Triton® Traction
About trAction therApy
Effects of Traction Therapy
The Triton traction device provides a treatment in static, intermittent,
and cyclic distraction forces to relieve pressures on structures that may
be causing pain of skeletal or muscular origin (cervical, thoracic, lumbar,
hip, wrist, shoulder). Therapeutic distraction can be applied in a variety of
programmable patterns, cycles and functions.
Progressive Traction
Progressive traction refers to a traction phase during the treatment when
the tension gradually increases.
Regressive Traction
Regressive traction refers to a traction phase during the treatment when
the tension gradually decreases.
TX (Traction)
TX (Traction) refers to the type of traction used during a treatment. There
are three modes to choose from: Static, Intermittent or Cyclic Traction
The term “step” refers to the increment in which the traction tension is
either increased or decreased during therapy.
Static Traction Therapy
This term denotes that a steady amount of traction is applied for periods
from a few minutes up to 99 minutes. The shorter duration is usually
coupled with more tension. Static lumbar traction is most effective if
a split table is utilized to reduce friction. It is important that it is the
type that maintains constant tension. This way, any slack developed as
the patient relaxes during the traction therapy is automatically taken
up and the desired amount of traction is maintained. Static traction is
sometimes referred to as sustained traction.
Intermittent Traction Therapy
This form of traction alternates traction tension between tension levels
- Maximum and Minimum - every few seconds throughout the timed
treatment. It is also most effective if a split table is used to reduce friction
when giving lumbar traction. In the progressive and regressive phases,
the traction unit pulls to the calculated tension, holds for the set hold
time, then drops to 50% of the tension level, holds the set rest time and
then repeats this step for the number of steps selected. However, once
the minimum level is reached, the traction unit uses the minimum level
for the rest time.
Cyclic Traction
Cyclic traction refers to progressive and regressive phases of the traction
program being repeated continuously throughout the entire course of
the traction treatment.
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