Technology > MEAP > Installing an MEAP Application > Procedure to install applications
Technology > MEAP > Installing an MEAP Application > Procedure to install applications
Installing an MEAP Application
From the MEAP application installation screen, you can install the MEAP application as well
as the license file.
Before installing the MEAP application, be sure to check the following items.
Device compatibility with the MEAP application
To find out whether the device is compatible with the MEAP application, check the devices
supported by the MEAP application. Depending on the application, the device's firmware may
require version upgrade.
Resources availability (remaining amount)
The necessary resources (free storage space and free memory available) must be secured
for an MEAP application to run; otherwise, you cannot install the MEAP application.
To check the resource information, see "Device's resources," on p. 2-34. in this manual.
Procedure to install applications
1) Long on to SMS.
2) Click [ Install MEAP Application ] on the menu.
3) Check [ Install MEAP Application/License ]page appears.
4) Click [ Browse.. ] button, and select the application file and the license file of the application;
then, click [ Install ] button.
Application File: identified by the extension “jar”.
License File: identified by the extension “lic”.