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frequency selected must be below the critical frequency, so NVIS is can normally only be used on frequencies from
around 2 to 10 MHz. Frequencies of 2 – 4 MHz are typical at night and 4 – 8 MHz during the day.
A magnetic loop antenna radiates at all angles from horizon to zenith, making it an equally effective antenna for
both local and long-distance (DX) communication. While not specifically designed for NVIS, during field testing of
the CHA F-LOOP, both DX and NVIS contacts were made on the 30 meter ham band within minutes of each other.
Parts of the Antenna
The CHA F-LOOP is comprised of the following components, see plates (2) and (4):
Plate 2. Standard CHA F-LOOP Antenna.
Tuning Unit
The Tuning Unit adjusts the resonant frequency of the CHA F-LOOP antenna.
Standard Flexible / Optional High-Efficiency Radiator Loop