Canon F-792SG Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание F-792SG

Страница 1: ... 40 P 45_46 V Disp Hili t iIH F xsc L NE FMLA r DsP s E Status Indicators EN Shift key A Alpha key M Independent Memory STO Store Memory RCL Recall Memory STAT 1 Var 2 Var StatisticsMode CPLX ComplexNumberCalculationMode MATX Matrix CalculationMode VCTR Vector CalculationMode EQN EquationCalculationMode lJ Degree Mode B Radian Mode E GradientMode FIX Fixed decimalSetting SCI ScientificNotation LIN...

Страница 2: ...isplaycontrast Press to lightenthe displaycontrast PressIcnI or Iorv I to confirmand clearthe screen I Toinitialize the LCDcontrast pr r Pl 5 E E lcn I outsidethe Display Contrast Adjustment screen I PressFml to enterthe Calculation ModeSelection screen I PressO I e for next previouspages 1l1 11 l The Apps menu contains mathematicalfunctions In each CalculatlonMode the listed functions are differe...

Страница 3: ...ion mode COMp STAT TABLE disptay formatssetting andangleunitsetting Deg Rad Gra I Retu_rn to Initial Setup Press flb E ffEs cn to returnthe initial carcutator setup Calculation Mode COMp lnpuUOutput Format Maths AngleUnit Deo DisplayDigits Noim 1 FractionDisplayFormat dlc StatisticalData Input OFF DecimalPointFormat Dot Thisactionwillnotclearthevariable memories lJte_st Norm ily one byte ii used i...

Страница 4: ...n intohultipleparts and calculateseparately 3 lf partof the expressionyou inputis cut off after calculation and inthe resultdisplayscreen youcan press or Q to viewthe fullexpiession 3 lnsertion 889900 2889900 Line Maths mode Insert mode otimes 1234567 1889900 a 1234567 21889900 brputRange stnx DEG 0 lxl 9x10s RAD 0 lxl 157079632 7 GRA 0 lxl 1x10to cosx DEG 0 lxl 9xlQ s RAD 0 fxf 157079632 1 GRA 0 ...

Страница 5: in the range of l 10n10 a5b 1 10n10 i w ffi i s igw Thiscalculator willautomatically determine the operation priorityof each individual commandas follows Errorsare cumulativein the caseof consecutive calculations this is alsotrue as internalconsecutive calculations are performedin the caseof n xv x y 3 x nPr nCr etc and maybecomelarge I Displayof ResultsUsing f Calculation resultsmaybe displaye...

Страница 6: ...on Dividethe calculationinto two or more separate oarts The capacityof the numeric stackor ooeratorstackis exceeded the cursorat the location of the error make appropriateconections Nanow the table calculationrangeby changingthe start end and step values and try agarn The calculationresultof FunctionTablemode parameterscausedmore than 30 x valuesto be generatedfor a table Press orQto oisplay the l...

Страница 7: ...fractions f Mixed Fraciion display results are only availableafter selecting rf in the setup menu I Press lr ol to switch a calculationresult between fraction and decimal form t I Press9 ffi to switcha calculation resull imorooer fraction andmixedfraction format I Resultswill be displayedin decimalformat automatically wheneverthe total digitsof a fractionalvalue integer numerator denominator separ...

Страница 8: ...orl 4 Pressg to poweroff the machine I Multi statements Function Use a colon ri to put two or more calculationexpressions together The first executed statement will have Disp indicator and the Disp icon will disappear after the last statement is executed F 792SGA has total of 79 built inconstant values you can enter or exit the constant value selection menu by pressingg H the following display wil...

Страница 9: ...84x l0 1 m3 kg 1 s 2 40 Standard atmosohere atm 101325 Pa 41 Protong factor2po p 9p 5 58569471 3 rc n 2 t 0 2 l 001941 568x10 15 m 43 Planck length l mpc fic c3 1t2 rP 1 616199x10 35 m 44 Planck timetP c frG c5 1t2 rP 5 39106x lOaa 45 Planckmass hc 6 1ttz mp 2 17651xt0 8 Kg 46 Atomicmassconstant mu 1 660538921 x10 27 Kg 47 Electron volt e c J eV 1 602176565x10 1e 48 Molar Dlanck constant Nah 3 990...

Страница 10: ...settingis Degree press Pl tH to enterthe setupmenuto changethe unitto Radian or Gradient MATHEMATICS MODE c5 5 E lvr EgSrZE EEg dr O DEESb l t t l r t 0 6217559776 EgSEE EO OEg bEotuE EOEE l feet feet 1 m meter 1 mil milliliter 1 mm millimeter tn inch cm centimeter yo vard mile mile KM kilometer z ftz souare foot yd square yaro 2 square meler 2 milez square mile z kmz souare kilometer 2 hectares h...

Страница 11: ...number between 0 000 and 0 999 The display result will be in fractionformat in Maths mode 6 o Generate a random number between two specified positive integers The entry is divided by I LCM Calculate the least common multiple among maximum three positiveintegers I GCD Calculate the greatest common divisor among maximum three positiveintegers MATHEMATIGS MODE c5 g E Alpha 991 t l 0 g g E Ti t e rao ...

Страница 12: ... calculationor be stored into memory variables LINE MODE S ff E fll A Convert rectangular coordinates x y to polar coordinates r 0 PresslTcLl jforr orlRcrld for0 MATHEMATICS MODE c5 g E Pq tri Convert polarcoordinates r g to rectanqular coordinates x y Press d forx or d fory LINE MODE g ig E I With polar coordinates you can calculateand Display 0 within the range of 180o e 180o Same as Radian and ...

Страница 13: ...o enterBase nmode I Dedma l base10 hexadecimal base16 binary base2 octal base8 or logicalcalculations I io selecta specificnumbersystemin base mo de simplypress c5Decimal ioeCl c5 Hexadecimal IHEXI Eji Binary BlN or fioctallocTl I F resslS to performlogicalcalculationsincluding Logic conneition and or exclusiveor Xor exclusivenor Xnor argumentcomplement Not and negation Neg f lf tle binaryor octal...

Страница 14: ...ut 40 80 2 Variable x y input 26 40 lnput expressionand display result values in the Statistical Data lnput screen are in Line mode same as Comp mode with Line mode status After inputtingthe dat6 press l to store the value into statisticalregistersand display the value max 6 digits in the cell You can press the cursor key to move the cursor between each cell I Replacing the Data in a Cell 1 In the...

Страница 15: ...mation of all y value fv g E E Summationof xy pairs fxv 5 E Summation of allx3 value rx3 g E E Summationof all x2y pairs Z zy 5 E E Summationof all x4 pairs Zxa 5 E E S VAR 1 2 variable STAT Number of data samole C5EE Mean of the x values X g E E Population standarddeviationofx Xon CSEE Sample Standard deviation of x xoh 1 5 E E 2 variable STAT only Mean of the y values v ECl Population standard d...

Страница 16: lJi6 p J l3r3il3 rE EHH I SimultaneousLinearEquations Simultaneous LinearEquations withTwoUnknowns a t x b t Y C t a2x b2y Q2 Simultaneous Linear Equations with Three Unknowns A1X blY CtZ d t A 2X b2Y Cz Z dz a 3 x b 3 Y C s Z d s SimultaneousLinearEquationswith Four Unknowns a1w b1x cry d1Z El a2W b2x czy d2Z a2 a 3 w b 3 x c e y d 3 Z e 3 a4w b4X a c Y daZ A4 l 2 unknow EQN Simultaneous Linea...

Страница 17: ... store a single calculationexpressionwhich can be recalled and calculateda number of times with different values I After inputtingthe calculationexpressionand pressingJcarcl the calculatorwill request for the current value of your inpul variables f CALC function can only be used in COMp mode or GpLX mode findthe conevolumeusingthisformula y lncn x a c T Replacethe variable V withX vjriable I I b e...

Страница 18: ...ctionscannotjoin to integration calculations I Beforestartingmatrixcalculations you haveto createone matrix or a maximumof four matricesnamedA B C and D at onetime The matrixdimension can be uo to 4x4 I The mahixcalculation resultsarestoredintothe MatAnsmemory automatically Youcan usethe matrixMatAnsmemoryfor any subseouent matrixcalculations Creating a Matrix I Press 7 to enter Matrixmode Press c...

Страница 19: ... tr E r Adjoint of Matrix E x a m p t e A j o i n t M a t r i x A f 2 3 l E t l Resurt li l LINE MODE S tr E I Transpose a Matrix Example I Invert a Matrix Ia Example InvertingMatrixC 3 Resutt foruzasn z l 0 o71428571 LINE MODE 85 E zl 6 J 0 04761e047 l o 19047619 r ldentity of Matrix Exampte tdentityof Matr r l l LINE MODE c5 g E L I N E M O D E g g E EEEE EE EEEEE EEE EE 5E EEO E E E E E E E E E...

Страница 20: ... Editing Vector Elements I Press f5 fz loata thenspecifythe matrixA B C or D for editing andthe corresponding vectorelementindicator will be displayed I Inputthe newvalueand pressf l to confirmthe edit I Presslcl I to exitthe vectoreditingscreen I Vector Addition and Subtraction Example VectorA 9 5 Vectorg 7 3 VectorA Vector B LINEMODE S g E An error occursif you try to add or subtractvectorswhose...

Страница 21: ...f 3 j orf4 I to setectthe inequality symboltypeand orientation I Usethe Coefficient Editorthatappearsto inputcoefficient values To solve x2 2x 3 0 for example inputthe coefiicientsa 1 b 2 c 3 bypr essing 1f 12 E 3E Example x2 2x 3 0 MATHEMATICS MODE g g E I The following operations are not supportedby the Coefiicient Editor Irill g t g pot Recand multi statements alsocannotbe inputwiththe Coeffici...

Страница 22: ...ue Pol Rec Q S ft r functions cannot be used in the Function Input screen The FunctionTableCalculation will changethe X_variable 3 Input the start end step information Input the value press I to confirm on the following screens The input expressionand display result value in following screens are in Line mode status There is a maximum of 30 x values in the function table generation lnsuffcient Eno...

Страница 23: ...ering the Formula Selection Menu 1 Inputthe numberof that formula 2 Press g S 3 Press E toconfirm 2 Input the Value for Each VariableScreen Press lE to confirm the input value Only numeric values and pre stored memories to recall by Incrl memory variable can be used as the input of the formula 3 Exit Formula Calculation Before a formula is confirmed Press fdi l5 to exit formula selection menu and ...

Страница 24: ...ion Neverleavea deadbatteryin the calculatoras the dead batterymay leakand causedamageto the calculator Continueduseof the calculatorin the low battery conditionmay resultin improperoperationor the stored memorymay be corruptedor lostcompletely Keepthe writtenrecordsof importantdataall the time and replacethe batteryas soonas possible PowerSupply SingteLithiumbattery CR2032 x 1 PowerConsumption DC...
