Kirchenbankstrahler Montage 01/15 - 1/4
"carlo" Loysch GmbH, 3390 Melk,
Pielacher Straße 50, Austria
Tel. +43 (0) 27 52 / 529 11
Fax +43 (0) 27 52 / 529 11 21
[email protected], www.carlo.at
"carlo" infrared pew radiators are intended solely for horizontal installation
underneath the seats of benches and church pews which are secured into
place (or which are heavier than 18 kg). They are fixed heaters for dry areas.
Children younger than 3 years of age must be kept away unless under supervision at all times. Children between
3 and 8 years of age may only switch the device on and off when under supervision or have been told about
safe usage of the device, and when they have understood the resultant risks (with the proviso that the devices
are positioned or installed in their normal places of use). Children between 3 and 8 years of age may not insert
the plug into the socket, regulate the device, clean the device or carry out user maintenance.
Caution – some parts of the products can become very hot and cause burns. Special caution must be exer-
cised when children and others in need of protection are present.
WARNING: These devices are not fitted with a room temperature controller. The heaters may not be used in
small rooms where there are people who are unable to leave the room by themselves (unless continual moni-
toring is guaranteed).
These devices have an integrated, automatically resetting protection temperature restrictor which switches off
when the devices become too hot. Once the housing has cooled sufficiently, switching back on is automatic.
Nevertheless, ensure that "carlo" infrared pew radiators are not covered and heat dissipation is unhindered (in
order to prevent heat accumulation). Do not poke anything into the devices as this poses a risk of accidents and
damage to the devices.
Note: When paints, solvents, adhesives or the like are used in a heated room, producing vapour which can
ignite due to the temperature of the heating element (approx. 190°C), such as when the wooden pedestal is
sealed, it is important to ensure that the "carlo" infrared pew radiators are switched off and cooled down to
room temperature.
"carlo" infrared pew radiators are so-called "dark radiators". A special non-breakable, coated heating element
with high radiation capacity generates mild, long-wave infrared radiation heat.
"carlo" infrared pew radiators reach their nominal heat output after a heat-up phase of about 15 minutes.
Switching on the heaters at least 15 minutes before services start is therefore recommended. "carlo" infrared
pew radiators can be operated with time controllers, room thermostats, power regulator devices, etc. This
ensures that the heating system is always switched off after services (preventing unwanted usage and so kee-
ping energy bills down). Changing the power output to the ideal level is also possible during services.
Only specialist electricians may establish the electrical connection. Please read and follow the instructions and
recommendations in Sections 1 - 7 carefully.
Voltage supply: 230 V 50 Hz
Subject to technical changes without prior notice. Typesetting and printing errors excepted.