ecifying th
e Netw
k Settings
Select [Obtain an IP Address Automatically], and specify the setting method for the machine IP address.
To use [Use DHCP], [Use BOOTP], and [Use RARP] for the IP address setting, select [On].
If selecting [Off] for [Use DHCP], [Use BOOTP], and [Use RARP], the machine does not check the protocols.
If neither DHCP, BOOTP, nor RARP can be used, the IP address specified in [IP Address] is allocated.
For this machine, in addition to direct allocation of the IP address to the machine, you can use DHCP,
BOOTP, or RARP to specify the IP address. When the machine is started or reset, it checks whether
DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP is being used, and then allocates the IP address using the first available setting
Checking whether DHCP, BOOTP or RARP can be used takes about 1 to 2 minutes; it is recommended
you set unused protocols to <Off>.
Depending on whether you use DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP to allocate the IP address, you need to start the
DHCP server, BOOTP daemon, or RARP daemon.
Specify [IP Address], [Subnet Mask], and [Gateway Address].
In [IP Address], enter the machine’s IP address. In [Subnet Mask] and [Gateway Address], enter the subnet mask
and gateway address used by the TCP/IP network.
If you are using DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP, some of the items above are not used. The values obtained
from DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP are used.
Select <Auto Detect> or <Manual Detect> for [Ethernet Driver Settings].
If you want to specify the ethernet driver settings automatically, select <Auto Detect>. To specify the settings
manually, select <Manual Detect>.
You can specify the communication mode and ethernet type from [Communication Type] and [Ethernet Type]
when <Manual Detect> selected.
Specify the protocol settings for printing.
To use [Use Raw Print] or [Use LPD Print], select [On].
Click [OK].
The settings become valid after you restart the machine.
The protocol settings are complete.
Setting Up a Computer for Printing
After you have completed the protocol settings of the machine, you are ready to set up each of the
computers for printing.
Connecting to a TCP/IP Network
All computers that use the printer must have TCP/IP client software installed and must be enabled for TCP/IP
network use. For details, see the manuals provided with the operating system.
Installing the Printer Driver and Specifying the Printer Destination Setting
To print from a computer, you must install a printer driver and specify a setting for the printer destination. The printer
destination setting differs depending on the print protocol used for printing. Use the following information as a guide
to determine the print protocol you are using, and then perform the necessary operations.