Lion Dance : Assembly Instructions
A lion dance is an important, traditional type of
dance performed at Chinese New Year, festivals,
wedding ceremonies, and other celebratory
occasions. The lion is said to repel evil and bring
good fortune, and is a popular icon in China Towns
around the world. In China, people of the same
nationality speak in different dialects depending on
the region they live in, and in the same way, the lion
dance also varies in different areas. Broadly
speaking, it can be divided into two styles: northern
and southern. The northern style is performed mainly
in areas in north China and features movements
based on martial arts. The southern style, performed
mainly in the south, is known for its acrobatic
dancing style. This paper craft model is based on the
southern style of lion dance, and has a main color
tone of red, which is said to be a lucky color.
Lion Dance
Assembly Instructions
Explanation of Symbols
Carefully cut out the parts.
Fold along the dotted lines, making mountain or valley folds as indicated.
Follow the order indicated in the instructional diagrams, and attach the
parts to assemble.
(Read the Explanation of Symbols for more information.)
Your paper craft model is finished!
Scissors, glue (We recommend craft glue.)
Keep scissors and glue away from small children.
Be careful not to cut your fingers when using scissors.
Fold the folding lines before gluing.
Mountain fold
Cut line
Valley fold
Numbered glue tabs
Glue the parts together in the order indicated
by the numbers.
Glue tabs with symbols and part names
These tabs are to be glued onto the matching parts,
which name is indicated on the tab.