Ground Control Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Computer Audio Design Ground Control.
The Ground Control is designed to reduce high frequency noise in audio systems.
The Ground Control is a passive device; it does not require power to function.
Each Ground Control contains a laminate structure of specialised materials which are designed to reduce high
frequency noise in your audio system by absorbing and converting this noise into heat.
There is no internal isolation inside the Ground Controls. The two sockets on the GC1 and the six sockets on the
GC3 are internally connected. If you make more than one connection with a Ground Control those two or
more connections will be joined together inside the Ground Control.
Power Amplifiers
Do not attach Ground Controls to the output of an audio power amplifier. Connecting the output of a power
amplifier to a Ground Control incorrectly can possibly damage the amplifier.
Our results have shown that better sonic results are obtained by connecting Ground Controls to source
components, preamplifiers or the inputs of a power amplifier.
Ground Control Cables
We supply a range of cables to connect the Ground Control to your audio components.
Each cable has a 4mm banana plug at one end to attach to the Ground Control and a range of terminations at
the other to connect to the audio component. Our standard terminations are RCA, USB, XLR, Spade and 4mm
banana. Other terminations can be done on request
In each cable, the only connection inside is to the Signal Ground on the termination connector.
Connecting Ground Controls to Audio Components
Start by using one Ground Control on one audio device. Put the 4mm banana end into the GC and put the
other end into an unused socket on the audio device.
We recommend you start by connecting a single Ground Control
to a digital audio source such as:
Audio Server, CD & SACD player, DAC, Digital Preamplifier, integrated music player and any product that
contains Class D switch mode technology. Connect to an unused digital connection like USB or SPDIF (RCA) if
possible. A Ground Control can be connected to the input or output side of source components, you should try
both to see which sounds best. If you have no digital components connect the GC1 to your phono preamplifier.
A Ground Control can be connected to the input or output side of pre-amplifiers. Take care with integrated
amplifiers / players that you do not connect to the output of the power amplifier side of the device. If in doubt
contact your dealer or CAD to discuss your system.
The GC1 has two sockets. You can connect a GC1 to one device or you can also connect two different
components (for example, a CD player and a preamp) to the same GC1. Try to connect a single Ground Control
to both the digital source component and the input of the preamplifier using a second Ground Control cable.