SMART GUIDE: Shooting movies with the Canon 5D Mark II
Insert battery and turn camera on
Set shooting mode to CA ( Creative Auto )
LCD brightness set to Manual (4)
Set the date and time and the operating language
Video system must be NTSC for North American video
Sensor cleaning - enable auto cleaning
Enable Movie recording
select Live View/ Movie func. set
Movie Recording to Enable
Grid Display to off
AF Mode to Quick Mode
Movie Rec. Size to 1920 x 1080 (24)
Sound Recording to On.
increase the time for Auto Power off or turn it OFF.
format the CF card
Press the Live View button to the left of the viewfinder
Focus your subject with Auto Focus
set focus switch on lens to AF ( auto focus )
press and hold the AF-ON button to activate auto focus. hold this button until you see
one or more red lights on the dark screen. The image will reappear in focus.
Focus your subject with Manual Focus
Use the Magnify by 5X / 10X to “zoom” in on your subject.
Manually adjust the focus ring on the lens
Press the “Set” button of the back wheel to start and stop recording your movie.
The LCD Brightness setting is
d e s i g n e d t o m a ke t h e
camera adjust to the lighting
in your environment. This
can be problematic when
tr ying to make critical
exposure adjustments.
Therefore, it’s a good idea
to change this setting from
Auto to Manual and move
the adjustment slider to the
center setting, which is 4.
Live View
Select / Set
Movie Start / Stop
Multi Selector
Shooting Mode
Picture Style
Auto Focus