“Clients rely
on me.”
Javanese travel agent Budi Ansyah caters to a demanding
clientele in a demanding environment. To guarantee that
they’re all on the same page, he depends on a FAX-JX500.
“This business is time sensitive. When I confirm a booking
to a busy hotel, I need to know it’s right there in their hands.
The fax machine regularly saves the day for me and my guests.”
Canon’s Unique
All-in-One cartridge
Every Canon Laser Printing Product features the ground-breaking All-in-One cartridge.
Completely recyclable. Simply replace the convenient All-in-One cartridge, containing
toner and all essential parts, and your laser printing machine is as good as new.
There’s no mess, no hassle – just continuous high quality output every time you need it.
UHQ (Ultra High Quality)
When faxing with yesterday’s technology, graphics and photos can be rendered unviewable.
This is because traditional fax machines cannot differentiate shades of grey. To solve this
problem, Canon introduced Ultra High Quality (UHQ) Imaging Technology. Halftone
reproduction up to 256 shades of grey and an Edge Enhancement feature detect gradual
changes in image density for high clarity results. With Canon, the true meaning of the word
facsimile is restored.
Fax Technology