Chapter 7: Statistics Application
To specify the CSV file separator and decimal symbol
1. While the Stat Editor is on the display, tap [Edit] - [CSV] - [CSV Format].
2. On the dialog box that appears, specify the desired settings for “CSV Separator” and “CSV Decimal Symbol”.
3. To save the settings, tap [OK].
Drawing a Statistical Graph
Up to nine graphs, including single-variable data and paired-variable data statistical graphs can be drawn
simultaneously ([SetGraph] - [StatGraph1] to [StatGraph9]).
In addition to graphs that can be drawn using [Set Graph], the graphs below can also be drawn at the same
• Regression graphs (using [Linear Reg] and other regression commands on the [Calc] - [Regression] menu)
• Function graphs (using the Graph & Table application’s Graph Editor window)
Operation Flow Up to Statistical Graphing
Drawing a statistical graph requires the following basic steps: (1) preparation of the list data to be used; (2)
selection of the graph type and other graph settings; (3) drawing of the graph.
To prepare list data for statistical graphing
Prepare the list data using one of the patterns shown below.
Single Variable
Paired Variable
Without frequency
With frequency
Without frequency
With frequency
Single list
Two lists
Two lists
Three lists
Paired data
Paired data
• Single-variable data is data that consists of a single value. If you are trying to obtain the average height of the members
of a single class, for example, the single-variable would be height. With paired-variable statistical data there are two
values for each data item. An example of paired-variable statistical data would be the change in size of an iron bar as its
temperature changes. One variable would be temperature, and the other variable is the corresponding bar size.
• If you created user list data with another application, open it in the Stat Editor window. For more information, see “To
open an existing list” (page 133). You can specify a list displayed in the Stat Editor window as data to be used for statistical
• You can display up to 99 lists on the Stat Editor window.