press Plates 5 J 22246 Countergear Loading Tool 11 J 0933 O ve rd rive W rench 6 J 5778 Extension Bushing Remover 12 J 5590 C lutch G ear Bearing...

Страница 489: ...ainer Seal Installer 5 J 22873 2nd Speed Bushing Installer 6 J 22875 3rd Speed Bushing Installer 7 J 22830 Snap Ring Installer 8 J 22874 1 Bearing Installer 9 J 2 2 8 7 4 5 M ainshaft Support Tool 10...

Страница 490: ...Speed G ear Bushing Installer 7 J 7785 O il Seal Installer 8 J 2 6 6 7 M ainshaft and Bearing Assembly Remover and Replacer 9 J 6382 Reverse Idle Shaft Remover 10 J 1453 11 J 2228 12 J 8106 13 J 1614...

Страница 491: ...s 1 J 1 619 M ainshaft Bearing Remover 2 J 4761 Reverse Idler Shaft Remover 3 J 8 107 TR 278 R D iffe re n tia l Side Bearing Remover 4 J 6418 S ynchronizer Hub Remover 5 J 6419 6 J 0996 7 J 5740 Bear...

Страница 492: ...TRANSMISSIONS 7 62 Fig 6ST Five Speed C lark Transmission Special Tools 1 J 1 619 M ainshaft Bearing Remover 2 J 6382 Reverse Idler G ear Shaft Remover 3 J 6419 Bearing Installer Set CHEVROLET TRUCK S...

Страница 493: ...r 5 J 22836 Front O utput Shaft Bearing Retainer Seal Installer 6 J 21359 Rear O utput Shaft Bearing Retainer Seal Installer 7 J 23431 Rear O u tp u t Shaft Housing Bearing Remover and Installer 8 J 7...

Страница 494: ...Shaft Front Bearing Cup Installer 4 J 23423 Rear O u tp u t Shaft Rear Bearing Cup Installer 5 J 5 590 Bearing Installer 6 J 23419 Interm ediate Shaft Remove and Installer 7 J 22833 O utput Shaft Hous...

Страница 495: ...Planet Pinion Assembly Tool Set 13 J 9542 Reverse Piston Spring Compressor 14 J 9 557 Transmission Case Rear Bushing Remover and Installer and G overnor Support Bushing Remover 15 J 7079 Handle 16 J 6...

Страница 496: ...15 Stator Shaft Front Bushing Remover 20 J 21885 9 J 23329 D ire ct C lutch Bushing Installer 21 J 23071 10 J 9534 01 O u tp u t Shaft Bushing Remover 22 J 23069 11 J 23327 C lu tch Spring Compressor...

Страница 497: ...17 Part o f Bushing Tool Sat 6 J 5154 Extension C il Seal Installer 22 J 21465 8 Part of Bushing Tool Set 7 J 6585 Slide Hammer W eights 23 J 21465 13 Part o f Bushing Tool Set 8 J 9539 Slide Hammer...

Страница 498: ...ear Remover 11 J 21664 C lutch Spring Compressor A dapter Ring 4 J 9539 S lide Hammer Bolts 3 8 16 Threads 12 J 4 670 C lutch Spring Compressor 5 J 8105 Speedo G ea r Remover Puller 13 J 8059 Snap Rin...

Страница 499: ...into the side rail Metal to metal contact between tank and brackets or straps is prevented by the use of anti squeak material Upper and lower fille r necks vary as to size length and shape depending o...

Страница 500: ...s mounted tanks re move gauge attaching screws and then disengage unit from tank 4 Replace or clean strainer with compressed air as required 5 I n s t a l l gauge unit using reverse of rem oval proced...

Страница 501: ...s Fig 3 4 Removal and Installation 1 Drain tank 2 Raise vehicle on hoist 3 Unclamp fille r neck and vent tube hose 4 Unclamp gauge unit hose at fram e end 5 Support tank and rem ove support strap s 6...

Страница 502: ...e on float unit 4 Remove tank support straps and low er tank to floor 5 To install reverse the rem oval procedure Replace all anti squeak m aterial FUEL LINE SERVICE The fuel lines should be inspected...

Страница 503: ...tion If fuel pipes and retainer clips are removed Tool J 7777 should be used to install new retainer clips fig 12 A fter rem oval of the old clip from the fram e posi tion the new clip in the location...

Страница 504: ...nstall hose clamps Check connections to assure that hose and clamp seal connection NOTE If replacing hose use only replacement hose marked E V A P 2 Install clamp retaining pipe 3 Low er vehicle and r...

Страница 505: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 7 Fig 9 Single Fuel F ilfe r System C G 50 6 0 Shown as Typ ical CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 506: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 8 Fig 10 Vent Lines Cab M ounted Tanks CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 507: ...rattles due to im proper clearances or obstructions to the normal flow of gases Leave all clamp bolts and m uffler strapbolts loose until all parts are properly aligned and then tighten working from f...

Страница 508: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 10 SPECIAL TOOLS Fig 13 Special Tools 1 J 2 3 3 4 6 Fuel Tank G a u g e Remover and Installer 2 J 7 7 7 7 Fuel Line C lip Installer CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 509: ...the left and right steering arms Steering effort is re series units have an adjustable tie rod connected to the layed to the left steering arm from the pitman arm by a steering arm at each wheel Stee...

Страница 510: ...xactly half way to center position Turn lash adjuster screw clockwise to take out all lash in gear teeth and tighten locknut Check torque at steering wheel taking highest reading as wheel is turned th...

Страница 511: available which w ill perm it high point centering on C40 50 series trucks with 5000 and 7000 axles for service only To adjust high point proceed as follows 1 Remove the connecting rod as outlined...

Страница 512: ...ring fig 6 3 Tighten the adjusting ring clamp screws to 70 in lbs COMPONENT REPLACEMENT AND REPAIRS STEERING WHEEL Removal 1 Disconnect battery ground cable 2 Remove horn button receiving cup b ellevi...

Страница 513: ...position or the steering column must be loosened and pulled upward far enough to per m it coupling removal Removal 1 A fter marking wormshaft to steering shaft relation ship rem ove bolt from couplin...

Страница 514: ...values must be used as specified during reassem bly to assure proper retention of this part 4 Reinstall the gear or column as outlined later in this section Be sure to maintain a coupling to flange d...

Страница 515: ...models install toe panel seal and seal plate on yoke shaft 2 Position dust cap plastic washer and new felt washer on yoke shaft 3 Aligning the arrow on the yoke shaft with the arrow on the yoke tube i...

Страница 516: ...bolt at the coupling or universal joint NOTE Be sure to maintain a flexible coupling to steering shaft flange dimension of 250 to 375 The coupling pins should be centered in the flange slots 4 Install...

Страница 517: ...ents and systems and or could result in m ajor re pair expense It must be replaced with one of the same part number or with an equivalent part if replacement becomes necessary Do not use a replacement...

Страница 518: ...Steering Shaft N ut 15 S hift Lever Spacer 30 Lockwasher 5 From inside the vehicle rem ove the screws from the toe pan cover and slide the cover and seal up the column 6 Remove the steering wheel as o...

Страница 519: ...lever towards top of column 6 Install low er bearing in the adjusting ring and then install the adjusting ring clamp and screws 7 Install the shift lever housing or extension housing seat and bushing...

Страница 520: ...irew all bracket must not cover the protrusions on the mast jacket 4 Install the mast jacket to dash clamp bolts 5 A fter the assembly is completed and all bolts are properly torqued the dimension bet...

Страница 521: ...diate steering shaft yoke tube 2 Slide dust cap plastic washer and felt washer down on yoke shaft 3 Disconnect wiring harness from mast jacket rem ove each lead from the connector and mark its locatio...

Страница 522: dry 2 Inspect parts for wear or damage and replace if necessary 3 Check the spring for distortion or collapsed coils Assembly 1 1 0 0 0 Axles 1 Install the ball stud seat over the stud and insta...

Страница 523: ...p bolt from pitman arm and mark relation of arm position to shaft 5 Remove pitman arm using Tool J 6632 or J 5504 fo r 10 20 30 Series and J 21143 for 40 50 60 Series Installation 1 Install pitman arm...

Страница 524: pro vided by an engine driven vane type pump With the Conventional System 40 60 Series hydraulic pressure is delivered from the pump through two hoses to a control valve which senses power require...

Страница 525: is extrem ely foamy allow vehicle to stand a Fig 2 6 4 0 6 0 Series Power Steering G ear and C ontrol V alve T ypical few m inutes with engine off and rep eat above procedure a Check belt tightness...

Страница 526: ...ille r cap from pump reservoir and check fluid level F ill pump reservoir to full mark on dip stick Start engine and holding steering wheel against stop check connections at Tool J 5176 for leakage Bl...

Страница 527: ...oval procedure NOTE A ll steering gear to fram e and steering gear to flexible coupling fasteners are important attaching parts in that they could affect the p er formance of vital components and sys...

Страница 528: ...Fig 31 T yp ica l Power Steering Hose Routings...

Страница 529: ...Bearing In sta lle r 5 J 5822 Wormshaft Bearing Cup P uller 23 J 7 0 7 9 2 D rive Handle 6 J 8433 Pump Pulley Remover Cast Pulley 24 J 8524 1 A djuster Plug Bearing Installer 7 J 5860 Torque W rench...

Страница 530: ......

Страница 531: ...built in tread indicators to assist in judging when tires are worn out and should be replaced These indicators are molded into the bottom of the tread grooves and w ill appear as bands across the tre...

Страница 532: ...itch PASSENGER CAR TYPE TIRES The optional tires listed in the adjacent tables are not necessary for normal requirem ents However an extra margin of tire service is available when these options are us...

Страница 533: ...7 00 16 8 1260 1365 1475 1580 1685 1780 1870 7 00 18 8 1710 1830 1950 2060 2170 2270 7 50 16 6 1430 1565 1690 1815 7 50 16 8 1430 1565 1690 1815 1930 2040 2140 TUBELESS TIRES MOUNTED ON 15 TAPERED BE...

Страница 534: ...essures may be increased up to 10 PSI The total increase in cold inflation pressures shall not exceed 10 PSI above those specified in the above table for the load being carried ALSO REFER TO SIX 1 THR...

Страница 535: ...0 4990 5220 5430 5640 5840 6040 10 00 22 F 4560 4820 5070 5310 5550 5780 10 00 22 G 4560 4820 5070 5310 5550 5780 6000 6210 6430 10 00 24 F 4830 5120 5380 5640 5890 6130 11 00 20 F 4670 4940 5200 5450...

Страница 536: ...4000 4230 4450 4660 4870 5070 10 00 22 G 4000 4230 4450 4660 4870 5070 5260 5450 5640 10 00 24 F 4240 4490 4720 4950 5170 5380 11 00 20 F 4100 4330 4560 4780 4990 5190 11 00 20 G 4100 4330 4560 4780...

Страница 537: ...30 2350 2460 2570 2680 2780 8 22 5 D 2070 2220 2350 2490 2620 2750 8 22 5 E 2070 2220 2350 2490 2620 2750 2870 2990 3100 9 22 5 E 2460 2640 2800 2960 3120 3270 3410 3550 9 22 5 F 2460 2640 2800 2960 3...

Страница 538: ...ive toe in or toe out In either case tires w ill revolve with a side motion and scrape the tread rubber off If m is alignment is severe the rubber w ill be scraped off of both tires if slight only one...

Страница 539: ...these wheels Static Balance Static balance sometimes called still balance is the equal distribution of weight of the wheel and tire assem bly about the axis of rotation in such a manner that the asse...

Страница 540: ...tire may be rem oved from the wheel after rem oving nuts and clamps The tires may then be serviced as outlined under M ainte nance CAUTION When rem oving wheel loosen all nuts approximately flush with...

Страница 541: ...tter using a screw driver and the tire iron fig 6 Then rem ove the clamp ring by prying it out of the gutter with the tire iron moving p ro gressively around the rim fig 7 4 D rive the curved end of t...

Страница 542: ...facing the wall Inflate from side opposite the ring If no solid wall is avail Fig 11 Side Ring Assembly Points able place tire and wheel on floor with clamp ring down and inflate from above CAUTION Al...

Страница 543: ...rom wheel rim as in Figure 13 Then turn assembly over Fig 14 Disengaging Side Ring from Rim G utter Fig 16 Positioning Side Ring and rem ove ring with tire attached as in Figure 16 Two Section Rims Mo...

Страница 544: ...allow tire to hang loosely on wheel while inflating 6 Center valve and pull it firm ly against the rim Hold in this position and inflate until tire beads are firm ly seated on rim against flanges 7 Co...

Страница 545: ...bites if necessary fig 21 3 Stand assembly in vertical position Lubricate sec Fig 21 L iftin g Bead O ver Rim Fig 22 Inserting Tire Iron in Second Bead Fig 23 Prying Second Bead from Rim ond bead At t...

Страница 546: ...bead circle to be mounted w ill ease mounting 2 With tire beads still unseated rotate tire on wheel so that balance mark on tire lines up with the valve stem 3 Start tire beads into the rim bead seat...

Страница 547: ...llet w ill free the last half of the ring after it has been pried up so both cutouts are visible Fig 29 Assembling Side Ring Assembly 1 To assemble the parts start the side ring half op posite the too...

Страница 548: ...10 18 Fig 30 M ounting First Bead Fig 33 Loosening First Bead Fig 31 A pplying Second Bead Fig 34 Removing Ring Fig 32 Forcing Ring in to G u tte r Fig 35 Prying Bead over Edge o f Rim CHEVROLET TRUC...

Страница 549: ...vy screw driver and pull ring outward toward centered position Strike with mallet forcing ring into gutter fig 32 Demounting 1 F irst rem ove valve core to completely deflate tire 2 Place tire and whe...

Страница 550: ......

Страница 551: ...m b ly 11 3 Hood Hinge Spring Replacem ent 11 3 Hood H in g e 11 3 Hood Lock Assembly 11 3 A d ju stm en t 11 3 Hood Assembly Removal and In stallation 11 4 Page Hood Assembly A lignm ent 11 4 Front...

Страница 552: ...s conventional cab has the same massive styled front end sheet metal which includes the hood front fenders skirts radiator support and new hood locks The following pages contain servicing information...

Страница 553: ...or downward movement of the hood while the vehicle is in motion Integral with the striker plate is the combination lock re lease lever and safety catch Replacement 1 Open hood and rem ove the four bo...

Страница 554: snug which attach hinges to hood NOTE If a new hood is to be installed per form procedures as outlined under Alignment directly below 2 Shift hood on hinges to location marks made before rem oval o...

Страница 555: ...ll bolts loosely to facilitate aligning after complete installation 2 Install fender bolts at cowl 3 Install combination bolt and flat washer assembly into each fender reinforcem ent while inserting s...

Страница 556: ...assembly with radiator battery horn and voltage regulator Installation 1 Tape washers and cushions to fram e and fender brackets with masking tape NOTE If sheet metal mounting cushions on fram e brac...

Страница 557: follows Remove two bolts from inside of cab at the top of each fender Remove bolt and plug at lower rear fender location For installation reverse the above added procedure RADIATOR SUPPORT 10 30 Se...

Страница 558: ...rews 10 Remove screws securing fender skirts to radiator support bottom 11 Remove bolt securing center grille support to radia tor support 12 Remove bolts securing hood catch assembly to radia tor sup...

Страница 559: ...ll snugly remainder of skirt to right fender screws 16 Tighten right fender skirt front 3 bolts from under side to radiator support 17 Place battery tray in position and fasten to radiator support 18...

Страница 560: ...rews connecting skirt edge to fender flange 8 Right fender rem oval necessitates rem oval of battery cables battery and three screws attaching battery tray to fender 9 Remove 1 bolt hidden from view c...

Страница 561: and rotate over tire Reverse procedure to install FENDER SKIRT 40 60 Series Removal 1 Turn steering wheel so tire front is inboard 2 Underneath the skirt rem ove 2 screws at top attached to fender...

Страница 562: ...nd distributor shield may be rem oved F ig 2 2 Front Fender and Surge Tank Access Door at this time if necessary 4 To install follow rem oval procedure in reverse order EMBLEMS AND DESIGNATION PLATES...

Страница 563: ...included at the end of this section The standardized color code is common to all wiring harnesses The w ire covering color designates a particular circuit usage MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENTS Maintenance...

Страница 564: ...from recommended aiming hazardous to approaching m otorists The headlamps must be checked fo r proper aim when ever a sealed beam unit is replaced and after repairs of the front end sheet metal assemb...

Страница 565: ...ENTIFICATION LAMP HOUSING REPLACEMENT See Fig 4 REAR LIGHTING Fig 5 Exploded views of the different rear lighting arrange ments are shown in Figure 5 The bulbs may be re placed by removing the lamp le...

Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 567: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 5 Fig 4 C learance and Id e n tific a tio n Lamps CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 568: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 6 Fig 5 Rear Lighting Composite CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 569: ...switch retaining nut 2 Depress brake pedal and place new switch into bracket and install retaining nut 3 Check switch for proper operation E lectrical con tact should be made when pedal is depressed...

Страница 570: ...e Switch is now in drive position 5 Place contact support drive slot over shifter tube drive tang and tighten screws Remove clamp and pin 6 Connect wiring harness to term inals and check op operation...

Страница 571: ...ure Sender Unit Replacem ent 12 15 Oil Pressure Indicator Light 12 15 Oil Pressure Gauge Replacem ent 12 15 Oil Pressure Sender Unit Replacem ent 12 15 Generator Indicator 12 15 Ammeter Gauge R eplace...

Страница 572: ...Conventional Cab Models Fig 9 1 Disconnect battery ground cable 2 Remove choke control knob and bezels 3 Remove windshield wiper knob and bezel nut 4 Remove light switch rod and bezel 5 Disconnect sp...

Страница 573: ...lace A ll Other Models To replace any indicator or illuminating bulb unsnap the proper socket from rear of instrument cluster r e place bulb and reinsert unit onto rear of cluster housing LAMINATED CI...


Страница 575: ...iece from transmission end of conduit 3 Lubricate the low er 3 4 length of cable with speed om eter catle lubricant and feed the cable into the conduit DO NOT KINK SPEEDO CABLE HOUSING 4 Connect the u...

Страница 576: ...ment C luster Connections C onventional Cab 5 Brake W arning Ind 6 G enerator Ind 7 R H D ire ctio n a l 8 L H D ire ctio n a l 9 O il Pressure Ind 10 H igh Beam Ind 11 Overspeed W arn in g Lo w Vacuu...

Страница 577: ...nd pipe fitting 2 Reinstall gauge in instrument cluster housing In stall retaining screws NOTE Make sure printed circuit edge is not pinched between cover and cluster housing 3 Reconnect feed lines to...

Страница 578: ...To W iper Switch 5 To D ire ctio n a l Switch 6 To W iper M o tor 7 Ig n itio n Switch 8 Bulkhead Conn 9 To Backing Lamp Switch 10 To Stop Lamp Switch 11 To Dome Lamp Conn 12 Dimmer Switcn 13 To Inst...

Страница 579: ...elay 3 To Light Switch 4 To W iper Switch 5 To D ire ctio n a l Switch 6 Instr C luster Connector 7 To W iper M o tor 8 To Ign itio n Switch 9 Bulkhead C onnector 10 To Stop Lamp Switch 11 A ir Brake...

Страница 580: ...Switch 2 To Stop Lamp Switch 10 To Temp Gauge 3 Hi Beam Lamp 11 R H Turn Ind 4 C luster Lamp 12 To Ammeter 5 Brake W arning Lamp 13 L H Turn Ind 6 Bulkhead Conn 14 Light Switch Conn 7 D ire ctio n a...

Страница 581: ...ring and cancelling cam 3 Remove shift lever ro ll pin and shift lever if ap plicable 4 Remove directional signal lever retaining screw and lever 5 Push in hazard warning knob NOTE Hazard switch knob...

Страница 582: ...y am d Ch a s s is 2 20 4 3 0 2 2 D rl Cell ng 3 er 6 y pP r s C ob p s y eQri 9 s S t 8 w tch9cSuPPort Q v e r a v e r eries rrt7 Wi w c c H V n g C n e c f r 12 I ul far C H V r le t t U c k s e r v...

Страница 583: ...2 24 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The type E two speed electric windshield wiper as sembly incorporates a non depressed type blades park approximately 2 above windshield molding motor and gear train The rectan...

Страница 584: ...he wiper motor assembly Disconnect and rem ove left hand defroster hose 6 Disconnect washer hoses from washer pump 7 Remove motor attaching screws and motor from cowl mounting position 8 To install re...

Страница 585: ...placement term inal board park switch as sembly are included with the replacement as sembly Motor 1 Follow Steps 1 through 7b under gear box disas sembly 2 Remove motor through bolts tap motor fram e...

Страница 586: ...speed non depressed park wipers fig 23 use a pump mechanism consisting of a piston piston sprii and valve arrangement driven by a 4 lobe cam ai follow er assembly fig 25 The cam is attached to one sha...

Страница 587: ...nnector w ill result in direct ground and destroy wiper motor fuse Disassembly Assembly R efer to Figure 26 27 1 Remove washer pump cover by squeezing 2 Solenoid assembly ratchet dog a Remove the ratc...

Страница 588: ...oid assembly ratchet dog ratchet pawl and ratchet wheel as outlined in their re spective procedures b To separate the pump and pump actuator plate from the fram e pull the pump housing in the Fig 28 R...




Страница 592: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 30 c y 6 6 6 6 6 1 t 9 Ir ENG TEMP SW SB 20D G A M M E T E R GAGE Fig 32 Engine Com partm ent PS40 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 593: ...N S C O N T S P A R K W T R l T E M P SW FU SE D C IR C 02 O N L Y 1 2 P P L O IL PRESS E X C 02 TEMP SW l C 20DG 2 3 I 5 T L 6 ENG 201 i iliiE p owtJ 12B 1 6 D B L 18B 12R H i T O S H E E T M E T A L...

Страница 594: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 32 J U N C T IO N B L O C K Fig 34 Engine Com partm ent C E K E 10 20 CE30 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 595: ...ODY AND CHASSIS 12 33 T R T F R T M A R K E R L P F U S IB LE L IN K 16B 18B 12R J U N C T IO N B L O C K 4B 250 ENG 1 m 6B 292 EN G 9 R H D IR Fig 35 Engine C om partm ent CS40 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SER...

Страница 596: ...T T E M P SW 03 O N L Y 18DBL B 2 0 D G EN G HARN CONN 2 0 W O R P P L 18DG I 02 O N L Y 16B R N 1 12R 16W 16DBL 1 2 P P L L H P A R K IN G D IR S IG N A L L P 18LG 20DG 16BRN 1 8 T 1 4 L G 2 0 P P L...

Страница 597: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 35 Fig 37 Engine Com partm ent CE M E60 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 598: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 36 TO FRAME i f Fig 38 Engine Com partm ent C D 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...



Страница 601: ...L 16W 8R ENGINE HARN CONN 2 0 W O R P P L 18DG 1 12PPL 18L G 16BRN 10R 16W 16DBL L H PARKING DIR SIG LP 20DG I 16BRN 4 18T JZlO H 14LG 20PPL fjyjf lglf r 2 0 P P L 4 t f 20LBL I 20DBL 8R GEN FWD LP HA...

Страница 602: ...LG 20T 18DBL 14BRN 18B 1 8 L B L 18B R N 2 0B R N 12R 12DG 1 2 20B 18T 14 M O D ELS 2 0 D G 20T 2 0 D B L 12P 1 8 D G 3 0 0 3 5 0 f 18LG 300 350 f 1 2 P P L 12BRN 16DG 2 0 T r 18T E X C 14 M O D E LS...


Страница 604: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 42 12 P P L 12BR N 24BRN W Fig 44 Instrument Panel C A K A 1 0 2 0 0 5 06 16 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...


Страница 606: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 44 1 2 R 1 2 P P L 12BRN 24B R N W 1 2 P 2 0 T 1 2 P P L 18BRN 18Y 18DG I 8 L 6 Fig 46 Instrument Panel CA 310 360 02 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 607: ...12R 20B W 18BRN 16G Y 20DG 1 8 W 16DG 160R 14LBL 180R 18W 20GY 1 20T 20P 20P 1 20DG 20T 20P 20DBL 20B 0 20B W 20GY CLUSTER LP FUEL GA TEMP GA HYD BRK WARNING LP R H DIR SIG LP AMMETER CLUSTER LP FUSE...

Страница 608: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 46 Fig 48 Instrument Panel C A40 CE CS ME50 Exc 02 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...


Страница 610: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 48 Fig 50 Instrument Panel CE M E60 03 13 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 611: ...T E R L P 20G Y R H D IR SIG L P 20D B L L H D IR SIG L P 2 0 L B L C L U S T E R L P 20G Y T E M P GA 20DG T E M P F E E D 2 0 P HI B E AM IND L P 2 0 L G A M M E T E R G E N 20B W A M M E T E R B A...


Страница 613: ...T IO N SW C O N N B LK H D 20G Y 2 0 P 2 0 T t O 20DG 2 0 P 20DB 2OB 20B W 20G Y 2 0 G Y 20LG 1 20LB 20GY 18D B L 18P C L U S T E R L P F U E L GA T E M P GA R H D IR SIG L P A M M E T E R C L U S T E...

Страница 614: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 52 Fig 54 Instrument Panel SA40 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...

Страница 615: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 53 SPEEDO METER 14LBL 14LBL 14W 18T 14BRN 14Y 14DG 14LG 14W 18T 14BRN 14Y 14DG 14LG Fig 55 Instrument Panel SA40 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...


Страница 617: ...0 G Y T E M P G A 20D G T E M P F E E D 2 0 P H I B E A M IN D L P 2 0 L G A M M E T E R G E N 20B W A M M E T E R B A T 20B C L U S T E R L P 2 0 G Y IN S T R U M E N T C L U S T E R C IR C U IT 14LB...

Страница 618: ...500 600 OUTSIDE FUEL TANK METER 02 14 MODELS 18B jli 18T 180R 18W 18T B R N Y D G L G 180R 18W i DOME LAMP EXC 02 14 INSIDE FUEL TANK METER 03 04 13 34 MODELS 18B ll 18T B R N rCDG fBRN I t R H DIREC...

Страница 619: ...R E A R M A R K E R L A M P 18 18B RN LG I 18BRN I 18 f ____ _ _ j n ess 2 0 B R N L IC P L A T E L A M P J 18BRN 18BRN 18LG L T R E A R M A R K E R L A M P Fig 5 9 T a il Stop L a m p C A K A l0 20 0...


Страница 621: ...the top secure the radiator in posi tion The radiators are of copper brass construction A ll radiators except P10 models incorporate drain cocks RADIATOR SERVICE PROCEDURES INDEX Page Service Operatio...

Страница 622: ...ition and secure shroud with two low er screws 8 Install two retainers at top of radiator and shroud with six screws 9 Connect radiator hoses and transmission coolant line fill cooling system and chec...

Страница 623: ...shroud remove shroud attaching screws fig 5 and carefully hang shroud over engine fan assembly to provide clear ance for radiator removal 3 Remove screws securing radiator retainers to radia tor suppo...

Страница 624: ...assembly to provide clearance for radiator removal 3 Remove screws securing radiator to supports and rem ove radiator and shroud from vehicle 4 Replace radiator mounting components if necessary 5 Inst...

Страница 625: ...diator following the rem oval procedure in reverse order Connect radiator hoses and transmission coolant line fill cooling system and check for leaks 8 R efer to torque specifications in rear of manua...

Страница 626: ...1 Position grille and install bolts at fender 2 Install bolts at center brace and lock plate 3 Connect parking lamps 4 Connect battery Fig 13 G rilie M ounting C A K A 1 0 2 0 C A 3 0 Models SERVICE...

Страница 627: ...em ble and install g rille and related component follow ing the rem oval procedure in reverse order R efer to torque specifications at rear of manual fo r correct torque values TA MODELS Fig 15 GRILLE...

Страница 628: ......

Страница 629: ...procedures for the rem oval and installation of face bars brackets braces and license plate brackets SERVICE OPERATION 10 THRU 30 SERIES FRONT BUMPER C AND K MODELS Fig 1 Removal 1 Remove bolts securi...

Страница 630: R efer to torque specifications in rear of manual for correct torque values FRONT BUMPER T MODELS Fig 5 Removal NOTE On tilt cab models equipped with air reverse order Connect license lamp wiring o...

Страница 631: ...drives the Servo unit The Servo moves the throttle when speed instrument panel speedometer The engagement of the adjustment is necessary by receiving a varying amount Regulator unit is controlled by...

Страница 632: ...s released the solenoid is pulled in and held in respectively and the regulator resumes speed control at the speed of the vehicle during the moment of button release at vehicle speeds over 35 MPH BRAK...

Страница 633: ...d from the magnetic disk The input shaft drives both the magnetic disk and the speedom eter drive cable Vacuum Switch Air Bleed and Filter and Low Limit Speed Switch The end of the shaft from the spee...

Страница 634: ...ufficient to hold it in position 5 The car begins to ascend a h ill ca r speed drops slightly very slightly and the magnetic force on the driven disk of the speed sensor is decreased The disk rotates...

Страница 635: ...switch points in the Regulator SERVICE OPERATIONS The components of the Cruise M aster system are de signed to be replaced should they become inoperative The Regulator is calibrated in such a manner...

Страница 636: ...e be tween engagement and cruising speed NOTE No regulator adjustment should be made however until the following item s have been checked or serviced 1 Bead chain properly adjusted 2 A ll hoses in goo...

Страница 637: ...g the main wiring harness connector from the regula tor care should be exercised so as not to damage the blade connectors or the wiring harness The disconnect may be facilitated by prying carefully on...


Страница 639: ...ulator Replace Regulator System does not disengage with brake pedal or with clutch pedal Brake clutch and or Vacuum Switch mis adjusted or defective Adjust or replace as required Refer to Servo and Va...

Страница 640: ......

Страница 641: ...d 12 13 7 Max 3400 Min Compressor Clutch Coil Ohms at 80 F 3 70 Amps at 80 F 3 22 12 volts System Capacities Refrigerant 12 Four Season and GM Chevrolet Roof M ounted 525 Viscosity Com pressor Oil Fou...

Страница 642: ...H 0 1 4 Curb C aster 0 1 4 3 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 l 2 l 2 Toe In Total 1 8 1 4 3 32 3 16 l 8 3 16 at 20 dia 3 32 3 16 l 8 7 32 at 20 dia See Chart Fig 7 Sec 3 WHEEL ANGLES ON TURNS Wheel Tu...

Страница 643: ...acement 135 Ball Joint Studs Upper 70 120 Ball Joint Studs Lower 120 215 Stabilizer Bar Control Arm Bracket 25 25 Stabilizer Bar Bracket 25 25 Suspension Crossm em ber 65 100 Shock Absorber Upper Eye...

Страница 644: ...A P A 100 U Bolt Torques Rear 3 4 175 250 CA 200 3 4 175 250 CA 310 5 8 125 175 CA 314 5 8 125 175 KA 100 9 16 105 130 KA 200 5 8 125 175 PA 200 5 8 125 175 PA 300 5 8 125 175 GA 100 200 9 16 115 130...

Страница 645: ...ered R oller 17 000 Single and Two Speed and 30 000 Tandem 60 65 Lbs Ft 1 16 to 1 4 0 135 Lbs Ft 001 to 010 End Play Tapered R oller 18 500 Single and Two Speed and 34 000 Tandem 65 70 Lbs Ft 1 4 to 1...

Страница 646: ...s Ft Lbs C a r r ie r C over 23 35 18 18 18 18 45 45 80 80 Ring G ear 50 110 110 110 105 110 160 160 90 140 140 90 90 D iffe re n tia l B ea rin g Caps 55 80 100 100 205 205 205 205 LH 230 RH 160 210...

Страница 647: ...45 Coil Spring Attaching Bolt Upper 50 50 Spring Front Bushing Bolt 90 90 90 90 70 70 175 90 Spring Rear Shackle Bolts 90 90 90 90 90 Shock Absorber Attaching Bolts 75 75 65 65 120 Propshaft Bearing S...

Страница 648: ...ush Rod to P e d a l 25 ft lbs 25 ft lbs Push Rod to C le v is 25 ft lbs 25 ft lbs Booster to Dash Nuts 22 ft lbs Booster to Fram e N uts Vacuum R eserve Tank to Fram e 30 ft lbs 30 ft lbs 30 ft lbs P...


Страница 650: 20 lb ft Flvwheel Housing 30 lb ft Manifold Exhaust 20 lb ft 0 Manifold Exhaust to Inlet 25 lb ft Manifold Inlet 30 lb ft Manifold Clamp L6 Outer 20 lb ft Manifold Clamp A ll Others 30 lb ft Thermo...

Страница 651: ...nd Tension Gauge A ir Injection Pump 50 lb Min 75 5 lbs Used 125 5 lbs New Using Strand Tension Gauge A IR CLEANER D V A LV E LASH Hydraulic 1 turn down from zero lash IDLE RPM Syn See Tune Up Section...

Страница 652: ...ns Running 2400 rpm 2200 2400 rpm 2400 rpm Carburetor Choke Rod 150 150 190 180 275 275 060 060 060 100 100 100 100 100 100 Choke Vacuum Break 230 260 350 350 140 140 130 245 275 245 245 275 245 Choke...

Страница 653: ...80038 Z50 L 6 SS 400 66 3150 70 1980036 Z92 L 6 350 V 8 SS SE 500 72 3250 70 1980126 T 60 Option 40 60 Series 90 3750 76 1980760 6V 53DSL 162 205 1980758 3 53DSL 4 53 DSL D478 P T 300 CD CG 500 114 15...

Страница 654: ...108338 1108360 1108361 1108362 1107375 2438 35 9 55 80 3500 6000 1107371 1108350 1108357 1108363 1108364 1108369 1108370 1108372 2444 35 9 35 75 6000 9000 1113184 1113202 2412 80 9 50 70 1113686 3594...

Страница 655: ...R45 307 Cu In 200 HP V 8 1110912 C 4753 0 800 RPM 2 1200 RPM 12 2200 RPM 24 4300 RPM C 3954 0 8 Hg 20 17 Hg 29 31 8 BTDC Automatic R45 350 Cu In 255 HP V 8 RPO LS 9 1111955 C 4741 0 870 RPM 2 1130 RP...

Страница 656: ...8 Engines 1115210 V 8 w Transistor Ignition Prim ary Resistance Ohms 1 41 1 65 1 24 1 46 38 51 Secondary Resistance Ohms 5 400 7 100 7 200 9 500 8 200 12 400 Ignition Resistor Type In W iring Harness...

Страница 657: ...Fram e N u t s 25 ft lbs Crossm em ber to Mount and Mount to Extension B o l t s 40 ft lbs Transm ission Drain P l u g 30 ft lbs FOUR SPEED SAGINAW Clutch Gear Retainer to Case B o l t s 22 ft lbs Si...

Страница 658: ...ainer B o l t s 30 ft lbs Drain or F ille r P lu g 35 ft lbs FIVE SPEED SPICER 5000 SERIES Shift Fork Set S c r e w s 45 ft lbs Main D rive Gear Bearing Cap Retaining Screws 28 ft lbs Mainshaft Rear B...

Страница 659: ...RGLIDE Transm ission Case to E n g in e 35 ft lbs Transm ission O il Pan to C a s e 8 ft lbs Transm ission Extension to C a s e 25 ft lbs Speedometer Driven Gear Fitting R eta in er 4 ft lbs Servo Cov...

Страница 660: ...ts 18 lb ft Center Support B o l t 23 lb ft Pump to Case Attaching B o lts 18 lb ft Extension Housing to Case Attaching B olts 23 lb ft Rear Servo Cover B o lt s 18 lb ft Detent Solenoid Bolts 7 lb ft...

Страница 661: ...190 ft lbs Steering Wheel Nut 40 ft lbs 40 ft lbs 40 ft lbs 40 ft lbs 40 ft lbs 40 ft lbs Lower Mast Jacket Bearing Adj P10 1 26 i 02 CIO 50 i 02 50 02 50 02 1 26 02 005 to 030 12 to 15 Power Steering...

Страница 662: 30 in lbs Max fin excess of worm bearing preload In excess of valve assembly drag POWER STEERING GEAR C P10 C20 30 I K10 20 P20 30 40 60 Except Tilt 9000 11000 Tilt Steering Gear Ball Drag 3 in lbs...

Страница 663: ...rucks with 11 000 lb rear axles RPO H 22 on 10 30 Series RPO RO 5 torque 75 110 ft lbs 40 60 SERIES WHEEL ATTACHING NUTS TORQUE Series Front Wheel Rear Wheel Std Disc D 300 400 lbs ft 300 400 lbs ft C...

Страница 664: ...V 8 only Conventional Cab 194 2CP F F Cowl 67 4CP Tilt Cab 1895 2CP Use Trade No Rating Low Vacuum Diesel Conventional Cab 194 2CP F F Cowl 67 4CP T ilt Cab 1895 2CP A ir Brake Gauge 1895 2CP Oil Pres...

Страница 665: ...KER USAGE Applicability Location Amps Type Instrument Cluster 3 3AG AGC Windshield Wiper Motor A ir Conditioning 20 SFE SAE Heater Motor Backup Lamps Fuse block in d river s compartment 10 3AG AGC Tai...

Страница 666: ...pport Bracket Attaching B o lts 20 ft lb Radiator to Radiator Support S c r e w s 18 ft lb Radiator Drain C o c k 118 in lb TA Models Radiator Shroud and Radiator Brace B o l t s 120 in lb Radiator to...

Страница 667: ...20 30 Models Rear Bumper Face Bar to Fram e and Brace N u ts 40 ft lb P20 and 30 Models Front Bumper Face Bar to Upper Bracket Lock Nuts 36 ft lb C M 40 50 60 S 40 50 and P40 Models Front Bumper Face...

Страница 668: ...d Resistance Solenoid W ire R e s is ta n c e Maximum allowable Vacuum Leakage rate for Servo Unit Operational Test Speed 5 ohms 1 4 ohm 40 ohms 5 inches of Vacuum P er Minute Not Greater than 1 inch...

Страница 669: ...0 5quarts 1 borrel CUBIC MEASURE 1 7 2 8c u b ic in ch es 1 c u b ic fo o t 2 7c u b ic feet 1 c u b ic y a rd COMMON WEIGHT 1 6ou n ces 1 p o u n d 1 0 0pou n ds 1 h u n d red w eigh t c w t 2 0 0 0...

Страница 670: ...1875 6875 H 4 203125 703125 2 21875 2 3 3 2 71875 4 234375 7 Aa 734375 Vi 25 Va 75 1 265625 765625 2 28125 3 5 32 78125 4 296875 5 Aa 796875 3 l 6 3125 V 6 8125 J 4 328125 3 4 828125 V S 34375 2 7 3...

Страница 671: ......
