M e n u f u n c t i o n s
In the list of to-do notes, press
, and you can delete notes, sort notes,
or save a note as a calendar note. To view a note, press
. Press
, and you can edit the deadline or the priority of the note, or mark the
note as done.
You can write notes and send them to compatible devices as text messages.
. To add a new note when the note list is
, or if you have already saved notes, select
. Write the note, and save it. To add the current time
This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple
1. Select
2. When "0" is displayed, enter the first number in the calculation. Press
for a decimal point. To change the sign, select
3. Select
Or, press
once to add, twice to subtract, three times to multiply, and
four times to divide.
4. Enter the second number, if needed for the calculation.
5. For a total, press
. Repeat steps 3 to 5 as many times as is
6. To start a new calculation, first press and hold
To make a currency conversion, you must first set the exchange rate. Select
, and select
. Select
either of the options, enter the exchange rate (press
for the decimal
point), and press
To make the conversion, enter the amount you want to convert, and select
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