Units with Aquazone Deluxe D Control
The compressor will be off. The Fan Enable, Fan Speed, and re
versing valve (RV) relays will be on if inputs are present.
NOTE: DIP switch 5 on S1 does not have an effect upon Fan 1
and Fan 2 outputs.
In Heating Stage 1 mode, the Fan Enable and Compressor relays
are turned on immediately. Once the demand is removed, the re
lays are turned off and the control reverts to Standby mode.
In Emergency Heat mode, the Fan Enable and Fan Speed relays
are turned on. The EH1 output is turned on immediately.
In Cooling Stage 2 mode, the Fan Enable, compressor and RV re
lays remain on. The Fan Speed relay is turned on immediately and
turned off immediately once the Cooling Stage 2 demand is re
moved. The control reverts to Cooling Stage 1 when the thermo
stat removes all Y2 call.
Retry Mode
In Retry mode, the staus LED will flash the code for the corre
sponding fault. If the fault clears and the thermostat call (Y) is still
present the Complete C or Deluxe D control will run the compres
sor once the ASC (anti-short cycle) timer has expired and will try
to satisfy the call. If the call is satisfied, the unit will resume its
normal operation.
If 2 or 4 consecutive faults occur (depending on the DIP switch
setting) within 1 hour, the controller will lock the compressor op
eration out and will flash the alarm code on the status LED as well
as alarm dry contact output. When the Complete C or Deluxe D
control enters lockout mode, the alarm will also be shown on the
panel mounted LED.
Units with WSHP Open Controls with UPM Board
Units with WSHP Open still feature a UPM board (see Fig. 32) for
unit operation, so the operation will be similar to the sequence for
the Complete C and Deluxe D package. WSHP Open does feature
advanced functionality, such as automatic fan speed control and
intelligent alarming, which will differ from the Complete C and
Deluxe D packages. Below is an overview of the different features
for the WSHP Open controls. For more details of the WHSP Open
operation, please refer to the WSHP Open Integration Guide and
the WSHP Points/Properties Manual.
The control will operate 1 or 2 stages of compression to maintain
the desired cooling setpoint. To improve dehumidification and re
duce noise, the control operates the fan at the lowest speed possi
ble to satisfy the load conditions. If cooling is active and should
the SAT approach the minimum SAT limit, the fan will be indexed
to the next higher speed. Should this be insufficient and if the SAT
falls further (equal to the minimum SAT limit), the fan will be in
dexed to the maximum speed. If the SAT still continues to fall 5
degrees below the minimum SAT limit, all cooling stages will be
During Cooling, the reversing valve output will be held in the
cooling position (either B or O type as configured) even after the
compressor is stopped. The valve will not switch position until the
opposite mode is required.
The control will operate 1 or 2 stages of compression to maintain
the desired heating setpoint. To reduce noise, the control operates
the fan at the lowest speed possible. If the heating is active and
should the SAT approach the maximum SAT limit, the fan will be
indexed to the next higher speed. Should this be insufficient, then
if the SAT rises further and reaches the Maximum Heating SAT
limit, the fan will be indexed to the maximum speed. If the SAT
still continues to rise 5°F above the maximum limit, all heating
stages will be disabled.
During Heating, the reversing valve output will be held in the
heating position (either B or O type as configured) even after the
compressor is stopped. The valve will not switch position until the
opposite mode is required.
The control can be configured to operate a two-position ventila
tion damper to provide the minimum ventilation requirements
during occupied periods.
The control can be configured to operate a modulating ventilation
damper during occupied periods that responds to changing CO
levels from an optional sensor. The control monitors the CO
and compares it to the configured setpoints and adjusts the ventila
tion rate as required. The control provides proportional ventilation
to meet the requirements of ASHRAE specifications by providing
a base ventilation rate and then increasing the rate as the CO
increases. The control has 3 user adjustable setpoints; start ventila
tion, maximum ventilation, and maximum damper position. The
control will begin to proportionally increase ventilation when the
level rises above the start ventilation setpoint and will reach
the full ventilation rate (maximum damper position) when the
level is at or above the maximum setpoint. A user configu
rable minimum damper position insures that proper base ventila
tion is delivered when occupants are not present.
The control can modulate a hot water or steam valve connected to
a coil on the discharge side of the unit and supplied by a boiler in
order to maintain the desired heating setpoint should the compres
sor capacity be insufficient or a compressor failure occurs. Unless
the compressor fails, the valve will only operate to supplement the
heat provided by the compressor if the space temperature falls 2
degrees or more below the desired heating setpoint. The valve will
be controlled so the SAT will not exceed the Maximum Heating
SAT limit.
The control can operate a two-position, NO or NC, hot water or
steam valve connected to a coil on the discharge side of the unit
and supplied by a boiler in order to maintain the desired heating
setpoint should the compressor capacity be insufficient or a com
pressor failure occurs. Unless the compressor fails, the valve will
only open to supplement the heat provided by the compressor if
the space temperature falls 2 degrees or more below the desired
heating setpoint. The valve will be controlled so the SAT will not
exceed the Maximum Heating SAT limit and subject to a 2 minute
minimum OFF time to prevent excessive valve cycling.
Содержание Aquazone 50HQP 072
Страница 23: ...23 Fig 20 Single Phase with WSHP Open ...
Страница 26: ...26 Fig 23 3 Phase with WSHP Open ...
Страница 28: ...28 Fig 25 3 Phase Deluxe D Control Package with 1 Speed VFD and Hot Gas Reheat ...
Страница 29: ...29 Fig 26 3 Phase with WSHP Open Hot Gas Reheat Water Economizer and SAVTM ...
Страница 31: ...31 Fig 28 WSHP Open W2A Wiring Diagram ...
Страница 42: ...42 Fig 32 WSHP Open Controls with UPM Board ...