ULW Czech, s.r.o.
V Ráji 34, Praha 9
Hostavice, 198 00, CZ, IČO: 28256212, DIČ: CZ28256212
you use electrically
it can cause short-circuit between the
charging pins, if applied in excessive amounts;
All rubber and plastic parts and charging harness are considered a consumable
replace as necessary to retain proper function. All those items are available as
spare parts.
Power source
The power source included with the Holder contains 1 set of input wires and 2
connectors on the output. The output connectors may be connected to the Holder
and M8 charging cable simultaneously:
M8 charging cable
must NOT be connected to a second power source
, when
charging the Device from both the Holder and M8 charging connector, or it will
damage or destroy the Device.
The power source requires direct current (DC) input with voltage exceeding 13,1V.
That is the voltage level a modern motorcycle or a car provides (exceeds) with
engine running,
if it’s
alternator is functioning correctly
The power source will switch-off automatically when the input voltage drops
below 12,9V to conserve you
r vehicle’s battery.