PR-1500-S / PR-1500-P
July 2019
User Manual
This document is the property of Chargeur Plus
any reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden.
English version
2.1.4-Safety symbols
General hazard
Eye protection compulsory
Suspended load
Ear protection compulsory
Tipping risk
Head protection compulsory
High temperatures
Hand protection compulsory
Risk of slipping
Foot protection compulsory
Danger of crushing, risk of hand
Body protection compulsory
Crushing hazard
2.2-Working area
For usage in the right safety conditions, you must respect the following:
A safety perimeter of 3m in which no person shall pass (you could cordon off the area
with tape),
The stability of the machine; do not exceed 10° tilting and make sure to use the
Work on stable ground where the machine can move easily and make sure to keep the
vibrations felt by the operator to a minimum. It is sufficient to simply use the machine
as per the intended conditions, taking into account the actual conditions of the outdoor
location and the effects these could engender,
Do not work under electrical power lines to avoid any contact with the retro excavator
arm when it is lifted.
Do not use the machine in undesirable weather conditions, the machine must be
switched off and you should go to a safe place (the machine is not equipped with
lightening protection),