: Setting the ISO Speed for Still Photos
If the ISO speed is set to [
], the
actual ISO speed setting will be
displayed in the viewfinder or on the
LCD monitor when you press the
shutter button halfway.
When [
] is set, the ISO speed is
indicated in whole-stop increments.
However, the ISO speed is actually
set in finer increments. Therefore, in
the image’s shooting information
(p.349), you may find an ISO speed
such as ISO 125 or ISO 640
displayed as the ISO speed.
Automatic ISO speed setting: ISO [AUTO]
Under [
4: Custom Functions (C.Fn)
], if [
4: Highlight tone priority
] is
set to [
], ISO 100 and “
” (equivalent to ISO 51200) cannot be
selected (p.367).
Shooting in high temperatures may result in images that look grainier.
Long exposures can also cause irregular colors in the image.
When you shoot at high ISO speeds, noise (such as dots of light and
banding) may become noticeable.
If you use a high ISO speed and flash to shoot a close subject,
overexposure may result.
When shooting in conditions that produce an extreme amount of noise,
such as a combination of high ISO speed, high temperature, and long
exposure, images may not be recorded properly.
As “
” (equivalent to ISO 51200) is an expanded ISO speed setting,
noise (dots of light, banding, etc.) and irregular colors will be more
noticeable, and the resolution will be lower compared to the standard