PR-1500-S / PR-1500-P
July 2019
User Manual
This document is the property of Chargeur Plus
any reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden.
English version
Be aware of underground pipelines, you must be aware if they are present in your
working area.
It is the user’s responsibility to ascertain whether there are dangerous conditions when using the
machine such as for example, the presence of toxic gas, people or obstacles…
When the machine is moving, the operator must ensure that there are no people or obstacles in
the way. If there are, they must warn them to move, either verbally or with a pre-defined gesture.
The values given in the present operator's manual were recorded during a test cycle carried out
on an identical machine. This data is valid for any machine with the standard equipment. The
recorded values are given in the technical characteristics.
Noise emission:
Noise emission was noted in accordance with the process defined by the standard ISO4871, to
determine the guaranteed sound pressure levels, based on the 200/14/CE guidelines, appendix
However, the values given for noise emission are not applicable to determine the noise emission
for different workstations.
Noise levels which exceed 85dB(A) can cause hearing problems. For a noise level of
over 85 dB(A), ear protection is compulsory for the operator.
For a noise level of 80 dB(A), ear protection is recommended when using the machine.
Vibrations were noted for an identical machine before being shipped.
If the operator is exposed to vibrations for an extended period of time, this must be measured at
the workplace, in accordance with 2002/44/CE guidelines, in such a way as to take into account
individual factors.
According to standard EN-474-1, the level of vibrations is lower than 2m/s².
When the level of lighting at the workplace and machine workstations is lower than 100 LUX, it
becomes necessary to use extra lighting equipment. If the machine is not equipped with such
equipment, it is necessary to use lighting powered by an external power source.
Lights for the working area must be positioned and set up so that they do not dazzle the personnel
working on the worksite.