Wireless Remote Room Sensor
Wireless Receiver
Installation and Operating Instructions
Read the entire instruction manual before starting the
installation. Leave this instruction with homeowner.
This instruction covers the installation of a Wireless Remote Room
Sensor Part No. ZONECC0WRS01 and Wireless Receiver Part
The Wireless Sensors and Receiver are designed to allow zone
temperature sensors to be installed without wiring. The battery-
operated sensor is a miniature radio transmitter which sends
temperature information to the Receiver. The Receiver passes this
information to the Comfort Zone II Equipment Controller. Each
zone transmits its temperature data at least once every 5 minutes.
While temperature is changing, it transmits as often as once per
An installation requires 1 sensor for each wireless zone and a
single Receiver. From 1 to 8 wireless sensors can be used,
allowing any zone to be wireless.
A small screwdriver with blade no wider than 3/32 in. will be
needed to attach wires to the receiver. Be sure to have this
available at the installation site.
Wireless sensors are useful when it is difficult to route wires to a
zone, or when a sensor may need to be moved to accommodate
changes in a room layout or usage.
The sensor battery is designed to last at least 3 years and
replacement batteries are available from local sources.
Read and follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Follow all
local electrical codes during installation. All wiring must conform
to local and national electrical codes. Improper wiring or installa-
tion may damage receiver.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety-alert symbol
When you see this symbol on the equipment and in the instruction
manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, and CAU-
TION. These words are used with the safety-alert symbol. DAN-
GER identifies the most serious hazards which
result in severe
personal injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards which
result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to
identify unsafe practices which
result in minor personal
injury or product and property damage.
Step 1—Location and Installation of Wireless Receiver
The Wireless Receiver and Wireless Remote Room Sensor both
use the same plastic case. The Receiver will be in the envelope
marked ZONECC0WRC01. Remove its cover by squeezing top
and bottom raised ridges and pulling 2 halves apart. The Receiver
has a 5-terminal connector; the sensor has a battery.
Find a location for Wireless Receiver near Equipment Controller
so that wiring between them will be no longer than 10 ft and
routing of wires between them will be easy. Do not mount
Receiver on air handler plenum or any other metal surface. Mount
it so that coiled part of antenna (visible with cover removed) is
For ease of mounting, you may snap the circuit board out of the
plastic base. Use the 2 smaller oval holes in plastic base to mark
screw location on mounting surface. Note that wiring is intended
to exit through large oval hole in lower right of mounting base. A
path or hole in mounting surface will need to be provided for wires
to exit. Drill two 3/16-in. holes in mounting surface and mount
base using screws and anchors provided.
Before installing sensor, turn off all power to unit. There may
be more than 1 power disconnect. Electrical shock can cause
personal injury or death.
First turn OFF all power to zoning system. Using any 4-conductor
wire, connect Receiver to Equipment Controller as indicated in
Fig. 1. Mount Receiver into its base and route wires neatly. Do not
attach the cover yet.
Step 2—Location and Installation of Wireless Sensors
The Wireless Sensor is in a bag marked ZONECC0WRS01. There
may be several sensors in 1 installation.
Wireless Sensors should be located in the same manner as any
thermostat. Review Comfort Zone II Installation Instructions for
details. Once a location is determined, the sensor circuit board may
be removed from mounting plastic for ease of mounting or to bring
it closer to the Receiver for the configuration process described
When a zone has a Wireless Sensor, the wired Remote Sensor must
be disconnected from the Equipment Controller. If it is left
connected, the system will not respond to Wireless Sensor. When
a Wireless Sensor is to be used in zone 1, the temperature sensor
in the User Interface must be cut. Open User Interface and locate
glass sensor element in lower right corner. Using pliers or scissors,
cut 1 wire and bend sensor so contact will not be made. This saves
sensor element should it ever be used again. Refer to Zoning
Installation Instructions.
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Book 1 1 4 4
Tab 3a 5a 2a 5a
PC 101
Catalog No. 809-590
Printed in U.S.A.
Pg 1
Replaces: New