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Updated 9/20/2013
Carlson Software Inc.
Carlson Software Inc.
Carlson Software Inc.
Carlson Software Inc.
102 West 2
Maysville, KY 41056
Phone: (606) 564-5028
Fax: (606) 564-6422
Using The Internal Modem on the Viva CS15
Install The Internet Connection Manager
This is a simple utility distributed by Leica to allow the user to setup and use the internal modem
on the CS10/CS15.
1) Download the Internet Connection Manager utility here:
2) Copy the cab file to the data collector, and double tap to complete the install.
Create a BT Pan Connection
RTK corrections will be sent to the GS15 over a Bluetooth PAN connection, which is different
from the Bluetooth connection that may be used and managed by SurvCE for communication.
The current version of SurvCE does not support setting up this BT PAN, so this step must be
performed prior to running SurvCE.
1) From the main Windows screen on the CS15, press the home button (the little house) to
bring up the start menu.
2) Choose Settings->Control Panel, and then open Bluetooth Device Properties
3) Press the
Scan Devices
button to search for
available devices. The GS15 Bluetooth will
be found three times, with three icons beside it.
The PAN Icon looks like a tiny GPS receiver
(NOT the blue ActiveSync icon and NOT the
gray Printer icon).
4) Tap to Highlight the
Pan Icon and press the
button to move it to the Trusted side
5) Tap YES when prompted “Do you need to Authenticate device?”
6) Enter in 0000 for the “Enter Pin:” prompt and tap OK
7) Under the Trusted column = tap on this new
entry then tap “Active”
8) tap OK in the upper right to close the Bluetooth
9) Confirm that the PAN connection is active-- the
blue LED on the CS15 and the GS15 will both
turn blue