Working with Clips on a Computer
Working with Clips on a Computer
Canon offers software applications as free downloads that allow you to save XF-AVC clips recorded with the
camera on a computer, develop RAW clips, and more.
Saving Clips to a Computer
You can use Canon XF Utility to save and organize clips on a computer and the Canon XF plugins to easily use
the clips directly from major non-linear editing (NLE) applications. The software and plugins are available as free
downloads from your local Canon Web site. Check the download page for the system requirements and the
latest information about the software and supported non-linear editing (NLE) applications.
You will find detailed instructions about installing and uninstalling the software in the “Read This First” PDF file
included in the compressed file you will download from the Web site. For details about using the software, refer
to the instruction manual (PDF file) that is installed with the software.
Canon XF Utility: Software application that allows you to save clips on a computer, check, play back and
organize clips and grab still frames from clips. The software is available for Windows and Mac OS (OS X).
Canon XF Plugin for Avid Media Access: Plugin that allows you to easily import clips from a recording media or a
local folder in the computer to the compatible version of Avid Media Composer (an NLE application compatible
with Avid Media Access), directly from within the application. The plugin is available for the Windows and Mac
OS (OS X) versions of Avid Media Composer.
Canon XF Plugin for Final Cut Pro X: Plugin that allows you to easily transfer clips from a recording media or a
local folder in the computer to the compatible version of Apple’s Final Cut Pro X, directly from within the NLE
Developing RAW Clips
Use the Cinema RAW Development software to develop RAW clips recorded on an external recorder connected
to the camera’s SDI OUT terminals. After you develop the clips and export them to a full-quality standard file type
such as DPX, they will be ready for color grading. Alternatively, you can use the Canon RAW Plugin to easily use
RAW clips unaltered (in RAW format) directly from major non-linear editing (NLE) applications. The software and
plugin are available as free downloads from your local Canon Web site. Check the download page for the system
requirements and the latest information about the software and supported non-linear editing (NLE) applications.
You will find detailed instructions about installing and uninstalling the software in the “Read This First” PDF file
included in the compressed file you will download from the Web site. For details about using the software, refer
to the instruction manual (PDF file) that is installed with the software.
Cinema RAW Development: Software application that allows you to develop, play back and export RAW clips
that were recorded on an external recorder. The software is available for Windows and Mac OS (OS X).
Canon RAW Plugin for Avid Media Access: Plugin that allows you to easily import RAW clips from a storage
device or a local folder in the computer to the compatible version of Avid Media Composer (an NLE application
compatible with Avid Media Access), directly from within the application. The plugin is available for the Windows
and Mac OS (OS X) versions of Avid Media Composer.