X9x User Manual
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IMC is “iGage Mapping Corporation” of Salt Lake City Utah USA.
IMC warrants the CHC X90, X900+ and X91+ receivers to be free of defects in material and workmanship and will conform to our
published specifications for these periods:
GPS receivers:
Cables and accessories:
This warranty applies only to the original purchaser of the product.
In addition, the CHC factory offers similar warranties and maintains a repair depot in the United States.
Purchaser's exclusive remedy under this warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement, at IMC's option, of any
defective part of the receiver or accessories which are covered by this warranty. Repairs under this warranty shall only be made by
IMC at an IMC service center. Any repairs by a service center not authorized by IMC will void this warranty.
In the event of a defect, IMC will at its option, repair or replace the hardware product with no charge to the purchaser for parts or
labor. The repaired or replaced product will be warranted for 30-days from the date of return shipment, or for the balance of the
original warranty, whichever is longer.
: IMC warrants that software products included with hardware products will be free from media defects for a period of 30-
days from the date of shipment and will substantially conform to the then-current user documentation provided with the software.
IMC's sole obligation shall be the correction or replacement of the media so that it will substantially conform to the then-current
user documentation. IMC does not warrant the software will meet purchaser's requirements or that its operation will be
uninterrupted, error-free or virus-free. Purchaser assumes the entire risk of using the software.
The following are excluded from the warranty coverage:
Periodic maintenance and repair or replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear.
Product Finishes.
Batteries exposed to heat, cold; or batteries opened or physically damaged.
Installations or defects resulting from installation.
Any damage caused by (i) shipping, misuse, abuse, negligence, tampering, or improper use; (ii) disasters such as fire,
flood, wind, and lightning; (iii) unauthorized attachments or modification.
Service performed or attempted by anyone other than an authorized IMC service center.
That the receiver will be free from any claim for infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary right,
including trade secrets.
Any damage due to accident, resulting from inaccurate satellite transmissions. Inaccurate transmissions can occur due to changes in
the position, health or geometry of a satellite or modifications to the receiver that may be required due to any change in the GPS.
IMC GPS receivers use GPS satellites to obtain position, velocity and time information. GPS is operated by the US government,
which is solely responsible for the accuracy and maintenance of the GPS system. OPUS and OPUS-RS is a service of the NGS and IMC
shall not be responsible for issues with NGS provided services.
Except as set forth in this limited warranty, all other expressed or implied fitness for any particular purpose,
merchantability or non-infringement, are hereby disclaimed.
IMC shall not be liable to the purchaser or any other person for any incidental or consequential damages whatsoever,
including but not limited to lost profits, damages resulting from delay or loss of use, loss of or damages arising out of
breach of this warranty or any implied warranty even though caused by negligence or other fault of IMC or negligent
usage of the product.
In no event will IMC be responsible for such damages, even if IMC has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
This written warranty is the complete, final and exclusive agreement between IMC and the Purchaser.
To obtain warranty service from Igage Mapping Corporation the purchaser must obtain a return materials authorization (RMA)
number prior to shipping by calling