A World Of Color For Your Mac.
It prints. It faxes. It copies. It scans. All in spectacular
color and with just a phone line and a USB connection.
It’s the innovative MultiPASS C545 multifunction printer
(MFP)—the sleek, compact machine that brings a
world of colorful performance to your home office.
Four office machines in one.
Now add more capability to your Mac
with the
space-saving C545 MFP. Set up in seconds and print
crisp black reports, letters and proposals at approxi-
mately 5 ppm.* Or print in vibrant, 720 x 360 dpi
color—perfect for photos and business graphics. Make
dazzling color copies, send and receive plain-paper
color faxes without even turning on your Mac. And put
600 dpi scanning at your fingertips using the
convenient one-touch scanning button.
All the powerful software you need.
The C545 MFP comes complete with Canon Creative For
Your Mac. This software suite includes Canon Photo,
Pro and OfficeReady
CC to help you get
the most from your new multifunction printer, so you
can easily integrate scanned text into word-processing
documents, manipulate and enhance photos and create
dynamic Web pages. And the new point-and-click tool-
bar gives you control of its many functions—such as
automatically scanning photos and converting scanned
documents to text for easy editing.
P r i n t , f a x , c o p y, s c a n —
a l l f r o m o n e m a c h i n e
F a s t b l a c k a n d p h o t o -
r e a l i s t i c c o l o r p r i n t i n g
S t a n d - a l o n e
C O L O R f a x i n g
a n d c o p y i n g
Color Bubble Jet
The Most Versatile Partner For Your Macintosh
S c a n n i n g b u t t o n f o r
s i m p l e o n e - t o u c h
o p e r a t i o n
A m a z i n g l y
s m a l l f o o t p r i n t
*With optional BC-20 Black BJ