2021/10/09 17:28
C8 & Celestron Advanced GT
OST Wiki - https://polaris.astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de/wiki/
C8 & Celestron Advanced GT
The Celestron 8 (C8) is our smallest Schmidt Cassegrain telescope not accounting for binoculars or
finderscopes. The telescope is usually attached to a Celestron Advanced GT mount, which can be can
be set up by a single person because of its compact construction.
In the following the setup of this telescope and the mount will be explained step by step:
Used parts
Telescope after the corresponding step
One needs to
carefully choose
the place where
the telescope
should be placed.
For example, the
relevant part of
the sky needs to
be visible (the
dome covers a
certain part of
the sky when the
telescope is
setup on the
roof) and the
cables of the
power supply or
the cameras
should not
become tripping
hazards. The
example setup
was performed in
the laboratory-
course room
directly behind
the door →
directly in the
way, hidden, and
no sky → Bad