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Содержание 116ER


Страница 2: ...istration records Presetdata areretainedas longasthe power cord is pluggedinto an AC outlet exceptduringpowerfailures evenwhen the MODESWITCHis set to the OFFposition Note that all memorydata are lost wheneverpowersupplyto the ECRis interrupted by unplugging the powercord powerfailures etc exceptwhen optionalB 11powerprotectionbatteryis used OCLEANING Use a soft cloth dippedin a mild detergentsolu...

Страница 3: a E E E CONTENTS tr E tr E 2 ...

Страница 4: ...d removed in the OFFor REGoosition OFF Machine LockMode Prohibits register operation by turningthe powerof the ECROFF Tiil REG Register Mode Usedto register normalsalestransaction RF Refund Mode Usedto orocessrefunds X Read Program 1 Mode Usedto readsalestotals to programthe presetdata and to readall presetdata Z Reset Program 2 Mode Usedto read and resetsalestotals to programthe presetdata and to...

Страница 5: segment or change ulower segment signappears when subtotal total or changeis obtained D PAFITMENT NUMBERDISPLAY o Displays the corresponding departmentnumberwhen a departmentkey is pressed NUMBER oF REPEATS D SPLAY o Displays the numberof times a transactionhas beenrepeated Onlythe unitsdigit is displayed when the numberof reoeatsexceedsnine NUMERIC DISPLAY o Displays unit price quantity and am...

Страница 6: segment or change ulower segment signappears when subtotal total or changeis obtained D PAFITMENT NUMBERDISPLAY o Displays the corresponding departmentnumberwhen a departmentkey is pressed NUMBER oF REPEATS D SPLAY o Displays the numberof times a transactionhas beenrepeated Onlythe unitsdigit is displayed when the numberof reoeatsexceedsnine NUMERIC DISPLAY o Displays unit price quantity and am...

Страница 7: ...count or premium amount Usedto registerpaidoutcash CHARGE KEY Usedto finalizechargesales AMOUNTTENDERED KEY Usedto finalizecashsales CLEAR KEY o Usedto cleara wrong entry operatron error Used to obtain subtotals o Used Jor multiplication PARTMENTKEY Used to registersalesamount 1 4 CASHDRAWER Thecashdraweropensautomatically duringnormalregistration whenthePE ot keyis pressed oThe cash drawerkey sup...

Страница 8: ...leadingendof the paperand insertit intothe paperinlet pressthe ETll 6gy until approximately 20 or 30cm of paperfeedsfrom the printer Fig 3 ji iS Fis 2 JOURNAL 5 Remove the flat flangefrom the take up reelby slidingthe end of the spindleinto the largehole provided in the flange Fig 4 6 When replacing the roll paper slidethe printedjournalpaperroll from the take up reel 7 Clipthe leadingend of the p...

Страница 9: powerprotectionbatterypack ModelB 11 optional is available to protectdataand allow operationswhen regularpower supplyis interrupted seepage2g o TheMODESWITCH must besetto eitherX or Z 1or prograrn mode 1 or 2 depending uponthe type of data to be preset o Press tt y hile the MODESWITCH is set to eitherX or Ztoenter the programming mode Ensurethat lFo ool is beingshown on the displayat this tim...

Страница 10: ...le Department1 key 5 OO Department 2 key 10 O0 I i f r t 1 i l i j l t t r l i 5 b00 El 000 El o 3 PRESETTING THEEIXCV PERCENTAGE pERcENrAeil lB l J o MODE SWITCH 1 I I I 0 O1 99 99 2 digitsfor integerfollowedby 2 digitsfor decimal Example To preset 10olo 1OOO To preset8 250 o 825 The decimal must also be taken into considerationwhen presettingpercentages The value 1OO0must be entered to set a per...

Страница 11: ... l 4 3l_El _ _o MODE SWITCH WORKSHEET Singleitem sale S l S When a departmentkey has beenpresetto singleitem status pressingone of the preset keyswill performfinalization at that time lf other departmentkeysare beingused in the normalstatus pressingone or moreof the normalstatus keyswill causefinalization to be performedinlhe usualmanner i e when the 194 rt l key is pressed regardless of how manv ...

Страница 12: ...o 1Tl Skip item line on journal NO 0 Y E S 2 o Skip consecutive number on receipt or journal NO 0 YES 4 fTl OPERATION D z D ffii r ol _o MODE SWITCH WORKSHEET Paperrollas receipt NO paperrollas journal Non resetof consecutivenumber after each resetof dailyreport N O 0 Y E S 2 Skipitemlineon journal N O O Y E S 2 Skipconsecutive numberon receiptor journal N O O YES 4 Only applicablewhen paper roll ...

Страница 13: ...election Data Programcode a b Premium NO Discount N O 0 Y E S 1 Dl r l Taxable NO Non taxable N O O YES 2 EO OPERATION fi i l T_l EJ MJ o MODE SWITCH WORKSHEET Function Selection Data Programcode a b Premium NO Discount N O O Y E S 1 fl n Taxable NO Non taxable N O O Y E S 2 DO l t ...

Страница 14: ... journal REG RF mode N O 0 YES 2 EO Fermitcreditbalanceby Q fey NO O YES 1 l l il Taxable NO Non taxable N O O YEs 2 EO OPERATION Dz Dr E_ m o MODE SWIrcH WORKSHEET Function Selection Data Programcode a b Printadd intax V AJ breakdown N O O YES 1 E DO Printtaxableamounton receiptor journal REG RF mode N O O Y E S 2 EO Permitcreditbalanceby key N O O Y E S 1 D Taxable NO Non taxable N O O Y E S 2 f...

Страница 15: ...ableamount to two decimal places tax rate to be appliedfor amounts TAX PROGRAMMING OPERATION Theprogramdatarequired for the tax programming operation differsaccording to eachtax system Findthe exampleamongthe followingwhich corresponds to your localtax systemandproceedac cordingly EXAMPLE 1 ADD ON TAXRATE Taxcomputationbasedon add ontax rate NOTE All programdata must be enteredin 4 digit blocks o ...

Страница 16: ...rmP programming mode indicator displayed Press to start programming Add intax rate systemcode 03 and roundingcode 5O Roundoff tax and taxableamount Taxrate 60 o 2 digitsfor integerfollowedby 2 digitsfor decimal Programend 3 4 READING ALL PRESET DATA o Procedure D MODE SWITCH 89 ml o 15 06 8 0001 43 1 Department No 5 r 0 0 52 r 1 0 o 0 0 2 Z r 0 x az 1 0 f l 0150ll 1000II I 5 06 8 f Fr The HighDigi...

Страница 17: ...n however whilethe printer is feeding a eA c oPERArlqN qEqqEeuRE 26 8 3 16 16 23 22 26 26 26 6 3 5 OFFor REG x x REG REG REG REG RF X o r Z X z OFFor REG OFF OFF OFF 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Comfirmthat aclequate receiptor journalpaperare loaded and load new PaPerrollsif necessarY Readdailytotals to confirm resetperformance for the previous oay Presetunit price of daily salesitems for departmentkeys set the ...

Страница 18: ...cutive No No sale start with this operationand place 15 06 87 t0001 a a a o TAG O TY TENDER DETP 1 1 00 CASH 1 00 1 Normalltem EXAMPLE OPERATION MODESWITCH t00D r00 REG t Enterpriceand press applicable departmentkey Simplypressdepartment key if registered Price equalspresetunit Price Subtotalobtained FWhen the tenderedamount equalsthe salesamount this entry can be omitted RECEIPT Department No pnc...

Страница 19: ...le ltem Sale Seepage9 This operationis usedonly for cash sales EXAMPLE2 MODESWITCH REG 3 I r Enterthe quantityfirst C Simplypressdepartment key if registered price equalspresetunit price Finalized automatically with receiptissuancewhen there is no precedingregistration item 15 06 87 n n n 7 f f v v v 1 0 0 1 1 00Ci TAG SALESSTATUS O TY TENDER DEPI 1 2 OO s r s 3 CASH 6 00 15 06 87 0004 3 X 2 0 0 A...

Страница 20: ...peatcalculations can be performedfor all unit pricesof 6 digit and under Tendered amountentry is possibleup to 8 digits 2 Muhiplicationfor Same Departmentltems EXAMPLE OPERATION MODESWITCH t50E C MODESWITCH REG 12 E t Enterthe quantitYfirst 100 E F Unit Price The resultis obtainedand disPlaYed lf it exceeds7 digits an error will occur rE l u Ig F 7fr1 a n t F f i 1 l C ri l t t000 t i 15 06 87 s00...

Страница 21: ...PI 2 2 so l 15 06 87 0007 6 X 2 O0 0 r 1 2 r 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 l 1 r 4 0 2 2 5O z 17 9 0 20 O0ll 2 1 0E TAG O TY TENDER a DEPL1 1 10 1 CASH 51 10 b DEPT 2 3 00 CHARGE 5 OO c DEPr 1 2 00 1 EXAMPLE OPERATION MODESWITCH REG I l0 El a 300 El b E F c simpty press departmentkey if registered priceequalspresetunit price I l0 l7 T F Cashtendered i charge sale RECEIPT 15 06 8 s0008 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 2 2 O 0 ...

Страница 22: the aboveexample Tochangeto the premiumfunc tion seepage11 Percentage entry overrideis possible Manualpercentage entry is possible up to 2 digits 1 99o ol Presetpercentage can be appliedby simply pressingtne tey A percentage enteredmanuallytakes priorityover a presetvalue Discount Premium calculationresultsare automatically roundedoff to two decimalplace o KEYTAXSTATUS 1 LASTREGISTERED ITEM l t...

Страница 23: ...1 Reductionof last hem registered EXAMPLE TAG REDUCTION TENDER a DEPL1 5 00 0 25 CASH 10 25 b DEPr 2 6 00 0 50 OPERATION MODESWITCH 500c 2 5 8 600E 5 0 8 w 1 5 O 6 8 7 n n 1 i v v I J 5 C 0 1 0 25 6 0 0 2 0 5 0 10 25Cl Reduction amount Reduction amount Reductionamountentry is possibleup to 7 digits NOTE With the reductionoperation subtractionis not performedfor each departmenttotalizer TAG PREMIUM...

Страница 24: ...OPERATION MODESWITCH 300El E Gi7 a l LZ Eg RF F a f b l PressFffilwithout an amountentry This determines the cash amountdue for refund Refundsymbol Totalof cash refund 1 NOTE Alwaysbe sureto set the mode switch back to REGfrom RF beforeresumingnormaloperation 5 8 PAYMENT MEDIAOTHERTHAN CASH CharSe or Credit GardTendered EXAMPLE TAG TENDER u E t t 1 15 00 CREDTT 15 0O OPERANON MODESWITCH REG 1500 E...

Страница 25: ... 06 8 001 7 7 0 0 EXAMPLE PaidAmount s1 50 OPERATION MODESWITCH REG l2l2l2l2 B t Reference number canbe omitted 150 f Amountpaid This transaction is performed for cash with drawalsfrom the drawerfor store expenditures office deposits etc This operationcan not be performedduring a salestransaction Amount entry is possibleup to 8 digits Reference No 121 1212 15 06 87 s001 I 2 3 ...

Страница 26: ...mming 2 VAT ValueAdded Taxl COMPUTAilION EXAMPLE OPERATION Taxable amount Tax Taxable amount Tax MODESWITCH 300D REG f a Enterpriceand press applicable department Key b c r Appliespresettax percentages 10 and finalizes transaction 45 tEl 500D ii i lt ri T VATbreakdown printandtaxableamountprintare controlledby programming 15 06 87 s0025 3 0 0 1 4 5 0 5 0 0 1 12 50 Tl 1 2511 13 75Nl TAG TAXABLE a D...

Страница 27: ...d F Correction f Wrongpercentage f Void t Correction f Wrongentry f Void f Correction f Wrong entry f Void f Correction 15 06 87 s0051 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 i 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 5 x 2 O 0 A J 0 0 0 2 f 0 00ll0 1 5 x l U U o J 1 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 33 00SI 1 0 3 3 Q J J0ll0 33 00SI 1 5 4 9 5 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 00 2 0 0 l 0 0 2 0 J 0 8 5 l 8 8 5 8 85 I0 0 8 5 50 00 Cl t...

Страница 28: ...of the Z symbol if an overflowoccursin any one of the totalizers 15 06 8 0068 8_o MODE SWITCH 9t f 8 9 1 5 53 Consecutive No Readsymbol TotalNo of items Grosstotal TotalNo of customers Taxable amount Tax Cashsales count amount Chargesales count amount Received on account Paidout Reduction Premium Discount Voidcount Non sale count Refund count amount 251 73 CIS f_Casfrindrawer 2 Reading X MoDE Rese...

Страница 29: ...edin correctly ls the wall outlet beingusedin good condition o ls the walloutletsupplying power Checkby plugging in anotherappliance ls the modeswitch in the correctposition Hasthe mode switch positionbeenchangedduringregistration of a transaction Settingthe modeswitch to RF X or Z while registration is in progressgenerates an erroralarm Shouldthis occur returnto the previous registration modeand ...

Страница 30: ...rtmentcoverin place whitearrow using a Phillips head screwdriver Fig 1 Next slidethe power protectionbatterycompartment coverin the directionindicatedby the blackarrow and removeit from the ECR Fig 1 3 Connectthe batteryconnectorto the batteryandloadthe batteryintothe ECRas shownin Fig 2 NOTE The batterymust be loadedinto the ECRwith the connectioncord in the positionnotedin Fig 3 4 Replace the po...

Страница 31: ...EADAND RESET Automaticread All transactiontotals and numbers Financial data Automaticreset All transactiontotals and numbers POWER SOURCE AC 100 117 22O 23O or 24OY 1 1Oolo Fixed POWERCONSUMPflON 6 2W on standby 12W max AMBIENTTEMPERATURE ooc 400c HUM D TY 10 90 DIMENSIONS 235 5 mm H x 325 mm Wlx 425 mm D including S drawer 251 mm Hlx41Omm W x 450 mm D including M drawer WEIGHT 4 8 kg includingS d...

Страница 32: ...EADAND RESET Automaticread All transactiontotals and numbers Financial data Automaticreset All transactiontotals and numbers POWER SOURCE AC 100 117 22O 23O or 24OY 1 1Oolo Fixed POWERCONSUMPflON 6 2W on standby 12W max AMBIENTTEMPERATURE ooc 400c HUM D TY 10 90 DIMENSIONS 235 5 mm H x 325 mm Wlx 425 mm D including S drawer 251 mm Hlx41Omm W x 450 mm D including M drawer WEIGHT 4 8 kg includingS d...
